"Bai Lanxi, it's dangerous." Ling Huang said suddenly.


Yun Miao looked towards venue #9, with some doubts.

"There is no restraint between the two Pokémon on the field, so it shouldn't be the case."

Ling Huang shook his head.

"It's not as simple as you think. Ming Su's background is far more than Bai Lanxi. I suspect he has 3 top grade Pokémon. If Lanxi can't take the lead, he can almost decide the winner."

"You mean, Bai Lanxi will definitely lose?" Yun Miao covered his small mouth, "It's not so mysterious, right."

Ling Huang was silent.

After all, Yun Miao's vision is low, and he can't see through the form of this scene.

Bai Lanxi and Ming Su’s first Pokémon are Blissey and Crobat respectively.

"Ming Su will definitely be afraid of Bai Lanxi's Alomomola, Gardevoir, and Altaria, and will definitely not use Fighting, Fire Element's Pokémon. Based on this foundation, Lanxi sent Blissey. However, Blissey's weaknesses are too obvious Now, physical defense is almost nothing.” Ling Huang also understood Bai Lanxi's thoughts.

Blissey's blood is thick, and it's easy to survive 3 rounds. But if you want to play an advantage, it is basically impossible.

It seems to be stable, but in fact it loses.

Bai Lanxi and Ming Su are swapped for one, which is still based on Heal Pulse. But even so, Bai Lanxi sent Audino to defeat Crobat.

"Pokémon's total strength is impossible to compare, second-tier Pokémon is slightly at a disadvantage. How can I win this way?" Ling Huang shook his head.

"Aren't you aspiring to others and destroying your own prestige?" Yun Miao said.

"Analyze rationally, nothing more." Ling Huang said.

Next, Ming Su released the conspicuous lacquer Black Lucario.

Press Audio directly to hit.

If the favorability is not full, you can't resist it at all.

Bai Lanxi fills in and only Gardevoir can defeat Lucario.

It directly becomes three-on-four.

Then, Bai Lanxi's Altaria defeated Ming Su's Toxicroak and the score was tied.

Ling Huang knows that this will not save anything.

Altaria is no longer in full bloom, and Ming Su sent top grade Seismitoad to defeat.

Use the Hydro Pump to blow Altaria into the air.

Bai Lanxi wanted to put Altaria away, but finally gave up.

No need.

Bai Lanxi finally defeated Seismitoad at the price of Altaria and Aromatisse.

Ming Su also has two Pokémons, but Bai Lanxi is exhausted.

The last Pokémon of Bai Lanxi is Alomomola.

Ming Su defeated Alomomola with the combination of Blaziken and Infernape. Blaziken is really strong, even if Attribute restrained, he still suppressed Alomomola.

After Infernape made up the knife, the battle ended.

Bai Lanxi was defeated and stopped in the semi-finals.

Ming Su won and was promoted to the finals.

These defeated Players will decide their rankings under the powerful intelligent calculation of the system. And, there is no room for rebuttal.

Only the first one can focal point of ten thousands.

This is the Pokémon competition.

Bai Lanxi on the field looked a little lonely, I felt sorry for him.

But it quickly returned to normal.

"Alomomola cannot fight, so the winner is Ming Su player!" the referee announced.

Bai Lanxi did not go back to the lounge, but walked in front of Ling Huang.

"I lost."

"The focus is on participating." Ling Huang said.


Bai Lanxi lay down on the sofa where Ling Huang had sat, but it was a little relaxed.

At least, she made Ming Su's lineup more clear.

The only mysterious thing is the top grade Pokémon that Ming Su may hide.

"Don't worry, leave it to me next." Ling Huang's eyes were deep.

We have reached the finals, how could it be possible to just lose like this?

"Yun Miao, please pour the tea soon." He said suddenly.

"Oh, okay." Yun Miao did not forget his job after all.

Bai Lanxi drank the tea gently and put the tea cup down. Suddenly he hugged Ling Huang and buried his head in Ling Huang's arms.

I want to cry, but I can’t cry.

Ling Huang was a little surprised, and gently stroked Bai Lanxi's back.

"There are National Level tournament and Olympics, we still have opportunities." Ling Huang comforted.

Ling Huang saw that Bai Lanxi's eyes were red, but there were no tears.

Olympic Athlete Bai Lanxi, it must be under a lot of pressure.

In this kind of position, where is there to relax?

Even Ling Huang is always worried about being suppressed by Divine Grade Player.

Ling Huang does not dare to relax. If he relaxes, what he has now may not belong to him.

"The tournament is over, will you go on a trip with me as scheduled?" Bai Lanxi asked.

"Of course." Ling Huang affirmed.

"That's good."

With 15 minutes left before the finals, Ling Huang is thinking about the next strategy. Bai Lanxi ordered items necessary for travel.

Try to be simple and practical.



In the ward, Qin Fan underwent a second operation and watched the Guangxi Province tournament on the TV in the ward.

Zheng Qing is right beside him, always waiting.

"Bai Lanxi lost." Zheng Qing said.

"Ling Huang just won." Qin Fan said.

"Do you still remember the Catalo Boss that Bai Lanxi took?" Zheng Qing asked.

"It's still a bit." Qin Fan exclaimed: "At the time, I thought that the Boss of Cantello would definitely become my Pokémon. I didn't expect that Bai Lanxi would take it away directly. I am definitely not reconciled. "

"What happened later?" Zheng Qing listened quietly.

"Later, didn't expect her and Ling Huang to be together. I also understand that in places like the Olympic team, there is basically impossible freedom. Bai Lanxi also apologized to my father at the time. Thinking about it now, I just lost my mind in unwillingness." Qin Fan said.

"Don't you hate it now?" Zheng Qing said softly.

"What to hate, it’s just not convinced. For a while, my goal is to enter the Olympic team. But Ling Huang said that if you don’t have enough strength to enter the Olympic team, you will definitely be squeezed. Nothing left." Qin Fan said: "So, I temporarily dismissed this idea. But if I can participate in Olympics, I can do anything."

Zheng Qing stroked Qin lightly. Fan's hair.

"You are mature."

Although Qin Fan is not suitable for talking too much now, Zheng Qing wants him to pour out the words hidden in his heart.

"Perhaps." Qin Fan said calmly, lying on the hospital bed, and asked: "Will the finals begin yet?"

"There are still 5 minutes."


"It's too late, I will post a message." Qin Fan raised the AR Wristband.

Edit, send.


"Your friend'Qin Fan' sent a message."

Ling Huang opened it.

The face suddenly turned black.

"Qin Fan, this kid, still owes so much."

"What's the matter?" Bai Lanxi asked.

Ling Huang turned the light curtain over.

"If you dare to take the second child, my journey will follow you, inseparable." Bai Lanxi read it out, a little confused.

"Nothing wrong."

"This is just appearance." Ling Huang said: "If he is with us, he will definitely try to prevent us from doing shameful things. And , He will definitely bring Zheng Qing. With that kid's face, hehe...I am staring at the side, he dares to go up!"

"What...the shameful thing." Bai Lanxi understands it.

But can you pay attention to the words!

"cough cough..." Ling Huang coughed awkwardly, "Anyway, you must never lose."

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