Wizeant Gym.

"Your Pokémon was injured?" Serena asked.


Isn't this obvious?

"Leave it to me." Serena took Ling Huang's Poké Ball and walked into the Gym. "You come in too."

In the middle of the night, except for the white dolphin meeting every morning Apart from the staff coming to clean the dust of reality, Serena is the only one living.

Ling Huang feels a male and a female together alone.

"Okay." Ling Huang walked in generously, sat on the sofa, and asked, "Is Delphox okay?"

Serena put the Poké Ball into the Pokémon therapy device.

"She's a little gloomy." Serena shook her head, "She rarely does this."

Serena brought up the little Pokémon puffs she had made long ago and asked: "Would you like to taste it?"

"If it is red, forget it." Ling Huang jokingly said.

"Then have other snacks," Serena said.

After a taste of Serena's craftsmanship, Pokémon has finished his treatment.

Serena took a look, and was a little surprised: "Did you subdue Lapras?"

"Almost lost." Ling Huang said: "It was defeated with Rotom. At that time, a group of people Looking at Lapras, he couldn't even use the wheel fight. It can only be defeated by the strength of a single Pokémon."

"If Rotom let me take the command, I won't be able to win." Serena returned Poké Ball to Ling Huang.

She knows very well how difficult it is to bridge the Level gap.

Serena has reservations about the wheel warfare mentioned by Ling Huang. The wheel fight seems difficult to start, but most of the Trainers in the Alliance come here. It will be difficult to subdue the powerful Pokémon without a battle. It was disgusting that many people surrounded Pokémon.

She admired Ling Huang's frankness instead.

Even if Serena knows the bad water in Ling Huang's belly, it is difficult for Quagsire to Purify.


Ling Huang released Lapras.


Lapras rubbed Ling Huang's face affectionately, and the slippery skin felt very touchy. Ling Huang laughed in love.

Serena was also very moved, but she just watched with satisfaction.

She likes this atmosphere very much.

Ling Huang started to view Lapras' Attribute template.


Level :lv.37

Characteristic Trait: Water Absorb (It is invalid when attacked by Water Type, and it restores 1/4/of the maximum HP at the same time 2021)

Ability: Singing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice Shard, Water Pulse, Body Slam, fortuitous encounter, Perish Song, Ice Beam, Brine

Aptitude : High grade

Attitude: Deep Yellow

Defense Aptitude: Medium Green

Speed ​​Aptitude: Olivine

Basic battle strength: 1980 "

Lapras's attack defense is not weaker than Hawlucha, but the speed is a bit slow. But the HP of Lapras is very strong, the same Aptitude of the same level, and the HP of Lapras is close to twice that of Hawlucha.

This directly fills the vacancy of Ling Huang's team.

Ling Huang's team is very lack of this kind of anti-hypertension existence. Although the other forms of Rotom have high defense, their HP is very low.

"How do you feel?" Serena asked.

"Very good." Ling Huang touched Lapras' head and said.

This Lapras is the new Trump Card in Ling Huang's lineup. It has a high level, high BP, and powerful Ability. At this stage, there is no solution.

"I'll make some more puffs." Serena smiled and walked away into the kitchen.

Ling Huang has nothing to do, so he opens the forum and observes the latest developments.

"The world's first Gym challenge winner discovered China Qin City! Why did Top Ranking Player'Ling Huang' get this honor?"

"Ling Huang's deeds are unified! Sure enough, "Pokémon world: GO" is an IQ game! There is no need to question, the reason for the failure may be insufficient IQ..."

"The second successful challenger in the world discovered the United States! Pokémon is complete and the level is extremely high. High, perfect tactics! Where is the third winner?"

In just a few hours, the forum almost exploded. Some of the essence posts about Ling Huang dominated the list even more. Behind every post, there are millions or even millions of comments. Just a national announcement brought Ling Huang to the forefront. Among them, there are many who belittle Ling Huang, but they are all actively filtered by Ling Huang.

What Ling Huang cares about is that there are also successful challenges in the United States.

Click to open the post and take a look, only to know that this winner is an Olympic Athlete cultivated by the country. And because of his extraordinary family background, it is not surprising that he can win.

In addition to Gym, there are many more posts about updates.

“Can’t buy and sell low grade Pokémon? I’m hoarding hundreds of low grade Pokémon and waiting to make a big profit from reselling. Now you say you can’t trade?”

“Is this update It means that Pokémon transactions on the forum will be restricted step by step in the future?"

"System, you are cutting off our money! Will the only Pokémon circulating on the forum in the future include Catterpie, Weedle, and Magikarp?"

Countless people complained about the update of the trading rules of the forum. Even countless people have suffered losses as a result.

As for the cancellation of the HP entry, there are a lot fewer people commenting.

"Only by constantly updating can we maintain the charm of the game." Ling Huang secretly thought.

What surprised Ling Huang most was that his Magikarp acquisition post was topped on the homepage, and it was also favored by system and became a popular essence post.

In the reply to the post, countless people wanted to take Magikarp.

These cunning merchants have already smelled the update trend of system. This is obviously to prevent Pokémon trading!

At that time, there is still a backlog of money-losing goods like Magikarp on hand, so you still have to lose all your pants!

Ling Huang responded one by one.

"One hundred thousand Magikarp, you are not deceived, do you want to trade?"

"Yes, of course the transaction." The opposite reply was quick.

"Direct transfer." Ling Huang nodded.

Under the post, most of them are high grade Magikarp, and no one has taken the top grade.

Data flowed through the network, Magikarp filled Ling Huang's backpack, and his wallet gradually dried up.

As a last resort, he can only borrow money from Qin Fan.

"Qin Fan."

"What's wrong?" Qin Fan on the phone was a little tired, and the voice of Heracross sounded nearby.

Obviously, even at night, he is still leveling.

Qin Fan is already obsessed with this game.

"Borrow money."

"How much to borrow?" Qin Fan was not at all ambiguous.

The so-called buddies are such existence.

"10 million." Ling Huang was also unambiguous, directly lion's big mouth.

"You borrow so much?" Qin Fan slightly frowned, "Ling Huang, are you blocked, or someone wants to yin you. You speak directly, I didn't even know him fucking in the past. "

"No, I want to buy Magikarp." Ling Huang shook his head.

Qin Fan's brain is too big, I am not the kind of person you think!

"Magikarp?" Qin Fan said incredulously: "Now the whole world is selling Magikarp, you say you want to buy? Use 10 million to buy? Unfathomable mystery!"

"You Is there anyone nearby?" Ling Huang asked.

"No. I advise you..."

"The evolutionary type of Magikarp is Gyarados." Ling Huang said indifferently: "No Starter Pokemon can compare to Gyarados. Still That sentence, I don’t want to tell the average person."

"What you said is true?" Qin Fan's eyes lit up, "I thought the guy on the homepage had the same name as you... It turns out that the guy on the homepage is so real. It’s you!"

"Tell your sister!" Ling Huang shook his head, "You can say whether to borrow or not."

"Borrow!" Qin Fan clenched the teeth," I'll call you later. Hang up first, then don't hang up, my Heracross will hang up."


Hang up the call, Ling Huang was a little moved.

Ten million is not a small number.

Except Qin Fan, who has the courage to lend him 10 million Ling Huang?

It didn't take long for the phone to prompt 10 million more. Nothing to say, just take it all!

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