After several rounds.

Ling Huang has long wanted to send the finale top grade Gyarados and top grade Charizard.

It's just that Ling Huang is afraid of Ming Su's mighty strength and dare not expose Gyarados Charizard to the air too soon.

Charizard will be restrained by Seismitoad.

Gyarados will be solved by high grade Electric Type Pokémon.

Ling Huang had to be cautious.

Otherwise, Gyarados will be used to deal with Infernape at first, and Gyarados will be able to solve Infernape in three rounds.

Lucario watched Charizard and didn't react until the flame fell.

"Lucario, use Dragon Pulse." Ming Su said.


Flamethrower Dragon Pulse collided with each other, and Flamethrower overwhelmed Dragon Pulse with an overwhelming advantage.

Attacked Lucario.

But the damage has also been offset a lot.

Ling Huang slightly frowned.

What is Ming Su thinking about?

Ling Huang suddenly saw the burning flames on Charizard's body, and it suddenly became clear that Ming Su wanted to delay time!

Even if Lucario can't attack Charizard, as long as it lasts a few rounds, Charizard's HP will continue to drop.

Ling Huang can see Ming Su Pokémon’s Implicit Characteristic, and Ming Su can also.

Charizard’s Solar Power Characteristic Trait and Gyarados’ Moxie Characteristic Trait are no secrets.

Solar Power is not unique to Charizard. The Surface Characteristic Trait of Sunflora and Tropius may be Solar Power.

Moxie, too.

Krokorok, Krookodile, and Scrafty belong to the more famous Moxie Characteristic Trait Pokémon.

That is the kind of Li Xu that seems to be a high-end player, but in fact it is a low-end player, so that Pokémon’s Characteristic Trait will never be seen.

Even in the face of the danger of blood consumption, Ling Huang did not ask Charizard to close the Solar Power Characteristic Trait.

There are still 2 rounds of sunny weather.

"Charizard, continue to use Flamethrower." Ling Huang said.

Charizard is also fearless, approaching Lucario directly, staring at Lucario with serious eyes.


The flame, jetting out in an instant!

"Lucario, use Dragon Pulse." Ming Su indifferently said.

This time, Lucario poured Dragon Pulse into Charizard after he was born with Flamethrower.

Ling Huang is slightly frowned, he doesn't understand Ming Su's actions even more.

It is completely different from the mainstream tactics.

There are not many similarities with Ling Huang's battle method.

"Charizard, use Heat Wave!" Ling Huang said.

"Lucario, use Sword Dance." Ming Su said.

When the Heat Wave brushed Lucario's body, the damage was obvious.

Lucario, HP is less than half.

"Charizard, use Flamethrower!" Ling Huang said.

"Lucario, are you used to Charizard's power?" Ming Su said no one beside him.


Lucario nodded.

"Use Close Combat!" Ming Su said.

Ling Huang feels a little uneasy.

Get used to the power of Charizard?

What does this... mean?

Charizard has Flying Type, Fighting Type's Ability, and the damage is halved. Why does Ming Su still let Lucario use Close Combat? !

Not worth it at all!

In order to actually cause damage, there is only a 60-point formidable power Ability, and the cost of double defense is also filled.

He...what is he thinking?


Charizard suddenly Spit Up the flame.

But a little confused.

Not burned, so where is Lucario?

"Above!" Ling Huang said quickly.


Flamethrower rose quickly, but only burned to the edge of Lucario.

peng peng peng!

Charizard keeps going back!

It can be seen that Lucario, who is 1.2 meters in his arms, attacked frantically, clinging to Charizard's body, and constantly beating on Charizard's stomach.



Charizard was bombarded and spread its wings in the air to buffer the power.


Ling Huang couldn't believe it.

Is the top grade Lucario so strong?

He has a lot of Charizard's health bars, and he is more vigilant.

After Sword Dance, almost filled in Attribute resistance. This injury is Lucario's original injury.

"We absolutely must let Lucario fall, otherwise I have to fill Pokémon in it to solve him." Ling Huang made up his mind.

"Charizard, use Focus Punch!"

Since Ming Su wants to use Fighting Type Ability, use the same Fighting Type Ability and meet force with force!

"Lucario, continue to use Close Combat!" Ming Su said solemnly.

Focus Punch is an Ability that Lucario has never adapted to.

I don’t know if I can find a weak spot.

"didn't expect, he found a solution so quickly." Ming Su secretly thought.

From the initial calm treatment, to now a little serious.

But it's just a little serious.

He Ming Su never uses resourcefulness, he always crushes directly. The one who can really hold him back is probably only those Divine Grade Players like the sun at high noon.


Lucario was a little excited.

Such a formidable enemy is rarely seen.

He couldn't figure out the number of battles!


Lucario suddenly appeared in front of Charizard. Although he had never fought Focus Punch, Lucario could see...

As long as you attack Charizard before Focus Punch is released, Focus Punch will do. Will self-defeating!


Charizard is not someone who is easy to deal with, Focus Punch is released suddenly.


Lucario was slammed into the air and rolled several times in the air before he stabilized his figure and suddenly splashed on the ground.

At the stage when Charizard's old power has gone to new power, he suddenly used Close Combat.

Charizard failed again and again.

"Charizard, give Lucario the last Focus Punch!" Ling Huang said.

"Lucario, use Close Combat!" Ming Su said.

Ling Huang was shocked that this Lucario finally became less passive when facing Focus Punch this time. Even face Focus Punch and fight with Charizard.

Finally, I still lost in Attribute restraint.

Ming Su puts Lucario away.

"You are really strong, I shouldn't underestimate you so much." Ming Su said.

"So are you." Ling Huang now put his arrogance away. He only discovered that in terms of the development of Pokémon's abilities, he was still inferior to Ming Su.

"Sure enough, there are geniuses in the world." Ling Huang secretly thought.

There is no doubt that Ming Su is such a genius.

Even though the tactics are ordinary, he has cultivated Pokémon far more than Ling Huang.

Ming Su whispered something to Poké Ball, and soon released Pokémon.


Blaziken poses, but he has a kind of confident confidence.

"Could it be that he was exchanging insights about battle with Blaziken?" Ling Huang thought.

This is not impossible.

If you are really close, you can talk to Pokémon in Poké Ball. Ling Huang knew this for a long time.

But exchanging insights into combat?

Ling Huang has never done it.

He has never been able to summarize the weak spot of opponent Pokémon, and always wins on the spot.

Ming Su is obviously different from Ling Huang.

More proficient in summary.

Pay more attention to Pokémon's self-expression.

"Charizard, come back first." Ling Huang raised his head slightly, and the sun had already disappeared.

Just let Gyarados come out to restrain this Blaziken.

PS: Thank you for the 5k award of "Ten Years of Rongma Heart Solitary" for achieving the great cause of Branch Lord! Thank you all for your silent rewards, Su Yong saw it all in his eyes.

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