"This is the Badge of Changchun Gym, now it is yours." Lin Yueqi handed the Changchun Badge to Ling Huang.

Ling Huang solemnly put the Badge in the system backpack.

"Your friend'Lin Qianyan' requested a video chat. Do you accept it?"


Ling Huang is a little helpless, Lin Yueqi is Lin Qianyan's younger sister, Lin Qianyan, is afraid that she will raise her teacher.

A strange light screen appeared in front of Ling Huang.

"long time no see." Ling Huang greeted.

Even through the screen, Lin Qianyan is still so beautiful. Comparing Lin Yueqi again, it turns out that beauty has to rely on Genetic.

It's just light makeup, but it has a breathtaking beauty.

"Long time no see you!" Lin Qianyan said angrily: "You were fighting my younger sister Pokémon just now?"


"You still Mimic her tone?"

"Uh, that's right." Ling Huang said helplessly, he had a feeling that he might have stepped on a minefield.

"Her body is so bad, are you still so angry with her? You are so good, Ling Huang, I have never seen you like this." Lin Qianyan said.

"It's not that serious, right?" Ling Huang said: "This is a battle, old sister, and Lin Yueqi is basically unaffected. Have you watched all my previous videos? I also considered her His physical condition decided to use this tactic. Besides, I don’t shorten the instructions to keep up with the rhythm!"

Lin Qianyan was speechless.

Indeed, if Ling Huang moves for real, he can completely collapse the opponent mentality.

He is already very restrained.

"You are reasonable." Lin Qianyan exhaled deeply, looking towards the scenery behind Ling Huang, "This is the Changchun Gym?"

Her face changed and became glowing. red.

"Otherwise." Ling Huang shrugged.

Lin Yueqi quietly leaned over and said to Lin Qianyan: "elder sister, I'm fine."

"I will close the video first, and see you later, you guys will talk slowly."


The video chat was interrupted, and Ling Huang was a little helpless.

"Your sisters have such a good relationship." He exclaimed.

The implication is that Lin Qianyan is really hopeless.

"My elder sister has always been like this." Lin Yueqi helplessly said.

Ling Huang doesn't have a brother sister, so she can't understand this feeling. After chatting with Lin Yueqi for a few more words, he made a farewell remark.

Anyway, I have already added a friend to Lin Yueqi. I should be able to ask her for help in the next thing.

Meowth revealed that as the last of the 3 largest Contest Festivals in the Northeast Region, the Changchun Contest Festival’s champion award is a direct reward for top grade Pokémon.

And it is the top grade Pokémon of Psychic Type + Fairy Type.

top grade Ralts, after the final evolution is top grade Gardevoir. Of course, if you are a male, you can also choose to evolve into Gallade.

Fairy Type Pokémon......

Undoubtedly, it is the nemesis of Dragon Type Pokémon.

Therefore, a certain squad of Team Rocket is eyeing this Contest Festival and intends to directly Snatch top grade Ralts.

In addition, the squad seems to control the low point of existence of a small dragon's nest. Ling Huang believes that as one of the contestants of the Contest Festival, the elite coordinator with 2 ribbons must not stand idly by.

Captive members of Team Rocket squad, forcing the Dragon Type Pokémon gathering place to win the Changchun Contest Festival champion, sitting on top grade Ralts.


Ling Huang's team lacks Fairy Type Pokémon, and the evolution to Gardevoir can also make up for the shortcomings of Ling Huang Pokémon's lineup.

"Gardevoir looks feminine, but there are many males in it." Ling Huang secretly thought: "It stands to reason that regardless of gender, it can evolve into Gardevoir. Don't worry about it."

No hurry anyway, there are still about 20 days before the Changchun Contest Festival.

The change of Team Rocket should be within these 20 days.

But what is certain is that they dare not act on the day of the meeting anyway.

Players are the most attractive spectacle for this kind of thing.

This is the so-called "faction mission". As long as Team Rocket dares to appear, random missions will be generated. You can get rich rewards for completing tasks.

Because the number of Team Rocket is so small, random tasks are still rare. At least Ling Huang has not encountered it so far.

"The Team Rocket trio seems to be non-staff members of Team Rocket. Meeting them has never generated a faction mission." Ling Huang secretly thought.

This is the most regrettable.

Ling Huang meets Serena at the gate of Gym.

"Congratulations." Serena said with a slight smile.

"You're welcome." Ling Huang's heart was slightly warm.

Can get Changchun Badge, saying that he is not happy is fake. In this case, Serena's voice seemed very warm.

"Are you staying with me tonight?" Ling Huang asked.

"en." Serena nodded, "Travel together, it’s more convenient to live together."

"That's OK," Ling Huang said.

He has no other ideas.

Serena is beautiful, but it's a pity that I can only see it and can't touch it... Well, even if it can be touched, Ling Huang dare not touch it.

Ling Huang originally wanted to book a hotel room, but Serena offered to try a homestay. Ling Huang had no objection.

It's almost the same anyway.

Ling Huang doesn't have much demand for a place to live, as long as he can live there.

This time the homestay is relatively spacious. The owner of the homestay is a husband and wife, who looks very affectionate.

They haven't met the Player who travels with the NPC, and they are surprised by Ling Huang.

Ling Huang didn't explain much, so he immersed himself in the meal.

Serena received the lunch from the system and ate it directly.

Ling Huang is used to this, but the couple is clicking one's tongue in wonder. Serena eats and has spare energy to talk to the couple.

After eating and drinking, Ling Huang began to measure the data. Serena made Pokémon puffs and Pokémon food in the room, and distributed them to the two Pokémons. The rest let Ling Huang send it back to Gym and share it with the group of guys who stayed behind Gym.

The Pokémon food made by Serena is very delicious in Pokémon's eyes, and it is a delicacy that even Pokéblock can't match.

Ling Huang also felt very relieved to see their happy expressions when they were eating.

"Delphox didn't come to me, she should have given up Arcanine. That's right, the relationship between Delphox and Arcanine is at best a momentary heartbeat. It is normal to give up after so long." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Ling Huang doesn't understand the relationship between Pokémon very well, but just follows the principle of stocking.

They will entangle as much as they like. As long as the relationship does not deteriorate, Ling Huang will not care.

After finishing the matter at hand, Ling Huang asked Metang to bring Meowth in.

"What can I do for you?" Meowth asked all around, looking around.

"You stand beside me first." Ling Huang said, walking to Metang.

Metang: lv.55, Aptitude: top grade

Ling Huang throws a Poké Ball.

Metang: lv.50, Aptitude: high grade

Although the two Metangs look almost exactly the same, the difference in Aptitude is huge.

Meowth looks strange.

"It seems that Ling Huang wants to evolve Metang into Metagoss." Meowth secretly thought: "Goodra, Metagoss, Ling Huang wants to have 2 Quasi-Legendary."

The current Player does not even have a complete concept of Quasi-Legendary, even if it is accepted to Quasi-Legendary, it is also a factor of luck.

Ling Huang is already consciously evolving Quasi-Legendary and has also challenged Legendary.

Unconsciously, Ling Huang has been on the cusp of the times. Has been Mimic, has never been surpassed.

Seeing Ling Huang's constant strength, Meowth is in a mixed mood.



Two Metangs made the same sound, looking at each other in blank dismay, in fact, they realized that they would what happened.

"Do you want to evolve?" Ling Huang asked.

Two Metangs are nodded together. If there is no special reason, Pokémon will not refuse to evolve.

Becoming stronger, this is almost a mark in Pokémon's blood.

Evolution is the most direct and effective way to become stronger. Pokémon after evolution is simply shedding body and exchanging bones.

Furthermore, for Metang, evolution is just to make "group living" more thorough.

"Then you guys start to merge and evolve, I'll be guarding by the side, nothing will happen." Ling Huang said.

"Guling Guling"

Two Metangs were nodded together and began to touch each other.

White light flashes and interweaves.

Metang, began to evolve.

Ling Huang took out the instrument, magnified the scene in front of him, and began to analyze.

"At present, it seems that there is no problem with evolution, and it is dominated by top grade Metang." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Next, the mutation sprang up.

The high grade Metang began to take the reversal, and the top grade Metang was suppressed.

Ling Huang's heart is beating peng peng straight, and everybody wants to order high grade Metang to make top grade Metang. But then think again, since the high grade Metang wants to dominate, what qualifications does he have to stop it?

He is Trainer, equal to Pokémon.

Thinking of this, Ling Huang calmed down.

top grade Quasi-Legendary Metagross, I am lucky, but I lost my life. By now, Ling Huang also looked away.


It seems that Ling Huang's emotions are felt, and the top grade Metang rises instantly, and then the high grade Metang is suppressed.

Through the white light, Ling Huang can see that the fusion of the two Metangs is almost complete.

I can even see the outline of Metagross, and his body has become a lot bigger.

The white light finally dissipated.

"Congratulations, your 2 Metangs have merged and evolved into Metagoross, BP +1620! Learn Ability Hammer Arm, the current Level is Level 55!"


Level :55

Characteristic Trait :Clear Body (Stat Modifiers will not be reduced by any Characteristic Trait and Ability of the opponent) Light Metal (Weight becomes half of the original)

Ability: Electromagnetic Levitate, Take Down, Metal Claw, Confusion, Pursuit, Bullet Punch, Miracle Eye, Zen Headbutt, Noble Face, Psychic, Agility, Meteor Mash, Hammer Arm, Iron Wall, Hyper Beam, Sandstorm

Aptitude: top grade

Attitude Aptitude: Deep Green

Defense Aptitude: Medium Green

Speed ​​Aptitude: Dark Green

Comprehensive battle strength: 5400

Intimacy: 150"

Ling Huang took a deep breath.


"The BP of 5400 points...Level 55 already has such a BP, it is invincible. It is worthy of the top grade Quasi-Legendary." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Most of the Ability of Metagoross was learned during the Metang period. After evolving into Metagoss, the only added Ability was Hammer Arm.

After using Hammer Arm, the speed will slow down. Ling Huang's expectation of Hammer Arm Ability is not high.

"It turns out that the intimacy of the two Metangs is only 130. After the evolution, the increase of 20 points is also a surprise." Ling Huang secretly thought.

The importance of intimacy to Player is self-evident.

For example, 60 points of intimacy is equivalent to using an old-fashioned desktop computer, and the delay in playing games is so high that it explodes, which is basically difficult to play. If opponent's equipment is similar to yours, of course there is no such problem.

255 points full value intimacy is the luxury game console configured by Peak Level, which is about to fly, which can support many difficult operations of Player.

The process of increasing intimacy is the process of reducing latency and improving host configuration.

For professional players, low configuration may be able to support routines, but they cannot support operations.

The improvement of Pokémon's intimacy is imminent.

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