"It is now announced that the Shenyang History Cup Contest Festival will be held!" Lin Qianyan said.

Ling Huang sat on the player stand, admiring the beauty of Lin Qianyan with pure eyes.

Lin Qianyan and Ling Huang actually made friends with each other very early. Ling Huang once boringly searched for those stranded friends to apply, and didn't expect one of Lin Qianyan's.

Ling Huang thought about it at the time and agreed.

"Could it be that Lin Qianyan sorry applied to me as a friend, and then wanted to add me quietly, but didn't expect that I set a refusal to add a friend?" Ling Huang thought so at the time.

Lin Qianyan glanced at Ling Huang lightly, not at all because Ling Huang is a list friend. She just swept many players politely.

To participate in the History Cup Contest Festival, at least the Top Rank Player is required. Most Top Rank Players don't want to be separated from the energy of leveling. In addition, players who are not proficient in the Contest Festival competition method are just embarrassing to participate. It is better not to participate.

Therefore, there are only 60 players in the History Cup, no more, no less. The way of the game is similar to last time, so I won’t go into details here.

Lin Qianyan said: "I'm Lin Qianyan, everyone just call me a simple talk. I am also the host and commentator of the Harbin Ice & Snow Trophy Contest Festival. Good afternoon everyone!"

Applause broke out from the audience.

Many male fans even screamed, the scene... how do you say it.

Gay is gay.

I have to say that Lin Qianyan's popularity as a Player is really high.

We are almost catching up with Ling Huang.

"The rewards of this Contest Festival, in addition to the gorgeous ribbons of the pass to participate in the Contest Festival of the Northeast Region, the top 3 also have virtual Items rewards."

"First First place gets any Holding items x1, Alliance points 500."

"Second place gets any special Poké Ball x1, Alliance points 300."

"The third place gets any TM x1 , Alliance points 100."

"The rest of the contestants can receive 50 Alliance points as an encouragement prize. Then, the game begins. Please draw lots for 60 contestants to determine the order of appearance."

A page pops up in front of Ling Huang.

"The lottery starts."

"No. 2, which is the first number." Ling Huang secretly thought: "No. 2 should be a better number, and you don’t need to be the first to appear. There is no need to be the bottom. If you are in the middle, you are likely to collide with other people’s performances, then it will be embarrassing and the score will not be much."

In general, you may lose the score in the front row. , The audience points may have a bonus. It's very stable in the middle, and the back row is really not a good position.

Not at the end.

At this time, the judges gradually appeared.

It is actually the last three, Misty, Yale and Serena. However, judging from the number of sessions, the order of the judges of the History Cup should be Serena, Yale, and Misty.

Ling Huang believes that this is the most appropriate.

Serena speaks calmly, Yale's evaluation is fair, and Misty is more radical. Misty is the biggest uncertainty factor, it is likely to affect the audience score, and the fluctuation is very small at the end.

"Then, please come on stage, player No. 1," Lin Qianyan said.

Ling Huang began to watch the game intently.

For the theme history of this Contest Festival, Ling Huang dare not say that his understanding is 100% correct.

Milotic even came up with the gimmick of acting.

In the Pokémon century, every Player is equal, and the system does not favor anyone. And Milotic thought of the way of acting, as if the system opened up to Ling Huang.

Of course, this is not the case.

It is widely spread that Pokémon has independent intelligence and is independent of the system. At least the game system cannot affect the thinking of individual Pokémon.

No. 1 Player Ling Huang has learned from the forum that he is a relatively well-known Top Ranking Player and a rising star.

Currently, it is in the middle of the top play.

Mu Ji.

Hippowdon: lv.52

Hippowdon is an evolution of Hippopotas, a single Attribute of Ground Type. Ling Huang couldn't think of what kind of performance Mu Ji would perform.

Furthermore, the appearance of Hippopotas itself is not very good, and the popularity of the forum is not high. It is difficult to get a higher audience score because of this.

After all, this is the age of looking at faces.

"Hippowdon, use Sandstorm!" Mu Ji said.

When a dust storm blew up on the high platform, the sand became deeper and deeper, but Mu Ji did not rush to give an order.

Each Player has 5 minutes of performance time, but not as long as possible. The key is how to bring the best visual experience to the audience.

3 minutes.

Mu Ji was silent for 3 minutes.

Ling Huang can't understand a bit.

"How does he want to perform?" He secretly thought: "Ground Type is certainly not suitable for the ordinary Contest Festival, but the History Cup is different. Does this Mu Ji want to perform the history of Arab Egypt Region? ",

Ling Huang guessed that Mu Ji might build a pyramid.

But it turns out that Ling Huang guessed wrong.

"Then use Rock Tomb!" Mu Ji said.

Ling Huang frowned, this Rock Tomb is a little different...

Very different.

The usual Rock Tombs are all irregularly shaped boulders. But Hippopotas' Rock Tomb is different. The fallen Rock is a very regular cuboid, and all of them are upright.

Ling Huang guessed that Mu Ji is likely to make sculptures next.

Of course, the pyramid is impossible, there are too many stones, and the shape is completely different from the pyramid. That much time has been wasted, and it is impossible to build it on site.

"Use Rock Smash Ability on the boulder!" Mu Ji said.

Ling Huang looks calm.

Rock Smash is the Fighting Type's Ability, 40-point formidable power, few Players will fancy Rock Smash's TM.

It's useless.

I don't know what Mu Ji intends to do.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ bang...

Hippowdon sprang out suddenly, knocking on every boulder. Rock began to tremble, and the debris began to fall.

"No way...Does he want to build that?" Ling Huang was surprised secretly thought.

This time, he finally guessed right.

Stone chips kept falling, as if to untie the Imprison, revealing the human-shaped stone sculpture inside.

The face is blurred, and many details have not been dealt with properly. Only the limbs can distinguish clearly.

But so what?

Can't bear the large number!

When Ling Huang expanded his vision, he couldn't help being shocked.

Terracotta Warriors.

Yes, Mu Ji has a very good idea, which is to make stone sculptures of terracotta warriors and horses. Maybe it is impossible to make the exquisite kind of real products, but as long as the number is arranged well, the strong sense of history will assaults the senses.

Lin Qianyan was a little uncontrollable, and explained: "We can see dozens of terracotta warriors and horses standing in the wind and sand like army formations, which looks very shocking. But if you don’t use Sandstorm Ability, you won’t Will it be better? Let's see Mu Fei's next performance."

She tone barely fell, and Mu Fei's Hippopotas will take action.

Hippopotas forcibly stopped Sandstorm.

"Finally, use Sand Tomb!" Mu Ji said.

Almost the entire venue was shrouded by Sand Tomb, and the "terracotta warriors" became blurred.

When the storm stopped, the terracotta warriors had disappeared.

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