Since Lucario doesn’t have much HP, Ling Huang doesn’t need to take the risk to use the high formidable power Ability, just use Swift.

Don't underestimate Swift.

It seems that the formidable power is only 60, but don’t forget that Cinccino itself has a Technician Characteristic Trait, and the formidable power of Swift soars to 90. Coupled with the bonus of Attribute compliance, the formidable power can even reach the point of 135, which is not much worse than the ordinary Pokémon using Hyper Beam!

It can be said that the Swift used by Cinccino can be compared to the Focus Blast of Lucario.

And must hit, never fail.

This situation will test Trainer's reaction ability very much. If Protect Ability cannot be used in time, then it means that Lucario will be hit and fall.

Mu Xin was a little confused, just feeling the sound of the wind in her ears.

There is a Player sneak attack!

"Lucario, use Protect!" Mu Xin said.

Lucario's eyes were firm, and he suddenly raised the Protect Barrier. Immediately, Swift was annihilated in front of Protect Barrier, as if it had never existed.

Ling Huang doesn't care, he can't hide from the first day of the first year, but not the fifteenth.

In the top game, Protect is more of a deterrent, so that the opponent dare not easily use the powerful side-effect Ability. And more often, it is also used to delay time, so that Pokémon can adapt to and avoid a certain powerful Ability of the opponent.

But this is not to say that Protect is a panacea.

"Continue to use Swift." Ling Huang said indifferently.

At this time, Mu Xin discovered that standing on the ground, Cinccino is extremely cute, that pure white fur, enough to make anyone see others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again.

If Mu Xin still doesn't know who the sneak attack is, then he has paid attention to the forum for so long.

Don’t even know Ling Huang? You are not afraid of being laughed at!

"Ling Huang, didn't you run away?" Mu Xin said.

"I was just a strategic retreat." Ling Huang shook his head, "Impossible, I am not that kind of person!"

Looking at Ling Huang devotion to righteousness that inspires Reverence's expression, Mu Xin's complexion, he had never seen such a shameless person.

Just a moment will die?

Up to now, Mu Xin has given up resistance and directly greeted Lucario and started to run away. He still said, "Lucario, use Protect!"

He can only pin his hopes on Protect Ability, which has only half of the success rate left. If it is successfully triggered, it may escape. If not, Mu Xin can only accept her fate.

This Protect is a lot of illusion after all. It failed to resist Cinccino's new round of Swift. Instead, it was broken when touched.


Lucario fell straight down, and Mu Xin watched her body turn gray in despair, and then returned to its original color after leaving the battlefield.

But he knows very well that in Ling Huang's eyes, he is just the black and white of the loser, unremarkable at all.

"Ling Huang, you..." Mu Xin looked complicated.

"Anything else to say?" Ling Huang asked.

"No... anymore." Mu Xin shook her head, knowing the gap between herself and Ling Huang. He probably didn't dare to fight against himself, but he didn't want to waste his strength on Lucario.

Because of myself, Ling Huang thought that Ling Huang retreated because he was afraid of losing. It turned out not to be at all.

Ling Huang shrugged, quickly operated the AR Wristband for a while, and sent a message to Mu Xin.

"Player Ling Huang asked to add you as a friend, do you accept it?"



Walking On the banks of the West Lake, there is a real Pokémon energy in front of him, Ling Huang's expression is a bit complicated.

After defeating Mu Xin, his battle points have increased a lot and he has reached third place. But Jiang Jinxuan is still at the top of the list, and the number of battle points is even more than Ling Huang and second place combined.

There are only 3 minutes left.

Ling Huang is ready to harvest Krookodile's remaining HP, and will swallow Jiang Jinxuan's battle point by the way.

However, what surprised Ling Huang the most was the second place, Qin Fan!

Qin Fan is like a sudden emergence, suddenly appearing at the second place in the battle list, and even overwhelming Ling Huang a lot.

Moreover, it is increasing at a very fast rate. Ling Huang is very curious, what exactly has Qin Fan experienced?

Ling Huang did not contact Qin Fan, but went to Jiang Jinxuan first.

Jiang Jinxuan's body is still so ecstatic, Ling Huang couldn't help but lose consciousness. But soon came back to his senses, looked towards the arrogant Krookodile.

Half blood.

Ling Huang slightly frowned, calculated HP.

"2 strokes of Bullet Seed, not enough." Ling Huang secretly thought.

It is true that the formidable power of Bullet Seed is very strong, and Krookodile is twice restrained. However, Krookodile's own defense is not weak, and the speed is not low. The release of Ability is likely to hit Cinccino at the same time.

Cinccino can only release 2 Ability moves at most, and it may not be able to defeat the opponent. As for the current Krookodile, it only takes 2 strokes of Ability to defeat Cinccino without any surprises.

Do you want to bet?

Ling Huang was lost in thought.

"It doesn’t have to be a face-to-face battle, you can fight a guerrilla battle. One stroke Ability hits and escapes directly, and then Krookodile is dragged into the battle, taking advantage of a slight speed advantage to defeat Krookodile with 2 strokes. In addition to perish together, there is still Ciccino. It's possible to win." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Thinking of this, Ling Huang smiled.

Hawlucha had practiced this tactic before, but it was really difficult to use it in a regular battle, so Ling Huang gave up.

The battlefield mode is definitely different from the mainstream 1v1 and 3v3, but it is a very free battle mode. As long as you can defeat the opponent, you can use any method!

Ling Huang certainly doesn't stick to it. He calculates Cinccino's escape speed and Krookodile's pursuit speed, and even counts the reaction speeds of both Players, and finally calculates the best move point for Cinccino.

"Cinccino, did you see the bench? You stand directly under the bench and use Swift under the protection of the bench. Then run immediately after the fight, understand? If the other party uses Protect, also It's worth him, just stand there and use Swift again." Ling Huang whispered.


Cinccino said that he understood that without hesitation, he ran towards the bench at the unfolding speed, and silently released Swift by supporting the edge of the bench with his hand. Out.

The speed is very fast, there is no way to hide!

Swift's must-have know-how is similar to Rollout, it's all about speed. But even if the incident happened suddenly, Jiang Jinxuan reacted immediately.


Krookodile and Jiang Jinxuan were clearly in a tacit understanding, and the Protect Barrier was erected immediately.

"Who is it?" Jiang Jinxuan's eyes were slightly cold, and he suddenly saw Cinccino holding on to the bench and looking calm, only that his heart melted a little.

This little fellow is too cute.

But she reacted quickly.

"It seems that the sneak attack mine is this little fellow, the white Cinccino. It should be Ling Huang, no doubt." Jiang Jinxuan smiled. She knew very clearly that Ling Huang's character would definitely be the impossible first. 3's.

"Krookodile, use Earthquake!"

Jiang Jinxuan tone barely fell, Swift has swept across.

When she came back to his senses, she found that Cinccino had disappeared and Earthquake could only fail.

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