"The money is impossible to return to you. Because Pokémon's level has already been up." Father Ling Bai said carefully, "You have already earned it. Even if you have many people, it is useless. We It’s impossible to refund. Just let’s just say, how can we solve this matter."

Ling Bai sees more thoroughly, this matter is purely the other’s Torment. If it is really to be solved, it is relatively simple.

Just spend money to invite the water army to cover up the negative public opinion and guide the positive.

Although the money spent in this way is a lot, it is still within the acceptable range.

But the taint is there, and the performance will definitely decrease. This is also impossible. If you can make a major event smaller, with Ling Bai's age and experience, I don't mind swallowing this breath, it's a trivial matter.

When people are old, they cannot always pursue everything like they did when they were young. Gradually, Ling Bai has been smoothed out by reality.

I can't shout radical words like "Look at you".

"Of course there is a solution." Li Xiang said: "Only if you move out here, naturally there will be no negative comments. After all, you can move back anytime, right?"

"Where to move?" Xiao Huan couldn't help asking.

"Qinbei District." Li Xiang said: "As long as you move the headquarters of your Approaching Heaven Studio to Qinbei District, everything is easy to say."

"This..." Ling Bai Thinking about it, I found it completely unfeasible.

Xiao Huan took Ling Bai to the door to discuss. And Ling Huang stood with his fists clenched across the door.

He Rage like never before.

The journey of the game is smooth, and there are no more than 10 Top Rank Players known to Ling Huang. Generally speaking, everyone is busy challenging Gym, fighting monsters and upgrading, and there is no hesitation.

However, Ling Huang overlooked one thing, his circle.

When reduced to the circle of ordinary Player, he saw the ugly side of these people. Even my parents are so oppressed.

"Oh." Ling Huang considered whether he should rush in directly.

“lucha ”

Hawlucha appears next to him. The smaller Hawlucha is most suitable for giving pain in crowds.


Hawlucha expresses his Rage to Ling Huang. Although I haven't met Ling Huang's parents, their wedding photos are still hanging in the living room, which is very intimate.

"As long as they don't take off the AR Wristband, it will be fine." Ling Huang said.

"lucha" Hawlucha nodded.

"Fanlong studio in Qinbei District is the only one. If you go there, you will definitely be suppressed by the local tyrant. And the original source of customers is not loyal. As long as you change places, your performance will definitely decline. Not surprising," Xiao Huan said.

"But what else?" Ling Bai said.

"We can only bargain."

"Will they give us room for bargaining?" Ling Bai said more realistically.

"I don’t know, I have to try it. Oh, I hope I don’t affect the family. Ling Huang is over 20, so I have to save some money to marry a wife and have children. It’s him, although there is a Lairon, But it's still hard to save money in this way." Xiao Huan shook his head and said.

Ling Huang doesn't know what he is thinking, his eyes are sour.

At this time, a sports car stopped outside the door, next to the old SUV. The fashionable young man on the sports car walked down and when he passed Ling Huang, he felt that Ling Huang was a little familiar.

"What are you doing here?"

"Guardian." Ling Huang said casually, but his heart was cold.

This person is Yin Fan.

"Guardian." Yin Fan secretly thought: "I should have been a doorman before. I happened to see it."

He went straight in without saying a word, and suddenly Ling Huang Flash, Ling Huang's face instantly overlapped with those emoticons.

"Fuck that is Ling Huang!"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Ling Huang's indifferent face.

"haha, Ling Huang." Yin Wen did not dare to neglect, "I confessed my mistake before, sorry."

"hehe, it's okay." Ling Huang said, "you just need to bring Those who get on you, just get out of here."

The reason why he didn’t come out before was because his identity worked, but these people were obviously headless. Even if they recognize Ling Huang, that many adult men, just Self-esteem can't survive.

And if their boss Yin Wen was there, it would be different.

"Uh...it's not good. We are doing business today. It's impossible if you call it." Yin Wen didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Ling Huang.

He heard that Li Taiyi and Shi Mo were directly expelled from the forum after they were defeated by Ling Huang for swearing a few words! Wang Yeyu, who was relatively unexcessive, was in peace.

In this state, if you dare to offend Ling Huang, that's a real fool.

And Ling Huang is also aware of this point, and dare to be so impudent. In fact, he has been unable to expel Player from the forum in a short time.

But this is forced, must pretend!

"Get out right now, this is my home. Blocked in my home, and threatened my family...hehe." Ling Huang ice-cold saying.

His expressionless face almost frightened Yin Wen.

"Why is this your home..."

"Son, why are you here." Xiao Huan came over with hindsight, "This is... Yin Wen What do you want to do to my son!"

Yin Wen couldn't help smiling bitterly.

What can I do with Player Ling Huang?

The identity of Gym Leader alone is countless times higher than that of ordinary Player. even more how is the master of National Gym in China.

I am afraid that officials will come to please me soon.

"I thought it was just the same name, but it turned out to be!" Yin Wen's mood now is just like a dog.

"Stay away from my son!" Ling Bai was also touched by Outrage, his tone a lot more serious, "I hope you don't play secret tricks."

"Don't dare , Dare not." Yin Wendai said with a smile.

Ling Bai has some doubts. Although Yin Wen is not majestic, he still has power and prestige. How could he be so low-pitched.

This is unscientific.

Xiao Huan is even more confused. Qin City is very small, and Qinnan District has only Oversee Culture Studio and Approaching Heaven Studio giving tit for tat.

She knows Yin Wen's temper very well.

It is very difficult to make him bow his head.

Then Li Xiang walked over and said, "Big brother, the studio is going to negotiate with us and has agreed to move to Qinbei District."

"Shut up! "Yin Wen couldn't help cursing: "It's not big or small!"

Just kidding, this Approaching Heaven Studio is the property of Player Ling Huang's parents. Do you want to retire?

Experienced studio? Believing or not Ling Huang only needs a statement to make Oversee Culture Studio obsolete or even close down!

"big brother......" Li Xiang was stunned.

"The next thing, you understand." Ling Huang looked at Yin Wen as a smart man, and said directly.

"Who are you?" Li Xiang scolded.


Yin Wen directly slapped Li Xiang's face and cursed: "Idiot!"

Turn to Ling Huang said with a smile: "I understand, I understand."

"By the way, I hope you kick this person out of the studio." Ling Huang said indifferently.


Li Xiang has been completely stunned, and he did not expect such an incredible thing to happen.

Who is this young man who suddenly appeared!

Suddenly, the appearance of this young man overlapped with the Player who regarded as Celebrity in the forum.

PS: The last few chapters have a bit of routine, so let's change it later. I am also a little tired of writing.

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