At this time, the battle is finally coming to an end.

Liu Kaifeng's defeat is set.

Yan Martial King brace oneself played several rounds with Empoleon. Su Qiqi felt that Empoleon had almost residual blood, so he started to replace Pokémon.


"Noivern, use the storm." Su Qiqi said.

Yan Martial King is a little helpless. The Ability of Flying Type is very effective for him, but he has no way to deal with Noivern. He didn't even consume Noivern's HP before he fell.

"Martial King has lost the combat capability, so the winner is Su Qiqi." The referee announced.

"The final result was that Su Qiqi won and Liu Kaifeng lost miserably. This seems normal. As the strongest Player, Su Qiqi defeated Liu Kaifeng. Isn't it just like eating and drinking water?" Ling Huang said "Actually not. Liu Kaifeng and Su Qiqi’s Pokémon Level are similar. Su Qiqi’s lineup does not have any advantage. In this case, Liu Kaifeng’s failure to win is purely his personal problem."

" If Liu Kaifeng uses his lineup properly, he still has a chance to win. In general, this game can actually be won." Ling Huang explained.

Many people who think they want to turn off after watching can't help but stop.

Can Liu Kaifeng win?

How is it possible!

His opponent is really the first Player Su Qiqi!

Want to win? nonexistent!

Su Qiqi also aroused interest.

"This is actually a very high-quality video. Ling Huang's commentary is very good, the angle is clear, and the production is well-made. But I don't think Liu Kaifeng can beat me. After all, my victory at the time was considered good. . Well, let’s see what he said first.” Su Qiqi whispered.

There has never been a Player who commented like Ling Huang.

Which commentary videos are mostly evasive, and all kinds of scruples, for fear of being sprayed when they say the wrong thing.

It would be too pitiful for the commentators to spend a lot of time collecting information to make videos and be sprayed out.

But Ling Huang has no such concerns.

He seems to know everything, knows everything, and there is a very deep knowledge reserve in his brain.

Take Magnezon’s Implicit Characteristic as an example.

People with top grade Pokémon will most likely not speak of Implicit Characteristic, but as a hole card. Just like Vanilluxe's ​​Implicit Characteristic Shattered Armor, no one knows except for the Player with top grade Vanilluxe.

Posts about Characteristic Trait will not be followed by many people and will soon sink. Unless you post the entire Pokémon data, but that is completely revealing your own shortcomings and is totally undesirable.

For this reason, although there is a collection of Pokémon information on the forum, there are many people who study it. The records of Characteristic Trait and some Ability and TM are indeed very incomplete.

When fighting, you can only guess, or just ignore these.

But this is also the charm of Pokémon Century.

One of the biggest variables in the Divine Grade Player battle is Implicit Characteristic.

The Pokémon owned by the gods are all top grade Pokémon, and most of them have double Characteristic Trait. If you can fully understand all the Pokémon’s Characteristic Trait and various abilities of the opponent, and react fast enough... Isn’t it possible to fight every battle without defeat?

Su Qiqi's expression moved slightly.

She recalled that Ling Huang seemed to know everything. Even the very small and strange Pokémon, he could learn almost all the abilities of the other party.

Ling Huang's battle always ends easily.

"I really don't know, where did he know so much data. Did he really store all Pokémon's data in his mind? Shouldn't it." Su Qiqi secretly thought.

How is this possible.

Su Qiqi has Shirona's guidance and the exclusive channel of Olympics, so he has a deeper understanding of Pokémon.

However, even if she is the strongest player in the country, she can only say that the common Pokémon knows most of it, the rare Pokémon knows a small part, that's all.

There is absolutely no such exaggeration as Ling Huang.

"Ling Huang seems to have never been unfamiliar with Pokémon..." Thinking of this, Su Qiqi made it clear that Ling Huang has just been promoted to the game but has more than most Divine Grade Player popularity reasons.

It turned out to be so.

Unconsciously, her curiosity about Ling Huang increased by 1 point.

Ling Huang also pointed out Liu Kaifeng's mistakes. For example, when using Greninja, Liu Kaifeng did not use Greninja's special Characteristic Trait to "change freely". Changeable Characteristic Trait will make its own Attribute become the Attribute that will be used next, and the operating space is very large. It's a pity that Liu Kaifeng's mentality has collapsed slightly, and this Characteristic Trait cannot be used reasonably at all. In addition, Greninja had just been assigned at the time, and Liu Kaifeng was not familiar with the use of this Pokémon, which made it easy to lose.

Next, Ling Huang also began to explain how to beat Su Qiqi with Liu Kaifeng's lineup. It is reasonable and well-founded, every plan makes sense, and the feasibility is not low, which makes it impossible to refute.

Even Su Qiqi can't help but wonder, if the commanding Player is replaced by Ling Huang, will she still win?

She is not sure.

"But Ling Huang's Pokémon is not strong, and it is not my opponent yet." Su Qiqi secretly thought.

The most important thing in the Pokémon century is Pokémon's strength.

Ling Huang's Pokémon can't keep up with his tactics. This is the biggest flaw.

The explanation of various strategies that turn to win accounted for 14 of the video, about 5 minutes.

Most viewers have seen the end.

"The appeal of this video is really strong." She secretly thought.

Turn off the forum gently, and the idea of ​​adding Ling Huang as a friend is even stronger.

But she quickly threw this idea behind her head, anyway, she would meet Ling Huang soon, and she was unhurried for a while.

She believes that Ling Huang will definitely ask to be friends after seeing her.

This is not narcissism.

No man can resist her charm.


B&B in Changchun, Jilin Province.

Ling Huang watched the rapid increase in the amount of broadcast of the commentary video, and the number of followers skyrocketed.

The number of clicks in this half-day alone is comparable to all the posts previously made by Ling Huang. After all, the audience of video posts is many times larger than that of acquisition posts.

Ling Huang's acquisition posts are all for high-end players, and there are only 1w people in the country. Video posts are for any Player in the country, hundreds of millions.

Ling Huang thinks that in the future, he will often make this kind of video, and the number of fans will definitely increase.

When the time comes to join the Olympic team strongly, becoming Vice Captain directly is the most controversial.

Ling Huang now has a breakthrough 8 million followers, and it is still rising.

The number of followers is 8 million, which is incredible!

AR games have geographic restrictions. This is the largest bottleneck that increases the number of fans.

Like the Players in other provinces, I like to fan the top play in my hometown. It stands to reason that Ling Huang's fan audience should only be this part of Guangxi Province.

However, Ling Huang's influence is not just Province Level alone. He is a god of play, and he has produced many big news that shocked the whole country and even the whole world.

The domestic players are familiar with him, and the foreign players also feel familiar.

Under such a benchmark, as long as Ling Huang does something useful, fans will continue to increase.

By the way, Su Qiqi has 30 million followers, but most of them are directed at her appearance.

No way, it's really beautiful.

Although Ling Huang has never seen daoist, you can see from the pictures and videos that Su Qiqi is really beautiful.

True stunning.

Ling Huang felt that if Su Qiqi appeared in front of him now, he might not be able to resist her charm.

Su Qiqi's beauty cannot even be resisted by a woman. Any man will be excited when he sees her.

"The response to this video is good, and the comments are all praise." Ling Huang secretly thought: "The number of followers has also increased from 6 million to 8 million, an increase of 13. This video is really successful "

The number of comments continues to rise, and the amount of attention is also a new height. Ling Huang estimates that his attention should reach 15 million in 3 days.

15 million, a very strong number.

There are really not many Players who have ideas like Ling Huang and who can convey their ideas.

At this time, Serena also finished watching this video.

"It looks like...very difficult to deal with." Serena said: "It's funny. I just don't understand why you treat Liu Kaifeng and Su Qiqi as heaven and earth's difference to separate."

Ling Huang smiled wryly.

"You search for Liu Kaifeng."


After Serena finished reading, take a deep breath.

"No wonder. This person is simply disrupting the balance of the game. Officer Jenny was supposed to take care of it, but that was all half a month ago. Entering the Olympic team stopped. Officer Jenny took it. Olympic Athlete doesn't make any difference. The Alliance points can only be deducted symbolically by the system. It doesn't hurt or itchy," Serena said.

"Otherwise, why should I hack him for no reason." Ling Huang shrugged and took a mouthful of food.

"Are you not afraid that Liu Kaifeng will trouble you?" Serena asked.

"What are you afraid of." Ling Huang said indifferently: "It's not a major event either. It's hard to say who wins and who wins a Pokémon battle."

Serena nodded.

Although Liu Kaifeng is well-known, she is more confident in Ling Huang's strength.

No. 3 and No. 15, the gap is not very big, not without the opportunity to make up.

The couple at the B&B didn't understand Ling Huang and Serena's conversation very well, but they didn't ask.

I always feel that I can't talk to Ling Huang, because there is a generation gap.

Ling Huang noticed it, but didn't say much. They just wear AR Wristband to find something new, and the people like free and discounts.

Free is the most comfortable.

Since they don’t play games, it’s useless to say it.

After dinner, Ling Huang began to measure data for Professor Oak, and had very little time to rest.

Pokémon Century is different from the virtual virtual online games in the fantasy. It's the activity of your own body, so you will get tired.

Measurement of Pokémon data is just like the measurement of construction data by construction workers, which is actually quite labor intensive.

Although he is tired, Ling Huang does not have Slack Off.

Professor Oak said that as long as the number of measurements is enough, practice makes perfect, plus the relevant knowledge of the "Professor Oak Research Experience", Ling Huang's understanding of Top Rank researchers will be deflected.

From the Player’s "knowing what is happening and knowing why", the more comprehensive consideration of both Player and NPC's "knowing what is happening and knowing why".

There are a lot of data measurements, even without a health bar, Ling Huang's calculation of damage is very accurate.

After measuring the data, Ling Huang continued to study Professor Oak's research experience. This book is comparable to Sikuquanshu's experience, Ling Huang is not easy to understand, but it is not very difficult.

The main reason is that the word count is very large.

Ling Huang estimates that it will take a long time to read and understand this book. Basically, Ling Huang would watch it during the day, but his learning efficiency is too low.

"It will take at least one month to study this book thoroughly." Ling Huang secretly thought.

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