The violent Shock Wave suddenly rushed into the sky with lightning speed, hitting Togekiss's chest.


Togekiss let out a cry and landed directly from high altitude.

It is Sky Attack.

Sky Attack is too fast. It not only carries a strong oppression force, but also Locks On Wash Rotom at all times. It does not give Wash Rotom time or opportunity to escape.


Even though Flying Type’s Physical Ability is not effective on Wash Rotom, Togekiss is not cost-effective. But this does not hinder the formidable power of Sky Attack.

Ling Huang can see that Wash Rotom's HP has dropped sharply.

It has fallen behind Togekiss a lot, and has no advantage at all.

"Wash Rotom, use Double Team, then charge!" Ling Huang slightly frowned.

Wash Rotom, who has no disadvantages, is restrained everywhere in front of Togekiss.

There are close to thirty Avatars, which are very confusing.

Togekiss is very hesitant, each of these shadows is so realistic that they cannot be distinguished.

"Unfortunately, the effect is not great." Ling Huang secretly thought.

He knows very well that Pokémon like Togekiss has a strong hidden peculiarity.

Forced luck.

Togekiss is a Pokémon favored by Heaven and Earth, Ling Huang is betting, Dawn does not fully believe in this Implicit Characteristic.

Unfortunately, Dawn showed a charming smile.

"Togekiss, you can decide an attack target by yourself, use Hyper Beam!"

Ling Huang lowered his head slightly to hide the panic in his heart.

Up to this point in the fight, he was so flustered for the first time.

Togekiss can't learn Hyper Beam and other Unique Ability by level promotion, but can learn from TM.

How can TM of 150 big moves be so easy to get?

So, he didn't think about it at all.

With Togekiss' luck, it is not difficult to find the true body. After being hit by this Hyper Beam, Ling Huang is totally uncertain whether Wash Rotom will survive!

The rain clouds have long since dispersed.

Ling Huang does not count on Wash Rotom's Hydro Pump Ability. But now, only the Hydro Pump boosted by Rain Dance can compete with Hyper Beam.

Ling Huang had no choice but to order: "Wash Rotom, continue to use Discharge to offset the Hyper Beam!"

Dawn smiled triumphantly.

Ling Huang, a shameless person, showed a flustered expression. Dawn's eyes were full of joy, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Make you shameless! Let you pit me! Let you plot against me!

Shameless guy, deserve it!


Togekiss condenses all the destructive energy of the whole body and blasts it out with great momentum.

In the eyes of the player watching the game, this is undoubtedly stupid.

Because Togekiss's powerful Ability only aims at the single shadow of Wash Rotom.

What if it misses? No, the probability of the hit is negligible!

I wasted such a strong Ability directly!

For Ling Huang, this seems to be a blind shot Hyper Beam, but it is like a rune.

Because, the goal of Hyper Beam is exactly the ontology of Wash Rotom!

Double Team was cracked by Dawn.

In the unbelievable eyes of the player watching the game, Wash Rotom condenses electricity, and under the effect of charging, it can barely compete with Hyper Beam.

But obviously at a disadvantage.

The rays of light of electric current and dead light reflect Gym into two colors. Everyone's face is covered with a different kind of brilliance.

At this moment, they were shocked.

Togekiss really found the body of Wash Rotom, and the formidable power of this Ability is too strong!

Discharge lost to Hyper Beam after all, and was hit so much that Hyper Beam also reduced its formidable power.

After the Hyper Beam hit Wash Rotom, it made Wash Rotom almost stubborn, and it was extremely vulnerable in front of Togekiss.

Ling Huang did not replace Pokémon.

Next, is the best time to fight back.

After using Hyper Beam, Togekiss will be stuck in a round of rigidity, unable to move or evade.

Also, Togekiss' Safeguard has dissipated.

"Wash Rotom, use Thunder Wave!" Ling Huang said.

Thunder Wave hit without lag, and paralyzed Togekiss. The speed of Togekiss in the paralyzed state is greatly reduced, and will be affected by the paralyzed state when making moves, and the success rate is greatly reduced.

"Next, use Confuse Ray!" Ling Huang said.

Dawn is a bit tangled.

Wash Rotom is obviously an arrow at the end of its flight, maybe one move can send him back to Poké Ball. But if you attack, you will be hit by Confuse Ray, and the Ability success rate will drop to the lowest.

It seems that using Safeguard is the most sensible choice now.

Dawn looked towards Ling Huang, but found that Ling Huang was staring at Wash Rotom nervously, completely ignoring Togekiss.

"Is it useless for Wash Rotom to have hole cards?" Dawn couldn't help but guess, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt terrifying.

Under the command of Ling Huang, this Rotom far exceeds his level. But this is not the limit?

Never let Ling Huang reveal Rotom's hole cards!

So Dawn firmly gave up being conservative and chose to be radical. After all, Togekiss is now in a paralyzed state, and the speed is very low. It may not be possible to activate Safeguard before Confuse Ray hits.

"Togekiss, use Air Slash!"

The cohesion of air provides Air Slash with a powerful force.

Air Slash was launched almost at the same time as Confuse Ray, but after being hit by Confuse Ray, Togekiss' control over Air Slash was much worse.

When the Air Slash hit, the formidable power was lost a lot, and Rotom was able to struggle on whilst at death's door.

"Thanks to the two previous charges, the special defense has been greatly improved, otherwise you will lose the bet." Ling Huang secretly thought.

"La Cha..."

Wash Rotom forcibly supported it, waiting for Ling Huang's order.

"You did a good job."

With Rotom's Brat temperament, under the high pressure of Togekiss, it can respond to Ling Huang's expectations, which makes Ling Huang very moved.

"Come back, Rotom." Ling Huang didn't let the bloody Wash Rotom fight anymore.

"Sure enough." Dawn secretly thought: "It's not that easy to want triple rewards."

Little Miriam showed a hint of worry.

The combination of confusion and paralysis is not worse than Perish Song, and the situation is not optimistic.

Next, Ling Huang released Lapras.

His reservation, the third Pokémon is Heracross. However, the Attribute of Fighting + Worm was restrained four times by Togekiss's Flying Type, and now it is only two moves in seconds, which has no effect.


Lapras appeared refreshed on the ice.

When he saw Lapras, Dawn suddenly panicked and was cast into a shadow by Lapras.

"Togekiss, use Safeguard!"

Currently, Togekiss Ability's success rate is only two and a half.

The moment Piplup fell is still vivid.

"Lapras, use Ice Shard!" Ling Huang said.

Ice Shard must be able to attack first, Ling Huang has no plans to sing Perish Song. Now Togekiss, Ling Huang can completely defeat it head-on.

Lapras quickly condensed the ice cubes and slammed on Togekiss.

Togekiss condensed mysterious rays of light, which was difficult at first, but was attacked by Ice Shard at the critical moment, and Safeguard directly failed to condense.

"Stingy man." Dawn whispered.

As she grows older, Dawn also realizes the fact that she is a beauty. But Ling Huang didn't care at all, and hit whatever she should, which made her helpless and wronged.

Can’t you have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?

She even noticed that the players off the court had pity in their eyes.

Following Serena, another beauty, Gym Leader, was forced under her by Ling Huang.

Usually, the Gym Leader releases the water, but now the players who watch the game hope that Ling Huang can release the water and save some face for the beautiful Gym Leader!

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