
Level: 35

Characteristic Trait: Competitive (when the ability is reduced, the special attack is increased by Level 2) Cute Charm (by the opposite sex When Pokémon attacks, 30% probability makes the opponent fascinated)

Ability: Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Wrap, Water Gun, Water Sport, Refresh, Disarming Voice, Twister, Aqua Ring, Attract, Dragon Tail, Recover, Aqua Tail, Attract

Aptitude: top grade

Attitude: Medium Green

Defense Aptitude: Medium Green

Speed ​​Aptitude: Light Green

Basic BP: 2835

Intimacy: 130"

Milotic's Level is not high, only Level 35, still rely on Exp. Share was brought up by other Pokémon. But this does not hinder the strong strength of Milotic.

With Rain Dance and Ice Beam, there are 15 abilities. Competitive Characteristic Trait gives Ling Huang the means to deal with other Player debuffs. Cute Charm cooperates with Ling Huang’s observation of Ability, and the success rate is higher than normal. Player is much higher, at least there will be no case of same-sex-to-same-sex acted coquettishly.

Milotic's three Aptitudes are all azure, as the top grade Pokémon, such three Aptitudes are not bad at all.

It can even be said that it is very strong.

Although Milotic has not participated in the war many times, Ling Huang does not think that Milotic's actual combat experience is weak. On the contrary, it won’t take many battles for Milotic to fully master the experience in Exp. Share.

No worse than any Pokémon of the same level, even skipping grades to challenge is not difficult.

Ling Huang was not in a hurry to take Milotic back, but let her dangle in the room. Although Milotic is a Water Type Pokémon and its living environment is a pure lake, it is by no means impossible to survive without water.

Feebas evolved into Milotic and became more tenacious, and its mental power was very strong. Mature Milotic can eliminate Rage and so on.

"Feebas can really evolve into Milotic!" Bai Lanxi looked at Milotic's data and was very surprised.

"Otherwise, do you think I lied to you?" Ling Huang shrugged.

"I didn't doubt you, the judges of Ice & Snow Trophy also said. I still find it unbelievable to really evolve." Bai Lanxi sighed, leaning the lovable body on the bed, the curve was full .

She reluctantly returned Milotic to Ling Huang.

"Then do you want to have Milotic too?" Ling Huang said after receiving it.

"Feebas is so scarce, how can you find Milotic for me." Bai Lanxi twitched his lips, "I don't want low Aptitude. It's useless except for being beautiful."

"Yours My friend'Ling Huang' asked to send you a Poké Ball. Do you accept it?"

"Accept." Bai Lanxi asked in confusion: "What are you doing with Poké Ball?"

" Milotic you want." Ling Huang mysterious and secretive said.

Bai Lanxi opened the Poké Ball, and a salted fish jumped out of it, lying on the ground, bouncing constantly.


After a few seconds, there was no sound...

"Milotic, use Water Sport Ability!" Ling Huang said quickly.

This Feebas is more fragile than Milotic before it evolved. Why is it suffocated so quickly by hypoxia.

Bai Lanxi is still a little dazed.

"Feebas...Aptitude: high grade..."

"Why do you still have Feebas, or high grade. This is too precious." Bai Lanxi was surprised.

"For you, there will be surprises in the future." Ling Huang said.

The surprise he mentioned is of course the Pokémon Aptitude enhancement plan under study. This Feebas Level is very low, and there is still room for improvement after steadily upgrading.

Bai Lanxi hesitated for a while before putting away the renewed Feebas.

"How do I get the Prism Scale?"

Since the Feebas is put away, Bai Lanxi has to think about the evolution of Feebas.

"When I participate in the Contest Festival, I should have this kind of reward." Ling Huang said: "Maybe the forum will be available sometime. Follow me to raise the level of Feebas and no rush to evolve."

The two had a few more talks about Feebas. Ling Huang entrusted Professor Oak to Quash until tomorrow.

There is business tonight!

In order to prevent Bai Lanxi from isolating himself from the room, Ling Huang put Milotic away and lay on Bai Lanxi's bed first.

"It's so late, still awake?" Ling Huang urged.

Bai Lanxi pretty face blushed, staring at Ling Huang, a little regretful that she lowered her voice during the day. What? The main reason is that she feels that asking other people's secrets is very sorry, so she has a low voice!

Your misunderstanding is justified!

"Don't sleep, you go out." Bai Lanxi whispered.

Ling Huang straightened up slightly: "Why are you like this? How can the promises not count!"


Bai Lanxi lay lightly on the bed, covered with a quilt, too embarrassed to see anyone.

Ling Huang was also a little nervous, and gently put his hand on Bai Lanxi's shoulder, gently let Bai Lanxi turn around and face her big eyes.


The next day.

Ling Huang woke up in the morning and stretched, only to feel a sore back.

"What's the matter?" Bai Lanxi said in a daze: "Don't pull my quilt."

"Okay, I won't pull." Ling Huang said, gently helping Bai Lanxi Smooth out the slightly messy hair.

"Help me cover it." Bai Lanxi whispered.

"Good, good." Ling Huang said angrily: "Wearing tightly wrapped in pajamas, and covered with quilt!"

"humph." Bai Lanxi did not follow Ling. Huang argued.

"I'm going to wash." Ling Huang got up directly, faintly sighed.

Actually, nothing happened to him and Bai Lanxi last night. Ling Huang wanted something to happen, but Bai Lanxi wouldn't let it.

Ling Huang still remember what Bai Lanxi said last night: "Guess what day is today."

"Is it your monthly vacation?" Ling Huang couldn't help it. ask.

"Rest, don't move around." Bai Lanxi turned over, leaving only Ling Huang's excellent figure curve.

So, in various complex emotions, Ling Huang spent a long night.

After washing up, Ling Huang couldn’t help asking: "Did you really come for a monthly holiday yesterday?"

"No, why did you ask?" Bai Lanxi was puzzled. .


How can Ling Huang not know that he has been used by Bai Lanxi! After Bai Lanxi answered at the time, he didn't ask any more questions, that's a drop in price!

didn't expect not at all!

"If I asked clearly at that time..." Ling Huang regretted not having it.

"No, you are playing tricks on me." Ling Huang said.

The words are over, Bai Lanxi has kissed Ling Huang. Ling Huang of course not to be outdone, pry away the teeth...

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Bai Lanxi pretty face slightly red.

"Satisfied," she said.

"Do it again." When the words fell, he kissed again without any explanation, and he tried to move his hand up, but Bai Lanxi angrily stopped him.

"Can't...this way."

Since Bai Lanxi is not suitable, Ling Huang is not reluctant. After all, Japan will be long, and there will be a lot of happiness.

Separate lips again.

"You are a bit jerky." Ling Huang said.

"You can control it!" Bai Lanxi gave Ling Huang a blank look and said, "Aren't you also very jerky?"

"That must be my disguise." Ling Huang Shrugged, "I can't show a very proficient look."

PS: This dream has become empty is the Branch Lord of the bookstore. Thank you very much for his reward, hereby add more! Of course, I also encourage you to give more rewards and subscribe more, and I will definitely add more to give back to you.

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