In fact, Jiang Jinxuan's strength is still very strong. After all, Jiang Jinxuan's family pays great attention to cultivating children's abilities. If Jiang Jinxuan is not qualified for the title of God Play, he will definitely be pulled down instantly.

Glaceon finally dodged Landorus's Ability, and immediately began to counterattack. The ability of Glaceon and Vanilluxe directly harvested Landorus's remaining HP.

Ling Huang habitually appeared a Poké Ball in his hand, but thought that doubles would not be able to subdue Landorus, so he didn't try it. After all, Poké Ball's acceptance is not simply a question of probability, but a lot of factors must be considered.

He doesn't want to do useless work, and he doesn't want to waste five hundred yuan in vain.

"Congratulations, your Vanilluxe has been upgraded to Level 1, the current Level is 6Level 7, BP +80! The current base BP is 6804!"

"Congratulations, your Slowpoke has been upgraded Level 8, the current Level is lv.16, learn Ability Water Gun, Confusion! BP +384 points! The current basic BP is 768!"

In addition to Vanilluxe's ​​Level promotion, Slowpoke also gained a lot of experience. Because Slowpoke had already had a lot of experience in eating before, now he just stuck his tail in the river and was in a daze, and he went up to Level 8.

But even so, Slowpoke still has no fluctuations, still in a daze, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Correspondingly, Glaceon also rose to Level 1, reaching the level of 6Level 8. Jiang Jinxuan was nodded with satisfaction and threw the Primary Rank tonic to Landorus to help him recover quickly.

Landorus gradually got up, a little surprised. Originally, he had an advantage, but with the cooperation of the two people in front of him, his advantage gradually disappeared. And if they are not using ice attribute Ability, they have no chance of winning.

"This Landorus's understanding of moves is far better than Jiang Jinxuan and I. Ability doesn’t hurt when he hits him. The output is almost always maintained by Hail weather." Ling Huang secretly thought: "This Landorus only needs From experience, I’m afraid there is no pressure to upgrade to level 80."

Legendary's background is too terrifying, and ordinary Pokémon can't cross the hurdle in his life, but for Legendary, it has no difficulty.

"I am afraid that Legendary Pokémon will automatically promote her Ability after level 70. The reason why Articuno was not as good as Landorus last time is probably because she was only level 70."

Thinking about this, Ling Huang began to wait for Landorus' reply.

"Just now, I'm sorry, I blamed you." Jiang Jinxuan came over and said guiltily.

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great." Ling Huang read the book and said unconsciously.

"You..." Jiang Jinxuan turned his head, "Forget it, this Young Lady doesn't know you Normally."

"By the way, you will plan to let Landorus help you later. What are you doing?" Jiang Jinxuan asked.

"Cannot be said."


Landorus quickly recovered, changing from Spirit Beast form to incarnation form. Probably he thinks this can be closer to Ling Huang and Jiang Jinxuan.

This Landorus does not speak human words, but this does not hinder the communication between Ling Huang and Landorus. Because while Landorus was recovering, Ling Huang directly asked Serena to bring Meowth over.

Meowth felt the mighty pressure of Landorus, and couldn’t help holding his breath, and said calmly, “Is it a translation task?”

“Yes. Wait for what Landorus said, you All translated." Ling Huang said.

Meowth nodded, he knows very well that his greatest value to Ling Huang is translation. As for his own wisdom and strength? For Ling Huang, it is not worth mentioning.


Landorus made a deep voice, Meowth kept nodded, "It turned out to be like this... Wait, Ling Huang, you just defeated Landorus?"

"Translate yours and leave it alone." Ling Huang frowned.

"Okay." Although Meowth tried very hard to calm himself, his legs and feet still couldn't help shaking. Unconsciously, has Ling Huang become so powerful? Even Landorus is not his opponent?

In the face of such a powerful Ling Huang, what is the use of his so-called escape plan?

"Landorus said, since you defeated me, then I am obligated to do one thing for you. Have you thought about it?" Meowth translated.

"I have long heard that Ling Huang, you have only Meowth who can speak human words, didn't expect it is true." Jiang Jinxuan tsk tsk exclaimed: "Is it spoken in ventral language?"


"Use your throat to pronounce it." Ling Huang said.

"Yes, meow."

"That way, the voice is a bit sharp. Alas, if my Gardevoir can speak." Jiang Jinxuan exclaimed.

"Your Gardevoir is not high grade?" Ling Huang questioned.

"Does the high grade have to be abandoned?" Jiang Jinxuan rolled his eyes and said, "I like my Gardevoir, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, please hurry up and ask for it. , I’m ready to dodge.” Ling Huang said, and drew back to a position where no sound could be heard.

Soon, Landorus nodded agreed. Jiang Jinxuan waved to Ling Huang and motioned for him to come over.

"It's a bit private, you dodge it." Ling Huang reminded when he saw Jiang Jinxuan pretending not to leave.

"Pretending to be mysterious." Jiang Jinxuan wrinkled his little nose and walked to the original position of Ling Huang.


"What do you want?-he said so." Meowth said.

Ling Huang looked directly at Landorus and said: "Do you know Keldeo in West Lake?"


"Landorus said: Keldeo Knowing is knowing. My original master and his master are quasi-Elite Trainers of the same age and are friends. It’s just that as the only Legendary BP of each Trainer, we are not in harmony. Although my basic strength is required Better than him, but he restrained me more strongly. We are always in a state of endless fighting." Meowth said.

Ling Huang nodded, if this is the case, it really makes sense.

Landorus is a Pokémon of Ground + Flying Type, but his Ability is more inclined to Ground and Rock. There is only one Flying Type Ability he can learn, and that is Fly, which can be used for a wide range of applications. Region spanning.

Flying Type is empty, but it is difficult to restrain Keldeo's Fighting Type. The Fighting Type in turn uses Water Type Ability to do a lot of damage.

Landorus's tone is full of helplessness and nostalgia.


"My relationship with Keldeo is actually very good, but if you want Keldeo to do anything, I hope you can tell him directly. I I can smell Keldeo's breath on your body, which shows that your relationship with him is not bad." Meowth continued to translate.

Ling Huang nodded.

“In fact, the Professor Oak's Laboratory in Nanjing is currently studying the Pokémon Aptitude improvement project, and I hope Keldeo can cooperate with the research.” Ling Huang suddenly had an idea and said, “Of course, if you don’t dislike it, I will I hope you can cooperate with the research."

Since what Professor Oak's Laboratory needs is Legendary, Ling Huang doesn't have to worry about Keldeo at all.

Isn't Landorus a living Legendary?

"To change the mission, persuade Landorus or Keldeo to participate in the research of Professor Oak's Laboratory. Persuade one of them to reward 50,000 experience, 500 Alliance points, and persuade 2 reward 100,000 experience and 1,000 Alliance points. There is no Punishment for failure."

"The mission really changed." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Whether 50,000 experience or 100,000 experience, or even 1,000 Alliance points, it is not a small number for Ling Huang. If you can get a hand, Ling Huang will not refuse.


"Landorus said, is your request for me to cooperate with the research?" Meowth translated.


There is nothing to hesitate. From the current point of view, it is most beneficial to "coax" Landorus to Professor Oak's Laboratory.

Landorus has gone to Professor Oak's Laboratory. Will Keldeo be far away?


"Landorus said that after he completed the little girl's request, he would fly directly to Nanjing." Meowth said.

Ling Huang relaxed.

"Thank you."

Landorus said that flying to Nanjing should be using Fly Ability. This Ability will allow Landorus to directly enter the Fly state, and span thousands of mountains and rivers. The title of Landorus' "God of Farmland" is also more implemented because of Fly Ability. Where he flies, the soil will become fertile.

Of course, Landorus is an illusory character in Earth, and I am afraid that it is too weak to moisturize the farmland. Ling Huang sometimes thinks, if Landorus has an entity, he will master his Player, and he may not be the father of farmland.

Looking at Landorus walking towards Jiang Jinxuan, Ling Huang was stopped by Jiang Jinxuan just about to leave.

"Where are you going, let's go together."

Ling Huang instructed the Pokémons to level up separately, with Cinccino followed along. Since Jiang Jinxuan is not shy, Ling Huang doesn't mind to see what she wants Landorus to do.


Hidden Spirit Temple.

The Hidden Spirit Temple is just behind Flying Peak, relatively speaking, it is relatively close. It was already night, Jiang Jinxuan did not enter the Hidden Spirit Temple, but said to Landorus around him: "Thank you."

This shows that Landorus is to be asked.


Landorus did not refuse, and directly radiated special power into the air. There seems to be a lot of Pokémon moving around.

They are all brought to summon by the breath of Landorus, begin to stir. But they all know that Landorus summon is not theirs, they are not qualified.

Ling Huang was vaguely aware of Jiang Jinxuan's request. It was probably that Jiang Jinxuan wanted to subdue Pokémon, but that Pokémon did not want Jiang Jinxuan to subdue it, thinking that Jiang Jinxuan was not qualified. In order to prove his strength, Jiang Jinxuan directly invited Legendary to act as an intermediary.

It's a bit slapped.

Sure enough, as Ling Huang expected, a Pokémon flew down suddenly in the sky. Ling Huang could not see his appearance in the night, and observing Ability, he learned the name and level of this Pokémon.

Gliscor: lv.72

This is a very high-level Gliscor, even in the face of Landorus, it is still full of arrogance. looked towards Jiang Jinxuan's eyes were full of contempt. After combining with Landorus, there was even more shameful anger in his eyes.


"Gliscor seems to be very eager to see Jiang Jinxuan." Meowth said: "The words are also very rude, equivalent to the'go' in human language."

Ling Huang looked at the situation on the court with interest. This Gliscor should be top grade Pokémon if nothing else.


Landorus spoke, and Gliscor settled down, and the arrogance in his eyes diminished a little.

"Landorus has spoken as an intermediary, hoping that Gliscor can play against Jiang Jinxuan, whether Gliscor is willing to be subjugated or not, but at least one battle." Meowth said: "It turns out that the little girl's request was I want Gliscor to give her a chance to conquer. It’s really stupid. If it were our Team Rocket, let Landorus conquer the world directly, wouldn’t it be elated?"

"Conquer the world, mdzz." Ling Huang rolled the eyes .

"What's wrong with conquering the world?" Meowth said blushing, suddenly aware of Landorus's gaze, and didn't dare to say more. Since Landorus once had a quasi-Elite Trainer, he must have a bad relationship with Team Rocket.

"It's okay, it's just too stupid." Ling Huang shook his head. Even to promote the plot, Team Rocket's slogan of conquering the world is too stupid.


Gliscor finally looked at Jiang Jinxuan and hovered in the air, seemingly ready to go.

Jiang Jinxuan smiled, "I knew Landorus could convince you."


Gliscor curled his lips in disdain, as if urging Jiang Jinxuan put Pokémon quickly, do it quickly and don't delay his time.

"Gliscor and Landorus are both Ground +Flying Type Pokémon. Landorus can speak to Gliscor, which does not surprise me. What really surprised me was the Pokémon released by Jiang Jinxuan."

Poliwrath: lv.70

It is true that Poliwrath's Water Type is effective against Gliscor, but Gliscor's Flying Type can in turn target Poliwrath's Fighting Type.

Jiang Jinxuan's idea is easy to understand. It's nothing more than trying to convince people with morality. Under the premise of do it quickly, make the battle relatively fair.

This is also a common tactic used by many Players to subdue Pokémon. Unfortunately, Jiang Jinxuan miscalculated the strength of the two sides.

Poliwrath is not enough to defeat Gliscor, the ability is too serious. In general, even if Poliwrath is backed by Jiang Jinxuan, the odds of winning are not more than 60%.

Gliscor did not hesitate, and did not appreciate it, and directly used Acrobatics Ability on Poliwrath.

Acrobatics Ability will deal double damage when Pokémon has no holding items. The formidable power can be simply calculated as 110 points.

Furthermore, Gliscor's Acrobatics, formidable power is a bit high.

"It seems that this Gliscor should have a very outstanding Trainer, so he would look down on Jiang Jinxuan in every way. At the same time, he should carry Sky Gem, and use Acrobatics to not only passively trigger the formidable power. On this basis, the formidable power will be increased by 30%."

Analyzing Gliscor to this level, the probability of winning the mosquito-repellent-repellent-repellent warrior is already very low, no more than 40%.

How big is the Acrobatics formidable power at this time?

formidable power is comparable to Self Destruct, or even more than that! Such formidable power, coupled with the restraint of Fighting Type......

Ling Huang shook the head.

In comparison, Poliwrath's Hydro Pump looks dwarfed. Especially after the Attribute restraint broke out, the gap became more obvious.

Not to mention, Poliwrath was originally the main attack Pokémon, forcibly using the special attack Ability, wanting to deal enough damage, and easier said than done?

This battle, which should have been evenly matched, ended in an overwhelming victory by Gliscor.

Ling Huang sighed, "If you use Glaceon, defeating Gliscor is actually very simple."

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