As expected by Ling Huang, Weavile immediately changed to Ability after sketching out the rudiment of ice sculpture.

"Use grasping Ability!" Tang Ao said.

Scratching is the most basic Ability of Pokémon whose appearance can find the characteristics of cats like Weavile.

Similar to Hawlucha’s Tackle, the formidable power is only 40 points.

Weavile's level is very high, and the attack power is not weak. The ability to grasp is used by Weavile, and the visual effect is not weak at all.

Often, as soon as it is caught, a large piece of ice falls and breaks on the ground.

"Use, Fury Swipes." Tang Ao said.

Fury Swipes is very unstructured Ability. Since Tang Ao dares to use it, it's no problem.

Sure enough, Fury Swipes, under Weavile's control, doesn't have the slightest sense of madness, but has a brisk feeling.

Fury Swipes has only 18 points of formidable power each time, which is much lower than the grip. If you can control it reasonably, you can handle the ice sculpture prototype very finely.

“It seems that Tang Ao really took a lot of effort. After all, this is his second time to participate in the Contest Festival. If the sculpture cup and the next Contest Festival can’t get the ribbon, then it’s true. He and the coordinator have no chance." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Although Ling Huang also hopes that Tang Ao can get the ribbon, he will not release water.

"I hope his luck will be better."

Ling Huang prayed silently and looked towards the huge ice sculpture on the stage. In fact, after the metal claws of the first round, Ling Huang could vaguely perceive that Tang Ao should sculpt a humanoid ice sculpture.

After catching Ability, Ling Huang could faintly perceive that the carving method seemed to have a wild flavor.

When Fury Swipes is used, this feeling is even stronger.

Until it became more and more refined, Ling Huang finally understood that Tang Ao was not meant to be any stone sculpture of a human body in Mimic, both ancient and modern. The model that Weavile sculpted is himself.

This is the same as Feebas. Of course, Feebas is not sculpting her, but her evolution, Shirona's Milotic.

"Weavile, use Hone Claws sub-Ability." Tang Ao continued, "and then continue to use Fury Swipes!"

Ling Huang nodded.

"In the Contest Festival, the ability of this kind of gain is not the sooner you use the better, but it depends on the actual situation. Next, Weavile is likely to complete the sculpture in one go, so improve the attack and The Hone Claws sub-Ability of the hit rate is very effective."

Ling Huang did not expect it.

With the sound of shua shua, the ice cubes kept falling. It stands to reason that the ice cube is cut by the claws, and it will definitely make a very disgusting special sound, but Weavile does not. It must be the result of Tang Ao's special training for this.

"Weavile, use Icy Wind!" Tang Ao said.

This is the last Ability.

As the wind with shining ice debris blows up, the impurities on the Whirlwind ice sculpture reveal the true nature of it.

This is the image of Weavile using Dark Pulse, very handsome.

"Thank you everyone."

Tang Ao and Weavile stood in front of the huge Weavile ice sculpture and bowed to the audience.

The audience lags behind for a short period of time, and quickly burst into strong applause.

They didn't expect Tang Ao to make such delicate and charming works.

Furthermore, Tang Ao’s biggest characteristic is that it is methodical. The connection between the various moves has its rationale and details. The final Icy Wind is like pulling the opening cloth, there is a kind of clearing the clouds and seeing the sky. a feeling of.

At the same time, Icy Wind also cleverly compensated for the shortcomings of showing off one's ability, which is often not smooth enough in carving. Generally speaking, this Weavile sculpture is very realistic, and the processing of every detail is very good.

Very vivid.

In the end, Tang Ao and Weavile scored 89 points for the judges, 90 points for the audience, and a total score of 179 points.

The No. 1 player got such a high score, which is also good for the effect of the program.

The atmosphere of the game has also begun to be fired up.

In general, Tang Ao's performance is of the kind that is not fancy, and is very close to the theme of the sculpture.

It is relatively single, but it is better than the quality.

The next player No. 2 wanted to do something fancy and make the entire stage full of yellow sand. Although the stone carving was done well, it still affected the audience's perception.

We are here to see the sculpture, not to see you Sandstorm.

The No. 2 player obviously did superfluous things. The final score was only 160 points, which was a very low score. Not only the audience, but the scores given by the judges are generally not high.

The player was not discouraged and stepped down directly.

The players behind have also been on stage one after another, and various sculptures have emerged one after another. From Pokémon to animals in reality, from swans flying in the sky, to eels swimming in the water, there is everything to mention.

The score is also even, mostly based on the quality of the performance. Ling Huang felt that if he had come to the Feebas set now, it would be good to have 165 points.

After all, the Milotic ice sculpture created by Feebas is not exquisite. It just took advantage of the fact that everyone didn't understand the Contest Festival at the time and took advantage of it.

As the game system matures, it becomes more difficult for Ling Huang to exploit the loopholes.

Until the 14th player stepped down, no player scored more than Tang Ao. The previous highest was player No. 14, with a score of 178 points, which is 1 point less than Tang Ao.

Ling Huang took a look at Tang Ao, and found that he was a little embarrassed, sweating out, and he was very fortunate.

Soon, Ling Huang took the stage.

The audience mostly recognized Ling Huang, with anticipation in their eyes, as if they were saying: Start your performance.

"The player who is now on stage is our No. 15 player. I believe everyone is familiar with him. It is the player Ling Huang who is becoming more and more famous." Lin Qianyan said.

"Audience friends, good afternoon everyone!" Ling Huang said with a pinch of accent, but did not feel the slightest seriousness.

It made the audience laugh.

"Then, player 15, please start your performance." Lin Qianyan said.

"en. ”

Ling Huang nodded, throw a Poké Ball.

Undoubtedly, it is Milotic.

Milotic's Level has now reached Level 62, and it is getting slower and slower. However, this level still shocked many viewers.

Ling Huang's upgrade speed seems to have become a bit scary after becoming a god.

It’s almost time to catch up with those veteran gods!

Ling Huang's Level is always his disadvantage, not outstanding. But now the audience can think of Ling Huang turning a disadvantage into an advantage.

"The title of the work is Heaven." Ling Huang said indifferently.

The curiosity of the audience was suddenly raised.

Contest Festival is different from ordinary competitions and time is very limited. The contestants basically don't give a name to the performance, or even if they name it, they will not mention it at the beginning, but will announce it at the end if the response is strong.

Like Ling Huang, the first two performances were very good, but he never gave the performance a name. There is no need to name it.

Respectively "Milotic" and "Da Yu Controls Water".

The performance of Tang Ao just now is "Weavile", which is known at a glance and is not a gimmick.

But this heaven...

Heaven is a very grand thing in the eyes of the people. And Ling Huang wanted to use the small-looking Pokémon in front of him to perform such a magnificent scenery, and the audience was a little unbelievable.

Ling Huang said the title of the work unprecedented, and they had to weigh it.

"Perhaps this paradise is not a real material paradise, but a spiritual paradise. The artistic conception that ice sculpture wants to express is such a beautiful thing. And Ling Huang is afraid that we don’t understand it, so we advance Speak out?"

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