Don't talk about the audience, even the three judges were surprised, thinking that Ling Huang was going to be here.

Not even the top three.

Ling Huang was nodded with satisfaction.

This kind of atmosphere is very good, as long as you arouse the curiosity of the audience and even the judges, it will definitely add a lot of points. When doubts are slowly solved, it will definitely make them happy.

"Grovyle, give me the Iron Ball." Ling Huang said.

He didn’t let Grovyle use Fling Ability. The formidable power of Fling, which uses Iron Ball as the carrier, is really too big. It will definitely make a huge noise. Not to mention it will scare the audience and the judges. If the rudiment of the giant ice sculpture is destroyed, it would be funny.

Ling Huang would not do such a funny thing.

The requirement of light installation of the Characteristic Trait only needs to "lost" the holding items, whether it is Fling, or let Grovyle actively "uninstall" the Iron Ball, and light installation of the Characteristic Trait can be turned on.

Ling Huang took the Iron Ball, only to feel a heavy feeling rise in the mind, and quickly put it into the backpack. Because the movements were very fast, the audience only saw Ling Huang and Grovyle touching their palms, as if they were exchanging feelings.

I can’t see Iron Ball at all.

The judges can see the clues.

"Could it be...Lightly loaded Characteristic Trait?" Misty asked slightly puzzled.

Lin Qianyan didn't explain too much. By this time it was Ling Huang's time for self-expression. Her commentary will steal Ling Huang's limelight instead, making her "annoying".

As a professional commentator, Lin Qianyan has a good grasp of this aspect.

"Grovyle, use Leaf Blade." Ling Huang said.


The grass blades on Grovyle's arms flashed with green rays of light.

During this period of time, Grovyle, in addition to weight training, was practicing how to use Leaf Blade. After knowing that the level is high, not all abilities can take effect on Pokémon, Ling Huang began to focus on training a certain ability of Pokémon.

Grovyle’s Ability is Leaf Blade.

Although the ice attribute has a strong restraint on the Grass Type, the effect of the Grass Type on the ice attribute will not be discounted at all.

Ling Huang does not worry about the destructive power of Leaf Blade at all.

Grovyle, surely can do the job of a sculptor.

Shoo, hoo, hoo.

Grovyle sprang out suddenly, the Leaf Blade kept flying, and the attack speed was even faster than Weavile's Fury Swipes!

When the audience was surprised that they came back to his senses, Grovyle had already carved on the gate of "heaven". They can only see the green trajectory of Grovyle as it moves.

This speed... is too fast.

Where did Ling Huang take over this "special" Grovyle!

Soon someone exclaimed: "Isn't this the top grade Treecko acquired by Ling Huang on the forum?"

A stunned wave.

The top grade Pokémon accepted in the forum, unexpectedly has such a speed? Not to mention Level 38, I am afraid that Sceptile at level 60 is not so fast!

So fast, how can other Pokémon capture your body? And the Leaf Blade's almost indistinguishable swing speed, which Pokémon can resist?

Although it is now a Contest Festival, many Players can imagine the power that Grovyle can exert after its evolution.

There is no Pokémon to resist, okay!

Ling Huang is more satisfied with the audience's response.

"It seems that it is indeed beneficial to have Grovyle on the stage."

Ling Huang reaped the benefits.

Soon, Grovyle carved all the lines of the gate. The whole gate exudes a strong color of Western mythology. Together with the giant ice cubes with crystal clear and near-transparent, it has a very unique Beauty.

And the total time is only 30 seconds of trifling.

"Milotic, use Water Gun."


When the water flow washed the "gate of heaven" all over, the whole frost gate changed Get brilliant lights and vibrant colors up. The lines are clearer and the impact is more intense.

Grovyle doesn't need Ling Huang to do more command. He has a strong autonomy. He instantly jumps to the walls on all sides and starts to sculpt with Leaf Blade.

The sculpture this time is similar to a mural design. It is mainly to burn the angel stories searched by Ling Huang on the Internet.

Although the carving of the gate is much simpler, relatively, the area of ​​the ice wall on all sides is wider and more troublesome.

So Grovyle took 40 seconds to complete the mural.

The murals on the periphery of the four walls are full of murals, which shocked the Player.

It is true that Grovyle's sculptures are not as good as those of everyone, or even professional. But the audience of Contest Festival is tolerant. They only pay attention to what kind of touch the work can give them in an instant, and they don't care about the artistic issues.

Pokémon Century started its beta test less than three months ago. Talking about art is completely nonsense.

This is not a problem at all.


Grovyle panted. It was obvious that using Leaf Blade with such high intensity also burdened him very much. Ling Huang could even see Grovyle's arms trembling slightly.

"Can you still hold it?" Ling Huang asked.


Grovyle was heavily nodded, showing a very arrogant look.

"Okay." Ling Huang said: "Use Fury Cutter Ability!"


Grovyle rushed out suddenly, racing against time.

The goal is the icicle in the middle.


With one cut, a large piece of ice is cut off.

"Milotic, follow the Aqua Tail!" Ling Huang said.

He couldn't let these huge ice cubes fall. The ground made by the ice layer was too fragile and connected to the ice wall all around. Almost if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

If the ice floor is destroyed, the surrounding ice walls are also impossible to survive. Ling Huang's performance can be said to be a complete failure.


Milotic knew that Grovyle needed her cooperation. The prototype of the giant ice sculpture was made by her at the expense of Pokémon. How could it be allowed to collapse without completion?


Milotic instant Splash, streamlined body has a very moving beauty. Surrounded by transparent and shiny ice cubes, Milotic is like a Princess of snow.


The huge ice cube collided with Milotic's Aqua Tail, cracking and gradually breaking apart.

Under the shining of lights, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

As soon as Milotic landed, Grovyle's Fury Cutter was activated again to cut the ice cubes again.

The ice cube is about to fall.

Milotic can only Bounce again, and Aqua Tail can be used again.

As the formidable power of Fury Cutter increases, ice cubes are cut faster. This is also a challenge for Milotic.

Cutting is always easier than shredding.

Milotic must overcome the asynchrony of time between the two sides, because she knows very well that time is tight now, and every second counts for Grovyle. It is impossible to slow down to cooperate with her.


As the last huge ice block was crushed, the audience had feasted their eyes even though they had not yet seen the finalized work.

Milotic's gorgeousness, Grovyle's vigor, and the fragmentation of ice cubes all give the audience a strong visual experience.

"Grovyle, then use Leaf Blade!" Ling Huang said.

Leaf Blade’s formidable power is very large, with a full 90 points, theoretically it should not be used as a capability for fine carving.

For Grovyle, Leaf Blade can be called "Life Source Ability". After hard training, it has a very high level of proficiency.

So even fine carvings are completely competent.

Ling Huang is very confident in Grovyle.

PS: 3 more, please recommend votes!

I am really working hard on the codewords. 5 is the limit every day, and there is no such thing as adding more. I hope you can support me a lot. I will try my best to keep this update frequency.

There is not much demand for monthly tickets, mainly next month. I want to rush to the classified monthly ticket list. I hope everyone can keep all the monthly guaranteed tickets for next month and vote for Su Yong and Pokémon Century. Thank you for your support.

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