Generally speaking, Ariana's status is not bad. Although Metagross often resists Poison Type Ability of Pokémon, Arbok and Weezing both learn other abilities, basically in two tricks Poison Type. After Ability expired, Ariana could only switch to Pokémon from other lines.

As long as it is not Poison Type or Toxic, it's fine.

Relatively speaking, Toxic must hit Ability, but it does not have to hit a certain target. Being able to be blocked by Protect means that this Ability will be stopped midway. With Ling Huang's strength, as long as he controls the rhythm and perceives the Poison Type Pokémon on the opposite side to use Toxic, he will let Pokémon hide behind Metagross, basically able to escape.

Even if it is unstoppable, there is still Cinccino.

Cinccino has leftovers. Although Toxic is very useful, Cinccino is not empty. And even if Cinccino is targeted, it can be resisted by other Pokémon, giving Cinccino a chance to breathe back to blood, and its continuous output ability can be called an explosion.

The battle is here, even if the level of Cinccino is not obvious, the output is even slightly higher than that of Walrein. This is because Walrein uses ice attribute Ability to beat Torterra four times the restraint, otherwise the output will not be comparable to Cinccino.

It can be called explosive output.

Metagross resists the most damage. His presence allows Pokémon in the formation to output with peace of mind.

As the formations continue to change, Ming Su and Ariana are being suppressed more and more. Gradually, even if Ariana’s 2 Pokémon clearly still have a lot of HP, it is already unsustainable.

The first Pokémon to fall was Torterra, and his fall produced a domino Bone Token-like effect, followed by the fall of Crobat in Keldeo's sudden Hydro Pump.

Since then, Ming Su’s two Pokémon have fallen.

Ling Huang gave Keldeo a thumbs-up. If Keldeo had broken her heart for the Pokémon of the two camps like a nanny, the fight would definitely not be so easy.

It can even be said that this figure-of-eight melee formation is based on Keldeo. Keldeo was originally Legendary, possessing a strength that ordinary Pokémon can never match.

For example, Keldeo can kill Charizard with 2 strokes of Hydro Pump, and unless Charizard turns over Protect, he can’t avoid Hydro Pump if he has no way.

Two rounds, must be defeated.

It is this kind of strength that allows Keldeo to fly the two Pokémon formations and destroy the opposing lineup.

Ming Su now has 2 Pokémon left, but he is impossible to release. He is now a Dark Faction Player, and his status is not low, worth at least 1000 Alliance points.

Alliance Player and Dark Player are basically the same, but don’t need to be caught. As long as the enemy camp Player defeats all Pokémon during the mission, you will get Alliance Points or Evil Value corresponding to your own value. . At the same time, the player whose Pokémon is defeated will be banned for 3 days, and all 6 Pokémon will be demoted.

For Pro Player, this is absolutely intolerable.

Ming Su had already retreated, and he gave Ariana a wink. Ariana is also very aware of the current decline. Her Pokémon's most comprehensive ability is only Toxic, but there is a Steel Type Pokémon on the opposite side. This is very hurt, and Toxic basically can't do damage. Especially many of them have Protect Ability.

Toxic is difficult to work.

When five Pokémons gathered around her two Pokémons, she finally took a step back. Ariana never thought that she would be pushed back by the Player.

"This is probably the so-called genius." Ariana secretly thought.

As the battle progressed, she gradually learned that the two players on the opposite side, whether Ling Huang or Lengling, seemed to know Pokémon far better than her. This makes her uncomfortable. She has been exposed to Pokémon's knowledge since she was a child, and she is actually no better than these two Players who have played games for less than 5 months?

How is it possible? !

But the facts are here, so Ariana doesn't believe it. Ariana can only release Honchkrow and let Honchkrow fly away with him.

As for Ming Su, he is also a magical game after all, Ling Huang can't do anything to him. Despite the faction battles and civil wars, the ultimate goal of the gods is Olympics. As a future star, Ming Su will be fine as long as he avoids the rules of the system.

He put Pokémon away, his expression somewhat low.

"You won."

His mission failed, but there were no unbearable consequences. Even Ariana can't deal with the situation, no matter how strong he is, he can't be powerless.

Watching Ming Su and Ariana leave, Ling Huang’s ear sounded a system prompt.

"Congratulations to Player Ling Huang and Lengling for completing the faction mission. Player Ling Huang rewards Alliance with 1,000 points and talent potion x1; Player Lengling rewards Alliance with 500 points and Top Rank tonic x10! Please continue to work!"

"The reward has been sent to the backpack."

Ling Huang relaxed and refreshed.

I didn't say much immediately, and directly sent the talent potion to Professor Oak. And Professor Oak received the talent potion almost instantly, and returned an "OK" expression.

It seems that the most severe time has come, and Professor Oak has no time to reply.

Ling Huang feels nervous, but can only help here.

"Sure enough, you still account for the majority of the reward," Lengling said.

"Basically, it's okay." Ling Huang chatted with Lengling a few more words, then went straight back to West Lake and continued reading with the dark circles.

"Thank you." Keldeo said ventriloquially.

"No thanks." Ling Huang shook his head, and suddenly said: "By the way, do you know how to improve Pokémon's Aptitude?"

Legendary is not easy to meet, can speak and communicate There are even fewer. Ling Huang finally met one, and the relationship was pretty good, so he naturally wanted to solve his doubts.

"Improve Aptitude? Indeed, many Players have this kind of delusion." Keldeo said very old-fashioned, "However, it is basically impossible in this era. It is more common in the ultra ancient times, and now the loss of technology and important materials The loss of Aptitude makes the promotion of Aptitude a delusion."

"The reward the system gave me just now was a potion of talent, how about this potion?" Ling Huang asked.

"It's okay, basically it can be regarded as the potion for improving Aptitude cream of the crop. The system originally possesses great magical power, and even our Legendary has been summoned here..." Keldeo paused here. I didn’t know if it was deliberate or unintentional. "In short, if there is someone in your team who really needs a talent potion, just give him a drink. The talent potion is not that simple. Drinking the talent potion will be more compatible with Legendary."

Ling Huang is nodded as if he did not understand.

Even if Hawlucha becomes the top grade Pokémon, it is a hundred thousand or eight Norman from Legendary.

It is more compatible with Legendary, what is the use?

Ling Huang didn't care.

PS: The next step is to speed up the progress. About 300 chapters are at the end of this volume, National Conference. I also ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets. It would be really uncomfortable to be squeezed out of the classified monthly ticket list. Ugh. Please subscribe, the latest new subscription is really not ideal.

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