"Continue to use Bug Bite Ability!" Ling Huang said.

Larvesta once again madly attacked Gothitelle, and Gothitelle did not show any weakness at all, and thought Attack directly bombarded Larvesta.

Ling Huang slightly frowned.

"Larvesta's Bug Bite, the formidable power is wrong." Ling Huang secretly thought: "The formidable power is a bit weaker, and it may lose to Gothitelle in the end."

"Larvesta, dodge!" Ling Huang said at the right time.

Ling Huang is very confident, and his timing is superb. However...


Psychic hits directly, and Larvesta sees Mental Force that assaults the senses, even though it is not unable to walk, but the action is still slow.

I couldn't help being attracted by Psychic, but I didn't react fast enough. I was hit directly by Psychic, but I couldn't dodge.

Just this Psychic trick was the starting point, Larvesta's performance got worse and worse, and was finally defeated by Gothitelle.

Ling Huang reluctantly put Larvesta away and walked away, ignoring Gothitelle, who was already in blood.

Forget it, I still don't make up the knife.

It's embarrassing. The top grade Pokémon loses to the high grade Pokémon. It's a bit shameless.

"Come and conquer tomorrow." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Serena was a little surprised. She rarely saw Ling Huang lose. Even more how, she still lost to this Gothitelle whose level is lower than Larvesta.


"What kind of expression are you, you won't see others lose." Ling Huang speechless saying.

"hehe, I just think it's rare." Serena said with a slight smile.

Ling Huang wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

In fact, Larvesta is the main reason. For example, when using Bug Bite, he didn't use his full strength. When Ling Huang calculated the time for dodge, he failed to dodge and so on. But Ling Huang didn't want to lose the pot. He should start from Larvesta's own character and try to make up for his shortcomings in the battle.

Maybe that is a qualified Trainer.

"Go back." Ling Huang said, feeling a little tired.

"en. ”

Serena took a deep look at Ling Huang, only to feel a little touched. Obviously he was so strict with Larvesta at the time, but when he really let go, he seemed indifferent and took everything to himself.

He is really arrogant.


Because Professor Oak said that Little Slowpoke should try not to put Poké Balls at present, but should be placed outdoors as much as possible, so that Little Slowpoke can absorb as much information as possible and store it in his mind. . With Slowpoke's current brain, I will quickly improve after I gradually understand this World.

When the time comes, the intimacy will increase faster and faster. It is not difficult to increase to the full value, but it may take a little longer.

However, the advantage of Pokémon hatched from Pokémon eggs is that it can quickly adapt to Player's battles. Almost all moves can be brewed quickly, and there is a strong tacit understanding with Trainer, as if by nature. Many of Trainer's habits are like that.

This may be the nature of a little fellow.

Ling Huang drank a basin of water and let the little fellow sleep on the bed. If Slowpoke feels dry at night, it will still get some water.

Ling Huang felt the difficulty of taking care of the little fellow.

2nd day, Ling Huang once again challenged that Gothitelle.

Gothitelle looked at Ling Huang with disdain. Defeated still dare to challenge?

Ling Huang didn't say much, and directly released all Pokémon, and immediately calmed the Gothitelle.

This is a bit strong. If they swarmed up, wouldn't you be ravaged?

Gothitelle regretted the look of disdain, but after seeing Ling Huang pick out a very inconspicuous Pokémon, she regained her confidence.

Kingdra: lv.37

Gothitelle: lv.56

The level gap is too big, and Gothitelle does not take Kingdra to heart.

It is this kind of contempt that makes Kingdra a little angry.

"gu lu"

Despite Kingdra's protesting voice, Gothitelle did not pay much attention to it. Instead, looking towards Larvesta in the lineup, the look of disdain was even stronger.

To be honest, she thought she was going to be subdued yesterday, but didn't expect that the strength of this Larvesta was inconsistent with the level. It was not like a Level 59 Pokémon at all, but lost to herself.

Looking at his Trainer's expression, it seems that he is also a little disappointed with Larvesta.

Gothitelle looks down upon this kind of Pokémon. If let her choose a spouse, it is impossible to choose this kind. Otherwise, they will be bullied by the stronger Pokémon and no one will rely on them.

Larvesta was a little inferior by Gothitelle, but he didn't believe that the extremely low-level Kingdra could defeat Gothitelle.


His level is so high that he can't beat Gothitelle, why is Kingdra?

"Kingdra, use Yawn Ability on Gothitelle." Ling Huang said.

"gu lu lu lur..."

Kingdra makes a drowsy Yawn sound, which also contains some impenetrable mysterious energy, immersed in Gothitelle's ears and spirit directly exerted strength.

Drowsiness swept through.

Gothitelle's Psywave movement also immediately impacted, and there was no way to keep his hands because of the low Kingdra Level.

Very good, hit.

Approximately 30% of HP disappeared directly.

Kingdra is a top grade Pokémon, although the level is low, but the overall strength is not much worse than Gothitelle, she is not worthy of her.

And then, Gothitelle fell asleep directly, Ling Huang also directly changed his moves, let Kingdra use Hydro Pump Ability to bombard Gothitelle in his sleep.

Gothitelle smiled, as if having a good dream. But Kingdra didn't have any pity for this. Hydro Pump's bombardment did not have Hold Back, and the damage was perfectly applied.

The one trick Hydro Pump will not work afterwards, and there will be more.


Gothitelle was bombarded again, but did not wake up when she landed.

This Ling Huang is basically impossible to have any Hold Back, and the Hydro Pump bombardment again makes Gothitelle very uncomfortable.

I finally woke up.

And she is still a little confused, still immersed in the fantasy of beautiful dreams. The Yawn of Kingdra struck again. Although Gothitelle took advantage of this gap to use Psychic, he could not resist the fate of falling.

Finally, under Kingdra's rascal style of play, Gothitelle lost her BP in her sleep and was subdued by Ling Huang in her sleep.

"Kingdra, you did a great job." Ling Huang touched Kingdra's head, and Kingdra was lightly snorted proudly, and didn't care about Ling Huang very much. Ling Huang doesn't care either. After all, Kingdra is not close to himself, so he can't force it.

As for Larvesta next to him, he was already stunned, and his mood was very complicated.

Think about how Ling Huang’s attitude towards himself was compared with that of Kingdra. Pokémon and Pokémon were more angry than Pokémon!

The feeling of becoming stronger filled Larvesta's heart. He seemed to understand Ling Huang's strict reasons for him at the time.

So, Larvesta flashed white light on his body.

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