Jiangning Love Tunnel.

Ling Huang and Serena are extremely uncomfortable standing here on this railway carrying the love of countless couples.


Because it's not a couple!

Seeing this, you may ask, since you are not a couple, can you just become a couple?

The point is, no! Ling Huang has a girlfriend!

The post was hung on the forum homepage last night for 30 minutes. Bai Lanxi as it should be by rights saw the post. In the evening, I video chat with Ling Huang. There was no mention of the post, but Ling Huang was even more guilty.

It's a bit prickly.

Look at Bai Lanxi, then compare yourself, what kind of man are you?

Wait, did I do nothing? We are pure friendships, it is the fault of those who do things on the forum!

I don’t even know what place it is. I only know that it is a scenic spot in Nanjing. I know that the scenery here is beautiful. That’s all there is no other meaning!

"Serena, do you think we are like a couple?" Ling Huang read the book and said suddenly.

Serena suddenly woke up.


"I said, do we look like couples." Ling Huang repeated.

"Probably not like..." Serena said in an uncertain tone, and then added: "Where is this kind of thing accurate?"

In fact, Serena can tell from the expressions of pedestrians on the road that she and Ling Huang are very like a couple. Ling Huang itself is not bad, especially after becoming a Divine Grade Player, that kind of temperament gradually developed, even if standing with the big Celebrity will not be suppressed much.

And Serena can also be regarded as a talented girl.

She can't admit the key topic.

"Okay. Why did you want to come here with me?" Ling Huang asked.

"The environment here is good, and it is more suitable for leveling." Serena replied.

Ling Huang nodded, finally dispelled his suspicion.

Yes, how could Serena like herself? How can the heavenly descendants outperform childhood sweethearts?

Thinking of this, Ling Huang gave a sigh of relief.

"It's okay. If Serena likes me, I really don't know how to face it." He secretly thought.

Next, level up again.


"wū wū wū wū wu wu wu ……"

Huge noises sounded one after another, and the visitors of Jiangning Love Tunnel also left early Go to the side, ready to watch the train running.

This is a train track after all, it is still very dangerous when the train passes by. However, Ling Huang and Serena are both measured and watched from a distance.

Speaking of trains, Ling Huang remembered that Charizard used to lie on the top of the train and came directly to Guilin to find Ling Huang.

"Ling Huang, there seems to be news in the morning that Pokémon is lying on the train. Could it be this train?" Serena asked.

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence." Ling Huang said, looking around. I found that many people were holding Poké Ball, and what they wanted to do was self-evident.

Conquer Pokémon.

"It seems to be this train..." Serena said uncertainly: "Are you not going to take it?"

"Look, if it is normal, anyone can beat it. , Then I can’t grab it at all. Pokémon, who can be defeated at will, does not have to be subdued.” Ling Huang said.

The implication is that the Aptitude is high enough and Pokémon is strong enough to be worthy of Ling Huang and so many ordinary players competing for the right to subjugate Pokémon.

"en." Serena is also waiting for the train to come.

"wu wu wu!!!"

The voice is getting louder and louder, and many Player's expressions are a little nervous, and many have even released Pokémon.

There are all kinds of Pokémon, and the mainstream is Pokémon, the family bird. After all, if you can fly, it is more suitable to challenge the Pokémon on the train.

The train passed by.

Immediately, I drove to a distant place I don’t know where.

As for Pokémon on the train? Ling Huang only saw a dark golden silhouette, and immediately she couldn't see it again.

"You should stand farther." Ling Huang regretted a bit.

At this time, many Pokémons had already caught up, but the dark golden silhouette ignored any attacks from these Pokémons and left directly with the train.

The tail section of the train quickly disappeared from sight, and many Players thumped their chests. Why didn't they attract the "hatred" of that mysterious Pokémon?

Many Players have already walked away directly, leaving directly with their motorcycles, as if they were trying to catch up with the train.

"Where is the end of this train?" Ling Huang asked.

"Nanjing, this is the train back to Nanjing, you can go directly to the station." Serena said.

"No, it seems that Pokémon has nothing to do with us." Ling Huang shook his head.

The collected information is still echoing in his mind.

Doublade: lv.59

Aptitude:? ? ?

Although Ling Huang once had fantasies about Doublade and even Aegislash, he even wanted to visit Guan Gong Temple.

But now Ling Huang has been bearish a lot. These Pokémons cannot be obtained by fantasy. Ling Huang didn't look forward to Blaziken, but Lan Lengling had Blaziken, but he didn't have much envy.

Because Ling Huang has so many things in his own right, even if he subdues Blaziken, he will not be able to increase his strength.

Ling Huang now wants to upgrade the existing Pokémon's level even more, and will continue to improve his overall strength.

The next step is endless training. Let Pokémon conduct military training to improve its strength. No matter what opponent it faces, it can easily deal with it.

So, Ling Huang didn't think much about that Doublade. Basically, if there is an opportunity, try to conquer, if there is no opportunity, then forget it.


Three days later.

Horsea in Ling Huang's team finally broke through Level 32, even reached Level 36, and directly evolved into Seadra.

Different from Horsea, Seadra is more offensive. There are thorns on the body, and it will cause pain when touched.

Ling Huang doesn't need to have more contact with Seadra for the time being. Prior to leveling, he was reading quietly, leaving Pokémon to play next to him. Only release more when feeding Pokémon.

"Seadra, come and wear this." Ling Huang said to Seadra while holding the Dragon Scale.

"gu lu"

Seadra can feel the attraction of Dragon Scale to him. Without too much resistance, he took the Dragon Scale directly and put it on himself.

Dragon Scale gradually disappeared, Seadra also officially has the qualification to evolve into Kingdra.

Seadra's evolution is different from Lampent, and it is not evolved with evolution stones. Even if it evolves into Kingdra, the ability to learn will not decrease as a result. So Ling Huang is very relieved.

"Serena, help me." Ling Huang said.

"Okay, no problem." Serena nodded, she only needs to receive Kingdra's Poké Ball and send it to Ling Huang again.

It's very simple.

But people who obviously need to be trusted for this matter can, Serena is undoubtedly one of Ling Huang's most trusted people.

"Your friend'Ling Huang' requested to send you Seadra's Poké Ball, do you accept it?"


Seadra's Poké Ball He appeared directly in Serena's backpack and trembled continuously, obviously wanting to get out of it.

Serena took the Poké Ball out without hesitation and threw it on the ground.

Seadra: lv.36

Immediately, the three words "Seadra" became blurred, and Seadra's body also flashed with intense white light.

It is the rays of light that evolved.

Although knowing that there will be no accidents in this evolution, Ling Huang couldn't help but get nervous. He has great expectations for Seadra betting and will not tolerate any surprises.

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