Flying Peak.

Ling Huang followed Jiang Jinxuan here, still full of doubts.

"So, where is Legendary?" Ling Huang asked.

"What are you in a hurry?" Jiang Jinxuan said.

Ling Huang shrugged and began to look at the surrounding scenery.

Flying Peak, also known as Lingjiu Peak, is 168 meters high, just in front of Hidden Spirit Temple. Ling Huang couldn't find words to describe this mountain full of connections with Living Buddha Jigong.

Just looking at the surrounding scenery, I feel a little fascinated.

And this kind of feeling, every time he visits a scenic spot, it will fill Ling Huang's heart, giving him a strange transformation.

"By the way, don't you have a Vanilluxe? Replace that Pokémon, we can use ice attribute Pokémon." Jiang Jinxuan said.

"Okay." Ling Huang put Vanilluxe on the main battle team, combined with the surrounding environment, and finally wondered: "Landorus?"

"How do you know!" Jiang Jinxuan cry out in surprise: "Except for me, no other Player should know about the existence of Landorus."

"Guess." Ling Huang shrugged.

Landorus is a Pokémon of Ground + Flying Type. It is four times restrained by ice attribute. Although Landorus is Legendary, four times restraint is too much to bear.

Moreover, with the surrounding environment and the allusion of Flying Peak, it is not difficult to guess that it is Landorus. It's just that Ling Huang just said casually, didn't expect really got it right.

Now, Jiang Jinxuan sees that Ling Huang's expressions all have slight changes.

"I thought you were a vain name, much more powerful than expected." Jiang Jinxuan exclaimed.

"What's this." Ling Huang shrugged, sent other Pokémon to start leveling, and immediately found a corner to open the e-book and start learning.

Ling Huang has no extra time to waste. Spending an afternoon with Jiang Jinxuan has already made him very painful.

Night gradually fell, and it gradually entered the middle of the night. Ling Huang did not urge Jiang Jinxuan, and the urge was useless. He was fascinated by the research experience and couldn't help himself.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the speed of reading has increased slightly.

At this moment, the top of Flying Peak suddenly landed on a tiger from a distance, but a creature that looked very different from a tiger up close.

He was full of primitive aura, as if he was a creature from Ancient Era, full of divinity.

It is Landorus, and it is the Spirit Beast form of Landorus.

Landorus is a rare polymorphic Pokémon in Legendary. It is divided into an avatar form and a Spirit Beast form. It is not clear which is his body, but the avatar form is not different from the land father in myths and legends. Far, but the ability is more balanced than the Spirit Beast form.

Relatively speaking, the offensive of the Spirit Beast form is stronger, but the speed is slightly lower. Of course, speed is not a problem. Legendary completely surpasses ordinary Pokémon in Aptitude. Even if the speed is slightly lower, Pokémon of Ling Huang and Jiang Jinxuan cannot catch up.

Only passive defense.

Landorus (Spirit Beast form): lv.76

This is a very high-level Landorus, which is undoubtedly strong and difficult to defeat.

Ling Huang stood up at the right time and stood beside Jiang Jinxuan.

"Who will challenge first?"

"Landorus recognizes doubles, but it must be two different players and one Pokémon each. Although the form of doubles cannot be subdued, it can Let Landorus help you do what you can." Jiang Jinxuan explained.

Ling Huang's mind turned to the center of his mind. He wants to sort out the things that need to be paid attention to when fighting side by side with Jiang Jinxuan. Immediately nodded, "Let's start."


Jiang Jinxuan and Ling Huang released Pokémon at the same time.

Glaceon: lv.67

Vanilluxe: lv.66

Ling Huang’s Pokémon is undoubtedly Vanilluxe, as Ling Huang’s semi-Trump Card Pokémon, The power of Vanilluxe is beyond doubt.

As for Glaceon...

Ling Huang knew it instantly.

"This combination is simply perfect." Ling Huang said.

Glaceon is Xueyin + Ice Body Characteristic Trait, which is a Characteristic Trait that relies heavily on Hail weather. Snow will increase Pokémon's dodge rate by 20% in Hail weather, and Ice Body can make Glaceon heal up to 116 per round in Hail weather. If you wear leftovers, you can increase the blood recovery ability to the maximum, that is, 18, which is very terrifying.

Vanilluxe’s Characteristic Trait is snowfall, which fits perfectly with Glaceon.

"What are the holding items of your Glaceon?" Ling Huang asked.

"Leftovers." Jiang Jinxuan said.

Ling Huang nodded, "I just let your Glaceon hurt you, understand?"

Jiang Jinxuan thought for a while, and finally agreed to Ling Huang's proposal. After all, Ling Huang's ability to observe Pokémon's state is absolute Peak in Player, and Ling Huang's anti-injury thing is right-as long as he doesn't sell his teammates.

Although Ling Huang's tactics are dirty, at least value emotion, value friendship, both NPC and Player are sincere and trustworthy.

A Hail rises in the middle of the sky, and Glaceon's silhouette becomes illusory and almost disappears in Hail. If you don't pay more attention, it is very likely that Glaceon's silhouette will disappear from your sight.

It is Xueyin Characteristic Trait.

At the same time, Glaceon's body is like cast of ice and snow. Hail not only does no harm when falling on the body, it also has a strong nourishing effect on Glaceon.

And Hail also smashed Landorus, but he didn't care. Even if there are two ice attribute Pokémon who are extremely restrained to him, the eyes of Landorus in Spirit Beast form are still like leopards hunting, full of calmness and fighting intent.

Landorus has accumulated enough strength.


As if trembling like The earth shook and the mountain quivered, a strong Earthquake wave instantly surged from Ground. Although the formidable power is very large, Ling Huang and Jiang Jinxuan did not panic. Instead, they watched their Pokémon's HP and even left room to monitor the status of their teammates.

You can play.

"Vanilluxe, use Blizzard!"

"Glaceon, use Blizzard!"

Ling Huang and Jiang Jinxuan said at the same time that they can directly use Pokémon at the same time. Ability. Especially in the current Hail weather, Blizzard directly incarnates Ability, and there is no room for evasion.

When the two Blizzards are constantly intertwined, even greater power is produced. And this force, no matter what Landorus, can't escape, can only forcibly endure it.

4 times the restraint is no longer an effect that can be described by an outstanding group. Even if Landorus's defense is very strong, Blizzard can deal very high damage with these two moves alone.


Landorus let out an exhilarating roar. It has been a long time since he encountered an opponent who could excite himself.

Even if the opponent this time are 2 Pokémons, Landorus is already very satisfied if he can move his muscles and bones.

In the sky, a huge sharp stone was condensed immediately, and fling out in an instant.

"Disperse the stations, Vanilluxe will continue to use Blizzard!" Ling Huang said.

The angle of this Stone Edge is very tricky. If you don't take advantage of the moment to dodge, it is very likely that both Pokémon will be hit.

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