The audience who saw this directly couldn’t help but look at Ling Huang with shocked eyes. They really didn’t expect that Ling Huang’s Metagross could actually be in China that many Pokémon In the first place!

Although Metagross has played a strong and unmatched strength in the battle against the Yan Martial King, it is incredible to be ranked first on the Pokémon list!

In other words, the Pokémon, which they kept focusing on just now, is actually the No. 1 Pokémon in the country! ?

Ling Huang once played against Pidgeot, the number one in China, and his strategy was difficult at the time. Ling Huang is actually very interested in such titles. Unfortunately, he has a lot of controversy. Such "canonization", "nickname" and "evaluation" are almost absent.

However, his Metagross now ranks first in the power list, which means...

His Metagross is not only the first in the domestic Metagross, but also the first among all Pokémons. One!

For any Pokémon, this is the most extreme honor.

Ling Huang smiled.

"It really is the number one." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Metagross even directly pushed Su Qiqi's Flygon to the second place, and I don't know what Su Qiqi's expression will be when he sees it.

"But I now have a high level of Metagross, and other Pokémon's levels are slightly lower than Su Qiqi. I really want to fight, Su Qiqi is not inferior to my personal strength, I want to win It's actually very difficult." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Next, he looked towards the list of gods to play.

"First, Su Qiqi. Second, Li Shenjian. Third, Ling Huang. Fourth, Liu Kaifeng......"

Ling Huang looked towards Liu Kaifeng, turn the page Show him.

In an instant, Liu Kaifeng's face turned into the color of pig liver as if he had eaten something that shouldn't be eaten. It was wonderful.


If losing to Ling Huang has made Liu Kaifeng extremely uncomfortable, now Ling Huang has pushed Liu Kaifeng out of the top three on the Godly Players List. It is completely the shame of Liu Kaifeng's life.

It's more painful than cutting his flesh.

He clenched his teeth tightly, wishing to punch Ling Huang in the face. But seeing Lan Lengling and the audience present, Liu Kaifeng knew that Lan Lengling impossible made him commemorate Gym's trouble.

Ling Huang itself is difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, Liu Kaifeng can only give up.

Usually playing Pro-player, he can still bully, but Ling Huang? He can only deal with it with the means of Player!

It can be said that as long as he dares to use other means to deal with Ling Huang, who is almost representative of the country and has a popular player in the world, he will be removed from the Olympic Team immediately. This price is not acceptable to Liu Kaifeng.

That’s why he is so uncomfortable.

"Ling Huang, don't go too far." Liu Kaifeng gnashing teeth said.

Ling Huang shrugged, differing expression.

Next, he glanced at other lists, like Player's strength list, which also rose by two places.

Compared to the Godly Players List, the Player's strength list is actually rather messy. There are not many players at home and abroad, and there are many foreign faces in the Player power list. It's just that you can be on the Player power list in China.

Many foreign players are proud of being above China’s Player Strength List, but domestic players don’t think so, they think this is a provocation.

Over time, the list of gods play has attracted more attention from domestic players than the player strength list. For example, Ling Huang’s ranking on the power list is lower than that on the Godplay list, because the Player power list has many foreigners involved.

Basically, foreign players on the Player's strength list are often challenged by domestic players, and at the same time they will often challenge domestic players.

It’s just that the domestic Player loses more than winning and often makes jokes.

Ling Huang didn't pay much attention to Liu Kaifeng, even if Liu Kaifeng looked at himself with a bitter look.

He walked towards Lan Lengling.

"I will make an appointment first and challenge to commemorate Gym tomorrow." Ling Huang said. ,

"Sorry, I will be out tomorrow, and I will be back in two days. If you want to challenge the Gym, please wait at the gate of the Memorial Gym at 7 am the day after tomorrow. It will not expire." Lan Lengling said.

"Uh...what are you doing out?" Ling Huang blurted out.

"No comment." Lan Lengling blunt said.

Ling Huang couldn't help but complain. Lan Lengling is probably "Revenge" himself. Well, Lan Lengling's "Revenge" was used after himself, and the effect was doubled and it was very powerful.

"Cough cough, the day after tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow." Ling Huang said: "I will wait for you on time at 7 o'clock in the morning."

"You are on time, I may not be on time." Lan Lengling said with a smile.

I actually laughed, it must be intentional!

"I'm there on time at 7 anyway." Ling Huang didn't say much.

"Your Slowpoke is very cute." Lan Lengling suddenly pointed to the little Slowpoke in Ling Huang's arms and said, "Well, it matches you very well."

Ling Huang's face It was dark immediately.

What the hell, his tough guy, in the eyes of the Player, is driving Gyarados and shouting "Gyarados, let's go" with his mighty image, is it good?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, you can go back." Lan Lengling said.


Ling Huang is a bit strange, I always feel that Lan Lengling has become a lot more cheerful. If it were before, Lan Lengling's actions were very purposeful and utilitarian, and it was difficult to guess her intentions.

Now it has become a lot more real, and there is a feeling of being close.

"It should be my illusion."

Ling Huang walked out of the commemorative gym with Slowpoke, and the group of Reporters swarmed in an instant, wanting to conduct an interview. Seeing the formation, Ling Huang immediately wanted to run away.

However, it is the audience that is faster than Reporter.

The audience frantically gathered around Ling Huang, but they all kept a safe distance. Instead, Reporter was shocked by the enthusiasm of the fans.

The players who came around knew that Ling Huang didn't want to deal with Reporter, and even squeezed Reporter away. These Reporters are also very helpless and desperate, but no way, Ling Huang fans are notoriously domineering.

There is no way, this has something to do with Ling Huang's tactics and personality.

That's the reason why there are fans for all kinds of people.

Following that, there were various praises from fans to Ling Huang. Ling Huang said that he has been bearish on these Flatter.

So, he signed his fans with a professional smile. In fact, there is some sadness in his heart, time has changed his current appearance.

If it was before, someone asked him for an autograph, and he wouldn’t be happy. Now even the professional smile comes out.

After signing the name, Ling Huang went back to the Laboratory directly.

For him, it is good to challenge him two days later. He also didn't want to hold the little Slowpoke, who didn't even form an Attribute, and often go in and out of such crowded places.

Two days later, the little Slowpoke was basically "weaned". Ling Huang can also break away from her dad's career.

"Calculate, I still have a lot of Pokémon eggs hatched. It seems that I will continue to be a daddy in the future." Ling Huang secretly thought.

At this moment, Professor Oak ran over suddenly.

"Ling Huang, I studied the data you gave me before, and your Slowpoke seems a bit special!"

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