Changchun, Jingyuetan.

The gradually warming Jingyuetan, the ice and snow melt, but it has an ice-beauty-like beauty. People can't help but touch her water surface gently, feeling the tenderness that can be broken by blowing. The touch.

Ling Huang will back to Jingyuetan when he is giving a commentary.

The warming Jingyue Lake is beautiful.

"Like this kind of scenery, it can really set off my temperament." Ling Huang said.

"pu chi."

Serena resisted, but after all she laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at." Ling Huang couldn't help laughing.

"Nothing, do you have ideas now?" Seleian asked.

"Well, it’s almost the same. It’s not too esoteric. The main reason is that both sides are fighting fast and have a good grasp of Ability. Of course, the damage control is not good, but since The public can't control the damage, so I naturally avoid the serious and lighten it." Ling Huang talked freely.

Serena doesn't really understand either.

She is a coordinator, if she talks about the Contest Festival, she can speak very well.

She also wanted to participate in the Contest Festival. Since the competition sent the invitation letter from the judges, she couldn't help but think about it.

Furthermore, it is not suitable for NPC to participate in the Contest Festival. It's not that they can't, but most of the NPCs perform their duties, and they don't want to compete with the Player who has only started the game for 2 months, and disrupt the game balance.

"It should be okay to see your status. Then I will wait to watch your video." Serena sat on the grass and quietly looked at the scenery of Jingyuetan, her eyes became far-reaching, somewhat Trance.

Ling Huang looked at her beautiful profile face, nodded: "I guess I can see it tonight."

It's just a commentary video. For Ling Huang, it's not a big problem.

Next, Ling Huang took out the camera, connected to the AR Wristband and started recording.

Although AR Wristband is powerful, its camera function has many limitations, and it often requires the assistance of original electronic products.

In fact, it is right to think about it. If AR Wristband is really omnipotent, then every industry chain will face a crisis.

It will never be the current situation that promotes the development of the world economy.

Turn on the camera, Ling Huang tried to make himself look natural.

"Hello everyone, I’m Player Ling Huang. I’m sure everyone knows that I just became a Divine Grade Player, even I can’t avoid it, I have to give fans some welfare fans. I want to go. , I decided to make a commentary video. Well, today I will explain the recent battle video of Su Qiqi vs Liu Kaifeng which has been very intensely reversed. I believe that many Players have seen it, but few really understand it. So I think my commentary is still It’s very necessary. The video is only 2 minutes, which is no way. After all, Liu Kaifeng has no staying power, so it will last for 2 minutes.” Ling Huang said.

It's not that he and Liu Kaifeng have an antagonism.

It's just that Liu Kaifeng has a very bad reputation. It's not that his game mode is so disgusting, it's him.

Liu Kaifeng is a famous dude in the northeast, and it is precisely because dude does not put money in his eyes that he is willing to spend money crazy in the Pokémon century.

I spent more than half a billion before becoming a Divine Grade Player.

The amount of money spent is not the point, even Ling Huang has spent half a billion. It’s just that Liu Kaifeng uses his family’s money, and Ling Huang “invests” to make money and then invest.

Liu Kaifeng has a lot of negative news.

Snatching monsters, beating people, Pokémon personal attacks, etc. have been done. And doing things are all based on preferences without scruples.

Ling Huang really doesn't like this person.

Furthermore, if you make a video about Liu Kaifeng, the video won’t get hot unless he hacks him a few words!

Next, Ling Huang started talking about the Pokémon lineup of both sides, and increased his speech speed as fast as possible.

Although the battle is only 2 minutes, but in fact there is a lot of information. When the recording is completed, the length of the video is increased from 2 minutes to 20 minutes.

20 minutes, neither long nor short, can not be said to be short or lengthy, and as a commentary video, most people can accept it.

"This will last longer."

Take time to process the post-processing of the video, add some special effects and special effects, and Ling Huang will post the video on the forum.

Although it is the first time to upload a video, Ling Huang is no stranger to the uploading operation, and the upload is successful soon.

The system review of the forum is very fast, and it will be released in a few minutes. Ling Huang directly used the researcher's permission to add the essence after seeing the post.

"{essence} shocked! Su Qiqi vs Liu Kaifeng, there is such a secret in it! Ling Huang professionally explained and analyzed the Peak duel from the perspective of Divine Grade Player."

essence posts and ordinary posts is that essence posts can exist in both the ordinary area and the essence area at the same time.

In order to avoid spam in the general area, players often go to the essence area to read posts. Clicking to reply in the essence area will also affect the normal area.

In other words, the popularity of essence posts is twice or more than ordinary posts, so essence posts are not easy to sink.

After finishing the commentary video, Ling Huang stretched.

This thing is really not easy.

At the same time, the number of views on Ling Huang's commentary video has been soaring.

100,000, 1 million, 1.5 million, 2 million...

The increase in clicks cannot stop. Ling Huang feels that this may be the credit of the title.


At the same time, Kunming, Yunnan.

Kunming is like spring in all seasons, and it is even more so in late winter.

When Qin Fan and Zheng Qing are tired of being together, the sweet aura exudes, even the surrounding lovers can't bear it.

I really don’t know if it will attract a wasp.

Qin Fan opened the forum, but got the news that Ling Huang has become a Divine Grade Player. I was very surprised and stood up directly.

Zheng Qing, who was leaning on him, was caught off guard and said: "What are you doing, frightened and flustered."

Although he was complaining, his eyes were full of sweetness.

Single dogs walked away silently, afraid to approach. If you don’t have a Chimecho with you, you can use Heal Pulse at any time, and it’s better not to consider approaching these two people.

"Ling Huang has become a Divine Grade Player." Qin Fan said.

"Wow, isn't it, it's so amazing!"

"Yes, and his Metagross put Su Qiqi under his body on the Pokémon double list, which is really strong !" Qin Fan said excitedly: "Who doesn't know Ling Huang is my best buddy, and I have become famous too."

"Can you be a little bit ambitious, you can't compete for energy and become a Divine Grade Player?" Zheng Qing rolled his eyes.

"What can I do, I am currently floating with 1200 Top Ranking Players, but I can't keep up. With 3000 Top Ranking Players, not everyone can shine in the desert like Ling Huang." Qin Fan said.

"hmph, no ambition." Zheng Qing hummed.

Qin Fan didn't care about her. Just when I wanted to chat with Ling Huang and tease, I saw the commentary video sent by Ling Huang.

"He seems to have uploaded a commentary video." Zheng Qing said.

"This video...I have watched it before. I wanted to find an explanation video but couldn't find it. It seems that no one dared to explain it. I couldn't contact Su Qiqi, and I couldn't analyze the factors in the video." Qin Fan Said.

"Click on it and have a look." Zheng Qing clicked on the video.

"Hello everyone, I'm Player Ling Huang..."

Qin Fan and Zheng Qing finished watching them in one go, and it took only 20 minutes anyway. To their surprise, the originally incomprehensible battle turned out to be easy to understand.

Ling Huang even continued to expand, if he stood in the position of Liu Kaifeng, how to win, and it was justified and convincing.

Qin Fan without the slightest hesitation, directly clicked the forwarding, and sent it to his friends circle, and it continued to spread.

At the same time, similar things continue to happen in the gaming circle.


Forbidden Gym, Beijing.

When Su Qiqi saw this video, he was actually a little surprised.

She didn't expect that Ling Huang could make it so quickly.

It's only been a day.

From the perspective of broadcast volume, it doesn't look like a perfunctory work. Su Qiqi also opened up the doubtful place, didn't expect to see it with keen interest pleasure.

"We can see from the lineup comparison between Su Qiqi and Liu Kaifeng that Su Qiqi’s 3 Pokémons are Roserade, Empoleon, and Noivern. Liu Kaifeng’s 3 Pokémons are Greninja, Magnezon, and Yan Martial King."

"As a domestic player's handle, Su Qiqi and Liu Kaifeng's Pokémon are undoubtedly all top grade, and the level difference is very small. We can't find a comparison between Aptitude and Level. So, we can start from the aspect of Attribute restraint. So the question is, which lineup is more dominant?"

"In fact, the lineups of the two sides are almost the same. If Roserade vs Greninja , Noivern vs Yan Martial King, Empoleon vs Magnezon, there is no doubt that Su Qiqi is more dominant. If in turn, Empoleon vs. Magnezon, Roserade vs. Martial King, Noivern vs. Greninja, then Liu Kaifeng is dominant. Actually, I I think Liu Kaifeng has a greater advantage. As for the reason, I will explain it next."

"Okay, I won’t say more about these basic things. The so-called advantage is not based on words. I only know it when I get up. Pokémon Century is not a card game. It is not so simple and clear. Let's get to the topic first."

See here, Su Qiqi nodded.

Ling Huang's explanation is quite well-founded.

From the shallower to the deeper, the next is the highlight.

Look at what Ling Huang said.

"Okay, our 7th player sent Empoleon, and Liu Kaifeng's first game Pokémon was Magneson. As I said earlier, Liu Kaifeng's lineup is slightly dominant because of Empoleon and Magnezon. Empoleon It is Pokémon of Water+Steel Type. I think everyone understands the advantages of Steel Type in defense. Empoleon of Water+Steel Type is a real panacea. Only Fighting, Electricity, and Ground Type can deal considerable damage. However, this is the case. Empoleon, facing the Magneson of Electric + Steel Type, it's not enough." Ling Huang explained.

"Interesting, Ling Huang's commentary is quite comprehensive." Su Qiqi secretly thought.

Ling Huang's commentary is characterized by comprehensiveness and excellent analysis.

She wanted to see what Ling Huang could explain in the 2-minute battle video.

She even compares Ling Huang with herself. If she explains by herself, can she explain it?

Or, can her commentary be the same as Ling Huang's comment on equal terms?

Su Qiqi couldn't find the answer for a while. Because she can't think so comprehensively like Ling Huang.

"No wonder Shirona said that in terms of understanding Pokémon, I am inferior to Ling Huang. I was not convinced before, but now I am not convinced." Su Qiqi said in a low voice.

She glanced at the barrage and found that the curiosity of the Players was aroused.

All are waiting for Ling Huang's following.

PS: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for comments! Long Tao Lou welcomes all genuine readers to ask for roles. If you correct the wrong building, you are also welcome to ask the party to correct it. There are still few people in the group, I hope everyone can join the group, ordinary group: 489276664, VIP group: 607128597.

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