The two fell silent.

Ling Huang got up a little, ready to walk to his room.

Professor Oak suddenly made up his mind.


Ling Huang stopped and smiled.

"Thank you."

He knew that this can be considered Oak's concession. Of course, if Oak refuses to agree, Ling Huang will still contact and join the project in a few days.

The potential of this project is too great.

Ling Huang would feel it a pity if he died like this.

Professor Oak sighed, took out a lot of instruments and handed it to Ling Huang.

"These are data recording instruments that can match your ability to see through." Professor Oak said: "You can send these data directly to me. There is also Pokémon for measuring data. If it is convenient, also Pass it to me. Don't worry, this is serious research, and I will take care of Pokémon for you."

You are welcome, Ling Huang, and put all the equipment away.

These instruments are available in his researcher’s database. They are of the Peak type. For Ling Huang, they are even Divine Artifacts. In an instant, Ling Huang had the idea of ​​taking the instrument away.

Finally gave up.

Although Dark Faction is not bad, after the tournament, many Dark Faction players have surfaced, and their strength is not low.

It can be seen that the average strength of Dark Faction is very high.

But Ling Huang has already established a foothold in the Alliance camp, so this idea is better to get rid of.

"If this project is successful, which ones of my Pokémon are suitable for improving Aptitude?" Ling Huang asked.

This is what he cares about.

If you have researched something that is not good for you, don't waste time.

"The top grade Pokémon basically don't want to improve." Professor Oak said: "Generally speaking, only Pokémon cultivated from the lower level can have the foundation to improve Aptitude. And, at least if it is the final evolution type, Level must be higher than 50. At present, only Hawlucha and Arcanine are qualified for your team. Rotom's personality is a bit wrong and may not be able to withstand the hard work of Aptitude promotion."

"That's it. Ling Huang groaned, but didn't speak.

Although it is regrettable, but this is also impossible.

"By the way, Lapras also has this qualification. In your team, Lapras has the strongest temperament, and the Heart of Powerhouse is also the strongest. Maybe it can." Professor Oak added.

"Is there no hope for other Pokémon?"

"They are too comfortable. If you reach level 70, you can give it a try." Professor Oak said.

Since the partnership has been reached, Ling Huang will continue to discuss with Professor Oak.

Finally, Starter Pokemon can basically improve Aptitude, and Pokémon with deep roots and intimacy like Arcanine can basically do it.

However, like Aggron, you can only accept it at level 30. Previously, it was under the support of the system. The automatic upgrade of Pokémon was more difficult. Of course, there is also a chance to remedy it, and then Level will be up.

Furthermore, Professor Oak revealed that Pokémon after mega evolution or bond evolution can basically improve Aptitude.

Ling Huang is not in a hurry. When he plans to really need it, he will let Professor Oak prepare the Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone.

As Professor Oak turned and left, Ling Huang calmed down.

Release Hawlucha, Arcanine, and Lapras, and take out various instruments.




The three Pokémons are very confused, but Arcanine He obeyed a lot.

"I will test the data for you, and I will temporarily hand you over to Professor Oak for safekeeping. When the time comes, you only need to cooperate with Professor Oak." Ling Huang said.

At this time, the three Pokémons are all a bit depressed.

To leave Trainer, they are very confused.

"It's okay, at Professor Oak, you will definitely get great growth." Ling Huang comforted: "Besides, it's only temporarily stored. If your strength is too weak, you won't be able to adapt to the future. Battle."

Ling Huang is speak frankly.

The three Pokémons all calmed down.

This is the truth, and they all understand it.

Ling Huang keeps measuring data for his Pokémon. After measuring all 3 Pokémon, he directly sent Pokémon to Professor Oak.

Next, 3 middle grade Hawlucha, Lapras and Arcanine came from Professor Oak. Ling Huang measured again and compared various data, and found that the high grade Pokémon had all the data completely crushed the middle grade.

Moreover, there are a lot of subtle data.

His ability to see through, with the help of these Items, can also carefully distinguish between high grade and top grade. However, although the equipment is virtual, it is relatively bulky and impossible to use in emergencies, directly reducing it to taste.

"I still have to become a Professor-level researcher." Ling Huang secretly sighed said.


In order to prevent these 3 Pokémons from making trouble in an unfamiliar environment, Ling Huang has long released Charizard.

As Ling Huang's trump card Pokémon, Charizard's deterrent power is only slightly worse than Gyarados' Intimidate.

But the strength is stronger.

The three Pokémons are very obedient.

With the deepening of the data, Ling Huang discovered more new data and sent them out.

Professor Oak is simply moved.

"These hidden data must be carefully measured. Without these data, the research will not go on at all." Professor Oak said.

Ling Huang did not refuse either.

These data are very mysterious and alternative characters, Ling Huang can't understand. But it was easy to record.

Ling Huang discovered that these instruments are in the hands of Player, which increases all capabilities. Player may know nothing about Secondary Profession, but with the help of system and instruments, it can also do many incredible things.

So, the experimental project of Professor Oak began.

Return the middle grade Pokémon from Professor Oak, and Professor Oak sends back the same kind of Pokémon with low grade again.

Ling Huang continued to measure the data, which is quite substantial.

"Is there no top grade Pokémon?" Ling Huang asked after finishing the measurement.

"Do you think the top grade Pokémon is Chinese cabbage? Even the 3 middle grades, I have found a lot of friends before I can borrow them." Professor Oak said angrily: "high grade Pokémon , It’s up to you."

Professor Oak said that to find the difference between these data, more data is needed to fill in.

So, Ling Huang spent the entire day collecting data.

He also has a deeper understanding of his Pokémon. The road in the future is also more clear.

"Almost a year, it should be enough for me to put my ideas into practice." Ling Huang secretly thought.

"By the way, none of the three Pokémons you passed you reached level 50!" Professor Oak said.

"Thank you." Ling Huang said with a slight smile.

"I want to study, I don't have time to upgrade your Pokémon!" Professor Oak's eyes widened.

"They will challenge Pokémon to upgrade on their own." Ling Huang said affirmatively, "My Pokémon only eats Pokéblock, and you have worked hard in this respect."

Professor Oak was helpless.

He knows that his laboratory may be restless.

Ling Huang looked at the forum in a daze.

Just now, it seems that all Province Cups are over.

system, it is likely to be updated in a short time.

PS: I will open a new volume tomorrow. If you have any suggestions for this book, please put it forward directly in the book review area. I will consider it.

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