Peng Fei is a little nervous.

"Charizard, use Flamethrower!"

"Pidgeot, use storm." Zhang Haoqi said. Compared with Pengfei, Zhang Haoqi is much calmer.

The winning ticket is in hand.

Zhang Haoqi and Ling Huang have different routes. He is not the experience of eating Wild Pokémon, but the experience of eating challengers.

Thinking of Gym Leader as a job is much more dedicated than Gym Leader Ling.

Charizard's Flamethrower was forcibly blown away under the strong wind of Pidgeot. While the storm blows away the Flamethrower roar, there is still room left to cause a lot of damage to Charizard.

Ling Huang couldn't help but be speechless.

"This Pidgeot is too strong."

Pidgeot: lv.56

The level of lv.56 is definitely not as simple as level 50 and then level 6 . Ling Huang also learned later that the basic BP for every level 1 increase after level 50 is twice the previous level.

In other words, the extra Level 6 of the Pidgeot of Level 56, from the point of view of the Pidgeot of 50, is the benefit of Level 12, and the difference in strength is even greater.

Plus this Pidgeot is properly top grade. After level 50, every level 1 level is a snowball-like BP increase.

In general, after level 50, the higher the Level, the more sloping strength rises in a straight line, at a 45-degree angle to the original trajectory.

"The top grade Pidgeot BP of level 50 should be 3600, while the base BP of Pidgeot of level 56 is 4464, which is a huge increase." Ling Huang calculated, "and the high grade Charizard of 50 , The basic BP is only 2675, a full difference of 1800 basic BP, equivalent to Hawlucha Level 36 basic BP. Charizard's Ability was blocked by the storm without even hitting the chance."

Ling Huang originally thought Even if Pokémon's strength gap is getting bigger and bigger after level 50, it shouldn't be so big that it won't even have a chance to make moves.

But the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

Now he is beginning to wonder whether Aggron, with a base BP of 2650 points, can defeat Pidgeot even if it resists 4 times.

Pengfei’s Charizard was quickly defeated, Flamethrower forcibly only made one hit, and the rest was offset by the storm. Emolga, who was dispatched after being connected, was easily defeated.

Can't compete on the same stage at all.

Although he failed to win, Pengfei's strength was still recognized by Zhang Haoqi. In the end, Pengfei got the ice and snow Badge but didn't get the material reward for winning.

"My strength is still too weak." Pengfei sighed: "You can't win National Gym without a challenge."

"There is still a chance." Zhang Haoqi patted Pengfei. Shoulder, watch him leave.

Only then looked around the audience, waiting for the next challenger to appear.

"It is worthy of being the number one Pidgeot in China, and it cannot be judged by common sense at all." Ling Huang exclaimed.

Zhang Haoqi’s Pidgeot is famous and is recognized as the No. 1 Pidgeot in China. In other words, there is no Pidgeot in the huge China.

Very powerful.

"But this is interesting. You can't play against a stronger Player. What kind of games are you playing?" Ling Huang thought secretly.

Zhang Haoqi’s Pidgeot is undoubtedly the strongest Pokémon that Ling Huang has ever seen apart from the Hydreigon.

This actually makes Ling Huang fighting intent boiling.

Fight, why not fight!

"Is there still a Player to challenge?" Zhang Haoqi said loudly.

Ling Huang's eyes lit up, and he held down Bai Lanxi who was about to stand up, and stood up directly: "Player Ling Huang, officially challenge the Harbin Gym!"

Suddenly the audience was in the audience. Some fryers.

It was Ling Huang!

That Player Ling Huang Gym Leader Ling! It is also the Gym Leader of National Gym. How exciting will the confrontation between these two Players be?

The players who watched the game couldn't imagine, they just kept talking.

"haha, I think you will challenge Gym when you appear in Harbin, as expected. I accept your challenge!" Zhang Haoqi said proudly.

He also admired Ling Huang for a long time and wanted to play against it.

It's just a chance to give it to your door, why not fight it?

Ling Huang stands on the opposite side of Zhang Haoqi, with only the distance of the venue in the middle, but he can feel the fighting intent in the eyes of the opponent.

"Player Ling Huang challenged Harbin Gym Leader Zhang Haoqi, the rule is 3v3. Only the challenger can replace Pokémon halfway, and if all 3 Pokémon fall down, it will be considered a failure. Please send Pokémon to both parties." The referee was angry. Said completely.

Ling Huang is still thinking and finally makes a decision.

Aggron: lv.50

Zhang Haoqi is not too slow, throwing a Poké Ball instantly.

Pidgeot: lv.56

"It really is Pidgeot." Ling Huang relaxed, afraid that there is no Pokémon stronger than Aggron's resistance to Pidgeot. Aggron is very suitable for Pidgeot.

Zhang Haoqi showed a meaningful smile.

"It really is Aggron. If I Pidgeot will lose to Aggron, I won't let him play first." Zhang Haoqi said.

"How do I know if I haven't played." Ling Huang calmly said.

He actually knew very well, Zhang Haoqi was right.

Aggron is not the opponent of Pidgeot, not only the gap of Level, but also the gap of Aptitude. No matter how Aggron is targeted, it is only high grade, which is far from top grade. In addition, the level difference that seems to be Level 6 but actually Level 12...

Aggron is in danger!

"Use Storm!" Zhang Haoqi said.

Huh, huh.


Pidgeot instantly blasted the violent air current to Aggron, the formidable power was amazing.

Ling Huang wanted Aggron to try dodge, but after seeing the substantial storm hiding the sky and covering the earth, he gave up this idea.

Impossible, impossible dodge at the speed of Aggron.

In Ling Huang's view, Pidgeot's storm is not without blind spots. The dead end of the storm lies in the area in front of Pidgeot.

Unfortunately, if the speed is not faster than Pidgeot, it is impossible to enter the Safety Sector before the storm!


Aggron can only forcibly resist this storm.

"This Pidgeot is too strong." Ling Huang took a deep look at Pidgeot, and immediately looked towards Zhang Haoqi, "As a trainer, this Zhang Haoqi is not simple, no wonder it can become a National Gym Trainer. "

"Aggron, use Stone Edge!" Ling Huang said as the storm cleared.

Rock Type restrains Pidgeot's Flying Type, which is Aggron's chance of winning. As long as he has done enough damage, no matter how high his level is and his Aptitude, he will not be spared.


Stone Edge fell through.

"Pidgeot dodge, then continue to use Storm!" Zhang Haoqi said.


Pidgeot easily bypassed the incoming Stone Edge and even moved flexibly beside Aggron.

The storm is coming again.

"Aggron, hold on!" Ling Huang had no time to shock Pidgeot's speed. He knew that this was the strength of Level 56 top grade Pidgeot.

Aggron is likely to face defeat. It's just that Ling Huang is not reconciled to let Zhang Haoqi take the lead.

Aggron cannot lose.

"Use Rock Tomb!" Ling Huang said.

With the landing of Rock, the terrain has also changed from a standard ordinary site to a rock market site with strange rocks standing in great numbers.

Even if this Pidgeot is the first in the country, it is still a bit confused and restrained everywhere.

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