"I lost." Before the referee announced, the young Player said.

Ling Huang is a Gym Leader after all. He takes the breed Rookie Trainer as his responsibility, so he can't speak fiercely.

"You still have a lot to strengthen. I mean, you are very weak in the battle situation. If you are familiar with the capabilities used by both sides, you can make more accurate judgments." Ling Huang weighed his words and said.

"I see." The young Player fell into deep thought, and ultimately nodded, and benefited a lot.

"Perception is good." Ling Huang put Rotom's Poké Ball into the treatment device and replaced it with Lapras.

The opponent this time is also the Pokémon of Electric Type.

"Meet again." Wang Ziling greeted.

"You are here again today." Ling Huang said: "Didn't you get the Badge?"

"It's different." Wang Ziling said: "I feel I can learn Something, it’s time to challenge again."

"It's up to you, anyway, there is no Badge after winning." Ling Huang said.

Watching the Player is a little dazed. Badge holders are going to challenge?

Luxray is the final evolution of Shinx, not so much a cat, but more like a Black lion. The overall look is more majestic.

"Use Confuse Ray." Ling Huang said to Lapras.

"Woo Chiu"

Confuse Ray's hit rate is still quite high, it hits instantly. Luxray is caught in confusion.

"Use Thunder Fang!" Wang Ziling said.

Luxray is good, but not strong. Powerful abilities such as Discharge and Wild Charge are all abilities that can be learned after level 50.

So, even if restrained, Ling Huang is not worthy of this Luxray. Being rendered by Ling Huang, Lapras is also confident.

It shouldn't be lose!

You can play.

Thunder Fang hit directly, Lapras on the dry field couldn't hide at all, and was hit directly with tons of damage.

"Use Rain Dance." Ling Huang said.

"Continue to use Thunder Fang!" Wang Ziling is happy, raining heavenly thunder is Ability, but it is easier to hit.

Ling Huang, this is a bad move!

It's still a hit, but Ling Huang doesn't care. The Pokémon battle of high grade Aptitude is not so easy to end.

"Walk, use Ice Beam." Ling Huang gave Lapras a wink.

In general, Lapras is very grateful to Ling Huang. It was Ling Huang who brought Lapras out of the group and gave him a chance to show off his skills. On the basis of such a mood, the degree of goodwill has risen rapidly. Ling Huang himself is good to Pokémon, and his intimacy is not bad.

There is a slight difference between the degree of friendship and intimacy, but the overall gap is not big.


Lapras understood and began to glide elegantly. Lapras' sliding skills are getting more and more proficient. The main difference is the experience. Ling Huang is at a level different from Wang Ziling. Wang Ziling should be more against ordinary Player, while Ling Huang more against Top Rank Player. Many of the Top Rank Players are high grade Pokémon.

Lapras has much higher experience in dealing with high grade Pokémon than Luxray. Apart from the Trainer factor, the most important thing is the quality of Pokémon itself.

Lapras has excellent natural qualities and can perform many complex positions.

Just like now.

Luxray wanted to cover the thunder and lightning fangs on Lapras' neck. Suddenly, the "Acceleration ice belt" in front of Lapras broke, and Lapras' speed dropped sharply!

It's near, it's near!

Luxray looked at the timing and just wanted to bite down. It was discovered that Lapras didn't hit his mouth at all!


He took a bite and almost broke his teeth, very frustrated.

The experience gap, even if Ling Huang didn't speak much, but unconsciously, Lapras was already able to stand alone.

"Use Body Slam." Ling Huang said.

"Use Spark!" Wang Ziling said.

"Change the trick and use Ice Beam instead." Ling Huang said indifferently.

After using Spark, Luxray will cover Spark all over. Ling Huang impossible Let Lapras take the risk, which is equivalent to accepting all the damage.

Lapras sometimes walks along the ice belt, sometimes wades into the water, relying on the difference of friction, showing a coquettish position, and constantly dodge Luxray's Spark.

At the same time, Lapras even had time to cast Ice Beam to consume Luxray's HP.

"How can this Lapras be so flexible!" Wang Ziling cry out in surprise.

Know that the fans of the authorities, unless you can command Pokémon on a macro level, you simply cannot make such a magical position.

As everyone knows, Ling Huang is always using his eyes to communicate with Lapras. The intimacy between Lapras and Ling Huang is close to its full value. Although Ling Huang can't use his eyes to let Lapras release Ability, he can direct front and back.

As for the speed, Ling Huang needs to calculate it himself.

"A pair of eyes, instead of a keyboard and mouse, how do you fight with me?" Ling Huang shook his head, "Lapras, use Brine."

Currently Luxray, HP is already less than half.

Next, is the counterattack time.

"Luxray, use Crunch!" Wang Ziling has no idea what kind of ability to use, so he can only change constantly.

Luxray's Ability is not very effective. Crunch and Thunder Fang are basically the same, and it is easy to figure out their routines.

"If you can’t use the same Ability, you will definitely find it out by Ling Huang and avoid it easily." Wang Ziling secretly thought.

"No need to hide, the front is tough." Ling Huang said indifferently.

He knew from Wang Ziling's eyes that these abilities are all Luxray. Wang Ziling is not so luxurious, let Luxray learn Thunderbolt or Thunder this kind of Thunder Element Ability.

He was waiting for Luxray Level to be promoted, but it was too late. At least in this round, Luxray has no chance of winning.

Ability, an important element of strength. Perhaps Luxray and Lapras have similar basic BP, and even occupy a restrained relationship. But the strength is quite different.

In addition to the Trainer gap, Wang Ziling has already failed from the very beginning of the game!

When a column of water with extremely high salt content poured on Luxray, when he bit on Lapras, he carried the breath of the sea, salty.

"Continue to use Brine." Ling Huang glanced at the rain clouds in the sky, with perfect results.


"Use Thunder Fang!" Wang Ziling was a little pleased. Ling Huang and him were tough. As long as he uses restrained Ability, he still has hope of winning.



Lapras' Brine slammed on Luxray, and Luxray followed Lapras's body.

Thunder and lightning surround.


Lapras whispered in pain, the injury was not light. Luxray also murmured softly, approaching the limit.

"The last Ice Shard for Luxray." Ling Huang said indifferently.

"Thunder Fang!" In order to be quick, Wang Ziling even only said the name of the move. Luxray wanted to resist, but the preemptive Ice Shard was too fast to hide.

Shoo! boom!

Luxray fell on Lapras, and the lightning contained in her mouth also surrounded Lapras' body surface, as if she wanted to harvest Lapras.

Wang Ziling wanted to see the panic on Ling Huang's face, but unfortunately, from beginning to end, Ling Huang was so plain and confident.

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