Beijing, western suburbs.

Because of an appointment with Sabrina, Ling Huang also reasonably wanted to be Sabrina's friend. It is reported that Ling Huang is Sabrina's first Player friend.

In response, Ling Huang just shrugged.

No way, there are too many beautiful friends, even if it is the first one, it just makes Ling Huang a little excited.

Qin Fan greeted Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi at the Airport and took them directly to an unknown place in the western suburbs.

This is also the place where the Bronzong lives. The way of meeting is very common, but one day Qin Fan and Zheng Qing have a picnic and take out Pokémon food to feed Pokémon.

I don’t know if I can’t stand the sweet atmosphere of the two, or are attracted by the Pokémon food, or both. The Bronzong rushed out when Qin Fan was about to move his feet and stopped. While Qin Fan, snatched Pokémon food.

At that time, Qin Fan was furious and sent a leave king to fight Bronzong to the death.

In the end, the leave king failed miserably.

If Qin Fan does not realize that this Bronzong is a top grade Pokémon at this time, it will be a Top Ranking Player.

Something happened midway, Qin Fan remembered Ling Huang who was coming to Beijing soon, and planned to let Ling Huang come to subdue this Pokémon.

"Last time in the West Lake battlefield, didn't you rank very high, why didn't you beat that Bronzong?" Ling Huang asked.

"Actually, 1 month ago, I had a chance to conquer the top grade Toxicroak which was only Level 75. It was with that Toxicroak that I was able to pass the West Lake battlefield after you and defeat the boss. However. At the Flying Peak battlefield, I was eliminated by Yu Bing at the beginning." Qin Fan said with a bitter smile.

Ling Huang understands.

Qin Fan’s current Pokémon is the most powerful Pokémon with only 7Level 5 top grade poison + Fighting Type Toxicroak.

Bronzong is a Pokémon of Steel + Psychic Type, Aptitude is not bad, Attribute restraint and even immunity.

No fight at all.

No wonder Qin Fan is desperate to subdue Bronzong.

"Relatively, next you will run into a powerful Pokémon that cannot be subdued, but you have to introduce it to me." Qin Fan said, patting Ling Huang on the shoulder.

"Keldeo, do you accept it?" Ling Huang asked, "I don't have a bad relationship with him, maybe it will give you a chance to challenge."

"shameless. Keldeo kind of legendary, I won't be killed in seconds when I go up!" Qin Fan Leer said.

"A second kill is not enough. It makes you suspect that life is okay." Ling Huang shrugged, "Or Landorus, I don't feel bad, it's safe to abuse you."

"Can't you say something reliable?" Qin Fan felt very weak, "Besides, how do you know so many Legendary! Last time I stayed in West Lake for a long time, although I saw Keldeo, he didn't give a chance at all! "

"Maybe this is the character gap." Ling Huang looked up at sky slightly and said.

"Fuck you!" Qin Fan scolded with a smile.

Looking at the two men sarcasm each other, Zheng Qing and Bai Lanxi smiled knowingly, arranged the items for the picnic, and opened the lunch box to have a tangy fragrance.

"Cough cough, then I'll eat it first." Qin Fan was slapped away by Zheng Qing when he wanted to get a bento.

"Wait." Zheng Qing said: "By the way, there are two kinds of bento boxes. The bento boxes are new. Guess who made them."

"Forget it..." Bai Lanxi whispered: "Ling Huang definitely can't guess it."

"No, you can't tell you the bento you worked so hard to make? He can't tell the difference? Now, Lanxi." Zheng Qing said.

"I..." When Ling Huang wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Qin Fan.

"Anyone who can't distinguish the dishes made by his girlfriend is embarrassed to talk? Shut up for me!"

"Are you looking for a fight?" Ling Huang said.

"Cough cough, you are free." Qin Fan said solemnly.

Ling Huang was a little helpless, so he carefully checked the two kinds of bento in front of him. This thing about bento is not originally domestic, but for a picnic, bento is still a must.

4-box bento, just the bento box is very different.

There are two round and square bento boxes. The round boxes are engraved with light patterns, which can’t be distinguished unless you look closely.

The square bento box looks very simple, but if you look at it from the side, you can see some delicate places.

As for the contents inside...

The round bento box contains typical Japanese food, such as sushi, sashimi, etc...

As for the square ones, they are typical Western dishes, such as steak and red wine. Ling Huang couldn't figure out why there are steaks for a picnic!

Is this a date!

Well, it's really a date...

"I can't tell it." Ling Huang held the Poké Ball in his hand, and soon released Charizard.


Charizard is a little puzzled, what exactly Ling Huang wants him to do.

"Help me smell which box the hostess made." Ling Huang said.


Charizard nodded, his sense of smell is fully qualified for this job.

"No way!"

Bai Lanxi and Zheng Qing said in unison.

Facing the imposing manner of the two women, Charizard took two steps in fear, and lay down to rest not far away. Some of the weak or newborn Pokémon were ten meters away from Charizard in fear.

Set the ten-meter circle as Charizard's temporary territory by default.

"Qin Fan, come first."

Although Ling Huang enjoys this normal behavior between couples, the problem is that Ling Huang has never eaten Bai Lanxi's bento. , And have never eaten the dishes she personally made, there is no reference at all!

In contrast, Qin Fan, who carved Xiu Enai into in the bones, is an expert in this way.

"I knew you would beg me." Qin Fan laughed and said.

"You can make up your mind and I am begging you." Ling Huang said indifferently.

Qin Fan did not answer, as if Ling Huang was really begging him. He reached out his hand to the square bento box and said: "This box is made by Zheng Qing."

"No, this is made by Lanxi." Ling Huang said affirmatively.

Qin Fan showed a flustered look, "Are you sure to choose this?"


Zheng Qing showed a cold smile, leaning against Qin Fan It got closer, and immediately twisted Qin Fan's waist.

Ling Huang is closer to Bai Lanxi, and can even smell the fragrance on her body and feel the touch of her thighs.

"How did you guess?" Bai Lanxi asked with a blushing face.

"Don't you think that this romantic style is very similar to you?" Ling Huang talked nonsense seriously.

Can he still say that this is an answer based on Qin Fan's character? impossible.

After all, Qin Fan, a guy who harming others without benefiting oneself, points to the box of square lunch boxes, he must think of perishing together with Ling Huang.

Do you think I will be fooled? too naive.

Bai Lanxi, who was in the heart of Ling Huang’s love words, couldn’t help but feel a little soft, even if he felt that things were not the case, he weighed slightly against Ling Huang’s body, and cutting a small steak seemed to be Feed Ling Huang personally.

At this time, things happen suddenly.

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