top grade Ditto and low grade Ditto are slightly different. For the Transform of low grade Ditto, the sum of HP will not change.

top grade Ditto, even HP will change. No matter more or less, it will become corresponding to Aptitude Level. And if it is not full of blood, HP will not change.

As soon as top grade Ditto came out, he changed his posture with Metagross as his goal.

Metagross (Ditto): lv.68

There were two Metagross on the field, but Ling Huang was not surprised.

Ditto’s Implicit Characteristic is a Transformer, and it will look like a Pokémon at the moment of appearance, which saves a lot of trouble.

If two Pokémon Levels are the same, who will move first?

The answer is that Mimic can only take the lead. After all, changes also take a while, and at the same time, Lengling has to take a look at Pokémon's Attribute before making enough judgments. Even the simple Mimic opponent's moves are slower.

even more how Ditto is still a few levels lower than Metagross.

So Ling Huang is not empty, and Ditto must be the one who fell in the end. There is no doubt about this.

"Metagross, use the iron wall!" Ling Huang said.

At this time, you must be cautious when making moves. If Ling Huang uses output moves and the opponent uses the iron wall, it will be very hurt.

So, Ling Huang directly used the iron wall first.

"We also use iron walls here!" Lengling said immediately.

Although he already knew Lengling's innate talent, Ling Huang was still surprised. He actually learned the commanding tricks of Metagross in an instant.

Two Metagross use Iron Wall Ability at the same time, and both use them 3 times in a row. At this time, Physical attacks are no longer useful.

You can consider using Special Attack Ability. And Metagross' special attack abilities are basically Psychic Types that are four times resisted.

This is embarrassing.

This duel is destined to be consumed slowly.

Ling Huang did not immediately use Psychic, but directed Metarogss to use Scary Face Ability.

Because if Ditto uses Scary Face next, the battle will become uncertain again.

"Ditto, use Agility Ability!" Lengling said.

Ling Huang secretly thought "Sure enough".

This Lengling, as expected, the name is not in vain.

Why do you say that? Because Lengling uses Agility instead of Scary Face Ability!

The increase speed and the decrease speed seem to be the same. In fact, this completely equivalent Pokémon, everyone will want to reduce the opponent's ability, so that their Pokémon can win.

But Lengling did not.

He thinks more about it.

Metagross’s Characteristic Trait is Clear Body + Light Metal. The Clear Body Characteristic Trait prevents the ability of Metagoss from being reduced by most forms. Lengling undoubtedly noticed the function of this Characteristic Trait in a short period of time and used it.

Which Player can do such a difficult thing?

It's hard and hard.

Just the ability to understand Pokémon Ability and Characteristic Trait, if you remember all the Pokémon data over time, it may not be weaker than yourself.

It's a bit scary.

Ling Huang now knows how much advantage those so-called geniuses have.

So the two sides used Agility 3 times with each other, and the speed was increased to the extreme.

Lengling suddenly ordered: "Ditto, use Psychic!"

"Use Psychic!" Ling Huang also continued.

Despite Lengling's order to be faster, Metagross' Psychic had already hit when Ditto was sent.

Under the same conditions, hitting first means winning.

Because of the increase in the speed of the 6 levels, the pace of the Pokémon battle between the two sides has become very fast. At the same time, because the speed has increased too much, the disadvantages of Level have become more obvious.

Ditto began to be suppressed.

Neither giving way to the other between Ling Huang and Lengling, both wondering how to not one drop of water can leak out. The pace between them was surprisingly consistent, and the audience was amazed.

These two well-known innate talent players all wanted to go together.

Is this a so-called Peak showdown?

The end of the battle between Metagross and "Metagross" seemed sloppy. When "Metagross" finally fell, Lengling's expression finally produced transformation. Ling Huang knows that Lengling is likely to use Hyper Beam Ability. But Lengling's expression quickly returned to calm, just using Psychic Ability.

He probably suddenly thought that Metagross had learned Protect Ability through TM.

Lengling does not believe that Ling Huang will continue to use Hyper Beam when "Metagross" is stiff. It is better to use one more Ability in this round, which can basically end the battle.

In the end, this duel ended with the fall of Ditto and the survival of Metagross. The whole process is extremely fast, but few of the audience can see how many details there are.

After replacing Ditto, Ling Huang put away Metagross directly. Basically, the one-for-one match made Ling Huang a little pity, Metagross is his Trump Card Pokémon after all.

But there is no way. Ditto with a high level is really strong. If the level is still high, Ling Huang may lose.

Lengling thought for a while and released a Pokémon directly.

Starmie: lv.65

Ling Huang played Pokémon slightly slower.

Metagross vs. Ditto's matchup was won by Ling Huang. As the winner of the stage, Ling Huang has the right to enjoy the fruits of his victory.

It can also have more time to respond and occupy a dominant position.

Very stable.

Hydreigon: lv.71

Starmie is Pokémon of Water+Psychic Type, and Hydreigon of Evil+Dragon Type is simply invincible for Starmie.

"Hydreigon, use Work Up Ability!" Ling Huang said.

Faced with Pokémon such as Starmie, which has instantaneous healing power, you must accumulate the stockpile amount and do it quickly.

Work Up is the ability to increase double attack by 1 level at the same time. Although it is not as good as the more targeted Sword Dance, it can be used casually.

Using 2 strokes of Work Up and Crunch to use 2 strokes of Starmie, there is no pressure.

"Starmie, use Confuse Ray Ability!" Lengling said.

Confuse Ray is the famous Ability that causes confusion, and Ling Huang is also very familiar with it.

Although he knows well, he can't dodge.

In a confusion.

The confusion state is also very difficult and disgusting in the negative state. Ling Huang is also very uncomfortable to be hit by this ability.

But it does not matter.

Starmie must lose.

"Continue to use Work Up Ability." Ling Huang said.

Attack and special attack are both upgraded to Level 2 at the same time, and now the spirit Hydreigon is unstoppable.

Starmie's next Ability frustrated Ling Huang's wishful thinking.

"Use protective color Ability." Lengling said.

Ling Huang's expression is a bit stiff.

Pokémon using the protection color Ability will change its Attribute according to the surrounding environment. Starmie is a Pokémon of Water + Psychic Type, because West Lake Gym is a Water Type Gym, and it is now also a water venue. As it should be by rights, Psychic Type disappears directly, Starmie now only has Water Type.

The restraint and immunity of Hydreigon Dark Type no longer exist.

"Sure enough, it is a protection color Ability. I know that Lengling impossible does not use this Ability." Ling Huang secretly thought: "But the impact is still not big. He uses 2 Ability, but it just makes Hydreigon fall into it. confusion. But Hydreigon itself has increased its double attack by 2 levels, and its output capacity is now explosive, and Starmie has no chance of winning at all."

Ling Huang still has a dull complexion.

Ling Huang believes that if he can win a match, he is absolutely impossible to lose.

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