"Compared with Mega Lucario's Adaptability Characteristic Trait, Dragonite's Implicit Characteristic multiple scales are easier to deal with." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Characteristic Trait with multiple scales.

At full health, the damage taken will be halved. There are only two types of Pokémon possessing this characteristic trait, namely Dragonite, the "incarnation of the sea", and Lugia, the "sea god".

Relatively speaking, the rarity of Adaptability is slightly worse than snowfall, and there are quite a few Pokémons. One of the more famous ones is Beedrill from Mega Evolution. Adaptability Characteristic Trait has been added, and its value has soared a lot.

Since Ming Su insists on fighting, Ling Huang has no reason to refuse. He directly said: "Metagross, use Zen Headbutt for Lucario! Hydreigon, use Dragon Pulse for Dragonite!"

Metagross and Lucario have no Attribute restraint between each other, and even resist each other's Steel Type Ability. But relatively speaking, Lucario's attack power is stronger, but Metagross' defensive power occupies an overwhelming advantage, and the gap between special defenses is also quite large.

As for Hydreigon and Dragonite, both are Quasi-Legendary, in fact there is no difference. It's just that Hydreigon prefers special attacks, and Dragonite prefers physical attacks, and its moves are more comprehensive.

These were already compared before Ling Huang made the move.

"Lucario, use Aura Sphere for Hydreigon! Dragonite, use Dragon Rush for Hydreigon!" Ming Su said.

The breakthrough point he chose was Hydreigon.

It's not that Hydreigon was chosen because of its low level, but Fighting Type and Dragon Type both restrained Hydreigon. Compared to Metagross, which does not contain oil and salt, Hydreigon is the easiest solution.

Ling Huang will not let them succeed.

"Metagross, entangle Dragonite!" Ling Huang said.

Mega Lucario is absolutely unstoppable, because he uses Aura Sphere, which is the strongest Ability. With the power of Aura, any Pokémon can't hide. Even if Metagross has Light Metal Characteristic Trait, Ling Huang never thinks he can block Mega Lucario.

Relatively speaking, Ming Su’s breakthrough port is Dragonite, which has just been subdued. Low intimacy is not a big problem, and Ling Huang's Hydreigon is not high in intimacy.

The main reason is that Dragonite does not have the Ability for Metagross, and it is possible to win if you separate the battle.

Although he hasn't played doubles for a long time, Ling Huang is very familiar with it for a long time, and various tactics have evolved in his mind.

You can play.

Dragonite swooped down to Hydreigon suddenly, entwined with the violent Dragon Type energy, making his originally round face become a little cold.

Metagross stood in front of him very lightly, and Dragonite had no chance of hitting Hydreigon.

On the contrary, Mega Lucario's Aura Sphere shot out instantly, following a strange arc, and rushing towards Hydreigon.


Suddenly it exploded, and the effect was outstanding.

Hydreigon, despite Rage, did not defy Ling Huang's order, and Dragon Pulse burst out suddenly.

Metagross just blocked in front of Dragonite and blocked Hydreigon’s vision. Although Dragonite noticed the special energy changes, when Metagross dodged, the brewing Zen Headbutt suddenly hit Mega Lucario, Dragonite Can't avoid Dragon Pulse, which is close at hand.

Being hit by Dragon Pulse, Dragonite feels comfortable does not raise. But his Dragon Rush bombarded Metagross as if hitting the steel, making him very uncomfortable.

Actually, the main body of Metagross is basically steel, even harder than steel. The weakness of Metagross lies in his "core", which is the brain. Ling Huang has observed that when Metagross lost his BP, there were basically no injuries, but he looked very tired.

This is also the characteristic of Steel Type Pokémon, which is very resistant to beating.

In this wave of offensive, neither Ling Huang nor Ming Su can take advantage of anything. Pokémon on both sides use output Ability, and both are evasive and resist Ability.

The main reason is that this output Ability is too difficult to resist, neither Ling Huang nor Ming Su are sure. Instead of this, it is better to maximize the damage to the enemy and minimize the damage to yourself.

This is also the most effective tactic in the game between God and Play, and if God Play vs. Top Play, basically the gap between Pokémon can make the opponent fall before they can touch Pokémon.

The gap is very large.

After a round of confrontation, Ling Huang looked at the HP of both Pokémon.

"It seems that a high level is still very useful." Ling Huang secretly thought.

The surface is fluctuating, without showing any misleading expression. But this plain look is already the most misleading.

Ming Su thought about it and estimated his chances of winning.


With a 40% chance of winning, it is completely possible to play. It is especially related to the ownership of Legendary, even if there is only a success rate of 10%, it must be beaten to the end.

"The difficulty of the mission has increased."

"Dark Faction Player Ming Su has notified Team Rocket Executive Ariana of the battle. The difficulty of the mission has been increased by Level 1, and the mission reward has been increased to 1500 Alliance points, 1 Bottle of genius potion."

"The mission requirements are to prevent Ariana from forcing Keldeo to accept Keldeo or persuade Keldeo to be the research object of Professor Oak's Laboratory."

Listen to the system hint Voice, Ling Huang's heart sank.

"Ariana..." Ling Huang is slightly frowned. It is said that Team Rocket III Executive can even compete with Alliance's Elite, and the strength is basically at the quasi-Elite level.

That is, the 6 Pokémons are all above level 70, but not all of them reach level 80. This is the so-called quasi-Elite level.

In contrast, there must be more than 4 top grade Pokémon in the team.

Team Rocket’s Ariana, is undoubtedly the powerhouse in Trainer, probably as strong as Su Qiqi.

Ling Huang now even Su Qiqi may not be able to win, even more how the combination of Ming Su and Ariana is still to be dealt with.

How can this be played?

However, Ling Huang cannot give up.

"1500Alliance points are second. Foundation Establishment potions become talent potions. This is the most important thing." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Talent Potion: Consolidate the foundation of Pokémon. As Pokémon Level increases, there is a 50% chance of increasing Aptitude at level 100. (Only for high grade and below Aptitude Pokémon)

The potion developed by Professor Oak's Laboratory is simply named Aptitude potion. In terms of efficacy, it should be between Foundation Establishment potion and talent potion of.

The main success rate is still the assistance of the researcher.

"However, with Legendary Keldeo's power and arrogance, it is more like an insult to subdue him to the basic impossible and let him do the experimental materials." Ling Huang was a little entangled.

Legendary's "Aptitude" are far beyond the ordinary Pokémon, even the most legendary can crush the Quasi-Legendary of the same level. They don't care about Aptitude at all, and their self-esteem does not allow themselves to be human specimens.

It is really difficult to negotiate.

But it is not without hope. As long as Hawlucha can overcome this difficulty, Ling Huang can do anything.

The top grade Hawlucha, combined with the unloading skills, can cope with almost any situation.

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