Xiao Huan and Ling Bai are both workaholics and often do not go home. Ling Huang also didn't bother to live at home.

But Serena is still at home.

NPCSerena, can't get out.

Ling Huang slowly opened the door, and Serena's beautiful face and complaining eyes were greeted.

"cough cough." Ling Huang coughed awkwardly, "I was a little late in leveling, sorry."

"Why should I apologize?" Serena said with a slight smile.

"Don't get angry." Ling Huang said with a bitter smile.

"hmph, I stayed here for a whole day. I can’t touch the remote control. I can’t switch channels. I can only watch posts on the forum. I really want to go home, but the system doesn’t let it. "Serena said in a low voice.

"I can definitely go back." Ling Huang changed the subject: "By the way, what about Cinccino?"

Ling Huang was a little thirsty, so he poured a cup of tea and drank it.

"Today, a Hoothoot broke in, was defeated by Cinccino, and then threw a Poké Ball to subdue Hoothoot." Serena said.


Ling Huang Spit Up with a sip of tea.

"What the hell, Cinccino will subdue Pokémon?"

"I can't believe it, but it is true." Serena said: "Cinccino is indeed very human, that one Hoothoot didn't resist that much either."

Ling Huang walked into the room and saw Cinccino lying on the bed leisurely and the eye-catching Poké Ball next to him.

Taking Poké Ball tremblingly.


Level: 20

Characteristic Trait: tinted glasses

Aptitude: low grade."

Ling Huang did not continue to look at it. This is a low grade Hoothoot.

Almost no cultivation value.

This is like a hundred-level large-equipped novice sword, with no strength at all.

He released Hoothoot.


This Hoothoot flashed white light at the moment of its appearance and evolved into a Noctowl.

"Are you the Hoothoot last time?" Ling Huang recognized this Noctowl.


Noctowl nodded.

Ling Huang touched the chin, before he let the team Pokémon learn Giga Impact, under the attack of Arbok, rescued a Hoothoot.

That Hoothoot seemed to be very grateful to Ling Huang, but was sent away by him.

"Want to come too. Pokémon, who didn't know him, how could he even know the existence of Cinccino and dare to break into The Bedroom." Ling Huang groaned.

Ling Huang check the intimacy of Noctowl.

100 points.

"The intimacy is so high?"

Ling Huang looked cold, he didn't want to cultivate this Noctowl.

If the intimacy is too high, it is not good. Noctowl will not be very calm when separated.

"Don't move, I will help you measure the data. Then send you to Professor Oak." Ling Huang said.

He suddenly realized that this low grade Noctowl Characteristic Trait was actually colored glasses.

This is actually very special.

In this case, Ling Huang has only seen the Serperior in Nanning Zoo. That Serperior, not top grade, has Implicit Characteristic.


Noctowl did not refuse, quietly let Ling Huang measure.


Ling Huang is a little surprised. This Noctowl is obviously only low grade, but in some data, it is very different from the lower middle high grade Pokémon, and instead is the top grade. Charizard, Cinccino, Feebas, Gyarados are similar!

How is it possible!

The specificity is too complicated for Ling Huang to summarize. Only Noctowl and corresponding data can be sent to Professor Oak.

Let professionals analyze.

Ling Huang lay beside Cinccino, quietly thinking.

Soon, Professor Oak sent a video request.

As soon as I accepted it, I saw his enthusiastic old face.

"Ling Huang, your Noctowl is absolutely amazing. These data have solved the urgent need for research and even changed the direction of research!"

"How to say?" Ling Huang I also know my own weight, I just want to know the status of Items.

"Originally, our project needed to start research from low grade promotion to middle grade. Even if the initial results are achieved, it can only benefit the bottom player." Professor Oak said.

Ling Huang shrugged.

This is also true.

Research is a Chip Away business after all.

Even Professor Oak is impossible to take the lead in studying the evolution of high grade top grade, which is too sloppy.

Suddenly, Ling Huang divine light flashed.

"Could it be..."

"You didn't guess wrong!" Professor Oak was even more enthusiastic, "top grade Pokémon and lower middle high grade Pokémon, the biggest difference is the double Characteristic Trait! But the Noctowl you sent over is a Pokémon born with Implicit Characteristic! In the eyes of the combat player, it is impossible to cultivate. But in my opinion, as long as he cooperates with my experiment, this project is equivalent to directly opening the breakthrough port , It allows me to cross the most basic middle grade and directly participate in the most urgently needed high grade Pokémon Aptitude promotion plan!"

"Sure enough."

Ling Huang was also very excited.

He didn't expect at all to realize the benefits of the research project in a short time.

In the short term, although the research results are universal, they are impossible for Top Ranking Players like Ling Huang.

It is useless for Olympics.

But it is different now. Directly study how to promote top grade. As long as the project achieves preliminary results, it will directly benefit Ling Huang!

He was immediately full of motivation.

"This data, I still need to study more, so I just hang up. If you meet another Pokémon of this type, just accept it, and I will reimburse you for Poké Ball." Professor Oak said.

"Hang up quickly, the reimbursement is fine." Ling Huang curled his lips.

Trifling 500 yuan is nothing to Ling Huang.

“hehe ”Professor Oak turns off the communication.

Ling Huang looked at the background of Professor Oak at the last moment.

"Professor Oak is an NPC, but a Peak Level scientist. Especially Pokémon Century, it seems to be very important, not just a game. So the country spends money to build a laboratory, it is completely as it should be by rights "Ling Huang secretly thought.

The more he feels, this is not just a game.

Perhaps, it will evolve into something more amazing.

That’s why he dared not slack off.

"Are you talking about that special experiment?" Serena asked.

"You know?" Ling Huang asked in amazement.

"Know a little, Professor Oak talked to me before. It seems very amazing." Serena said.

"It is indeed." Ling Huang nodded, secretly sighed Oak, this guy is lax.

Can you say anything like this?

Are you not afraid of being taken away by Team Rocket?

"It's a project about Pokémon Aptitude." Ling Huang said.

"Can this kind of thing really be done?" Serena was surprised.

"It should work. The way has been initially found." Ling Huang said.

Serena is silent.

She can't keep asking.

It’s just, a little lonely. She didn't expect that the Rookie Trainer back then could reach this height in a blink of an eye.

Even Professor Oak cooperates fairly with Ling Huang.

Even, peers talk about each other.

Serena seemed to see Ling Huang's back view farther and farther away.

I didn't notice Serena's loneliness, but Ling Huang was still thinking.

"Next, let's go to Nanning. Take Serperior first. It's not good to always be trapped in a cage." Ling Huang thought secretly.

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