"Bisharp, stand in front of Nidoqueen, and use Night Slash Ability on Metagross!" Van Lundin said.

"Nidoqueen, use Earth Power with Metagross!" Janet said.

Ling Huang slightly frowned.

Psychic Type has no effect on Bisharp. If Zen Headbutt cannot hit Nidoqueen, it will be meaningless.

At the same time, Ground Type’s Earth Power Ability has a restraint on Metagross, as long as it hits it can deal high damage.

"It is worthy of being Captain and the team members who get along day and night, this tacit understanding is impeccable." Ling Huang secretly praised.

Van Lentin and Janet could reach a consensus in just a short time, to remove the breakthrough mouth from Milotic, and then to Metagross. If this is a coincidence, Ling Huang couldn't believe it.

It can only be said that it is the tacit understanding between Van Lundin and Janet.

Think about the last Pokémon doubles that was a long time ago. This time the doubles directly used the backbone BP, and there was no way out. Although Ling Huang couldn't help it, she tried to calm herself down.

This is interesting.

"Milotic, it's now!" Ling Huang's supplementary instructions were very brief.

Milotic seemed to perceive Ling Huang's intentions, and Hydro Pump Ability suddenly aimed at Bisharp.


The front of Bisharp took on the formidable power of the Hydro Pump. It was instantly blasted off, and it stabilized after spinning a few times in the air. There was continuous water dripping all over the body, making it very embarrassing.

At this time, Zen Headbutt of Metagross also exploded on Nidoqueen, making Nidoqueen dizzy and numb.

Zen Headbutt is not the most basic formidable power among Metagross Psychic Type Ability, it is true that Metagross can exert its strongest Psychic Type Ability.

With the ultra-high physical attack of Metagross, combined with the physical Zen Headbutt, which is a freak in the Psychic Type output Ability, the damage that can be done is beyond the imagination of the ordinary Player.


The very crisp sound, like the sound of the morning bell ringing in an ancient temple with a long history, resounds through my ears.

The effect is outstanding.

Yes, Ling Huang gave in to Van Lundin. He didn't expect Hydro Pump and Zen Headbutt to hit Nidoqueen at the same time. He chose the latter between Hydro Pump and Zen Headbutt to maximize the damage to his ideals.

After all, Zen Headbutt is not effective for Bisharp, and Ling Huang did not do useless work. If you use Zen Headbutt to attack Bisharp, it will only make a joke. On the contrary, it is the impact of Hydro Pump, allowing Bisharp's defense like King Fudo Ming to reveal a gap, and instantly leave its original position.

Exposing Nidoqueen under protection.

Van Lundin and Janet’s tacit understanding also began to appear gaps, Ling Huang grasped the weak spot, thus forming a momentum of suppression.

Metagross was also angrily under the command of Ling Huang to take on Bisharp's Night Slash Ability. Milotic was also hit by Nidoqueen's Earth Power, and HP suffered a corresponding loss.

Whether it is Milotic or Metagross, they are more relaxed.

Metagross had already used the Iron Wall Ability, the defense was increased by 2 levels, and Bisharp's Night Slash couldn't do much damage when hit. Milotic has a high level of special defense and is not afraid of Nidoqueen's Earth Power.

Nidoqueen's special attack is not strong, and the gap with Milotic is even greater.

The situation is already under Ling Huang's control.

Ling Huang still has some worries, this may not be all the strength of the squad.

Meowth’s intelligence is likely to be flawed, or the expression is not clear enough and not easy to understand.

The squad may have hidden hole cards that even Meowth can't figure out. If it is conveyed to Ling Huang, there will be deviations.

Like Pine, being a researcher is not like having a super Pokémon. Ling Huang guessed that it is very likely that at least 5 of the 6 top grade Pokémon were placed on Janet and Van Lundin.

Ling Huang is suspicious, dignified in his heart, and obviously calm and indifferent on the surface.

He is waiting for Van Lentin's back.

As the battle progressed, Ling Huang's two Pokémon gradually gained an advantage, and even turned the advantage into a victory.

Seeing that their Pokémon resisted hard and was about to lose, Van Lundin and Janet looked at each other and they were all nodded.

Prepare to send out the hole cards.

And Ling Huang opened the AR Wristband, glanced at the time, and whispered: "Time is up."

Van Lundin and Janet only felt unfathomable mystery.

When is it up?

Nidoqueen fell to the ground with Metagross' Zen Headbutt hit, and only Bisharp was still struggling with Struggle, and after taking the Hydro Pump, he appeared to be incapable.

"It turns out that'time is up' refers to this." Janet relaxed, "I have long heard that Player Ling Huang's prediction of Pokémon's condition is very accurate. I saw it today that the name is not in vain. "

"What surprised me the most and hard to resist is your ability to control the timing of the situation. But unfortunately, it's over." Van Lundin said.

He released the Poké Ball while Janet took back Nidoqueen.

Absol: lv.75

"I didn’t want to send him out. He has a different philosophy from ours. Player Ling Huang, your performance surprised me. You let Absol Qualifications to shoot." Van Lundin said.

Ling Huang's pupils shrink slightly.

"Didn't expect, the fifth top grade Pokémon is actually Absol, and the level is as high as 7Level 5." Ling Huang inwardly startled in one's heart.

This Absol's eyes are full of rebelliousness, and it is clear that Van Lundin's approach is contrary to his philosophy. But there is no way, even though the concept is different, the intimacy can also be driven. Especially at this moment when Trainer's safety and freedom are at stake, Absol is even more impossible to stay out of the matter.

Ling Huang sighed.

Although Absol is a Dark Type Pokémon, Absol is a race that is relatively biased towards Alliance. They will even show up in front of human beings when disaster strikes, reminding them of the disaster.

In the past two months, whenever geological and meteorological disasters occurred in a certain place, Players saw Absol in the wild. Because of Absol's handsome appearance, it attracted a lot of players to chase, but it reduced casualties.

Fortunately, in typhoon weather, there is no player stupid to charge ahead, otherwise Absol will do something wrong instead.

However, there are also many extreme Players who think that Absol is the incarnation of disaster, and knowledgeable Players will not believe it.

The information bombardment of these all are merchants who want to acquire Absol, Players, can't be true.

"No, what I said'time is up' is not what you think. Besides, I won't fight you." Ling Huang said with a smile.

At this time.

"roar! !"

Van Lundin and Janet looked up at the same time, their expressions were very exciting.

Salamence looked down at the two condescendingly, eyes full of anger.

"Your opponent is him." Ling Huang pointed to Salamence on his finger, indifferently said.

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