If you are still carrying the Iron Ball, it will be several times more difficult for Hawlucha to use Flying Press. But as long as the Iron Ball is removed, Hawlucha's speed will be increased to the extreme, and the use of Ability will instantly like a fish back in water.

Flying Press is also Hawlucha's first Ability to master the extreme. Although the Attributes of Flying Press are the same and did not increase the formidable power much, it makes it easier for Hawlucha to master this Ability than other Ability.

Even, it is vaguely to catch up with Milotic's understanding of Ice Beam.

Such an ability, Hawlucha casts it, there will be no lag, and the cast speed is extremely fast.

Furthermore, the ability to attack twice per round is something that ordinary Pokémon seems to be completely unable to do.

Very powerful.


Hawlucha soars up suddenly. After losing the Iron Ball, he can fly up in an instant, and fall in an instant, fast as lightning.


Before the Master Itachi could react, he found that Hawlucha was already pressing on him, causing him great damage.

But when he opened his eyes in pain, the Pokémon that had previously been pressed on his body disappeared like a phantom.

Master Itachi is a little lonely.

He has grown up so much, and this is the first time he has been crushed by other Pokémon.

Master Itachi just wanted to condense the Aura Sphere, but found that Hawlucha struck again, his eyes were full of determination.

Master Itachi has not knowing what to do in the eyes of Hawlucha.


Hawlucha, who fell from the sky, once again pressed the Master Ferret cover down. The originally powerful and unmatched Master Ferret has no resistance!

Under these two tricks Flying Press, Master Itachi is no longer eligible to use Aura Sphere. Because his HP has been harvested, he has lost the combat capability.

"Master Itachi loses combat capability, please Gym Leader Shirona to replace Pokémon!"

The voice of the referee awakened the dumbfounded audience.


In this regard, the audience can only be speechless.

In fact, Hawlucha's behavior is completely incomprehensible to them.

How could his speed be so fast? And, doesn't he need time to make moves?

Can I use it directly without brewing?

Also, is he really still a high grade Pokémon?

All these made the audience extremely suspicious. Their whispers are endless.

There is no cheering, not to mention screaming, and some are just incredible. They even suspect that Ling Huang has opened a plug-in, but how can a game like Pokémon Century have a plug-in? !

The shock of the audience has no effect on Shirona, and she put the Master Itachi away without any delay.

She still has the chance to win.

Cloyster: lv.73

This Cloyster is also the most powerhouse in the Pokémon by Shirona, level 73, and is directed by Shirona. Any god playing with this one Cloyster will have a headache.

Ling Huang glanced at Hawlucha, showing a hint of pride.

"Can you continue to fight?"


Hawlucha is solemn and solemn. He knew very well that facing Cloyster, his odds of winning were not as high as he thought.

Only about 60%.

Even though the Fighting Type restrains the ice attribute, the ice attribute also restrains the Flying Type. The two sides exercise restraint.

In this case, we can only start from the ability to target. Hawlucha's physical and special attacks are not quite good, but Cloyster is strong but only physical defense, special defense is very low, Species Strength is only 45 points.

And the HP is not high, even if Level leads so much, it's just on par with Hawlucha's remaining HP.

"Hawlucha, use Focus Blast!"

The odds of winning lies in the special big trick of this Fighting Type.

120 points of formidable power, in the case of Attribute fit, coupled with Attribute restraint, the damage caused is simply exploding, and it can even be said that even Cinccino's Tail Slap is far inferior.

Not to mention, Hawlucha’s Characteristic Trait is still lightly loaded. The Focus Blast twice per round is enough to move any Pokémon or even Trainer.


Hawlucha flashed out suddenly, facing Hawlucha's turbulent imposing manner, even Shirona had to take a step back.

"Cloyster, use Protect."

Cloyster has a stern look, although he doesn't know why Shirona, whom he is proud of, will give in to this unremarkable Hawlucha, but he has long been used to it. Trust Shirona.

As long as you believe her, you will never lose.

Finally, Protect blocked both Focus Blast moves, and Hawlucha's tsunami-like imposing manner was a stop.

"Protect will last for 1 round. It is better to refrain from lightly loading Characteristic Trait." Ling Huang secretly thought: "However, Protect basically only works in the first round. Next, I want to see how you can block it. "

Ling Huang can also guess some of Shirona's ideas. It's nothing more than letting Cloyster adapt to Hawlucha's Focus Blast, which can block or even evade more easily in the next battle.

Just, will I give you a chance?

"Hawlucha, continue to use Focus Blast!" Ling Huang said.

“lucha !”

Hawlucha rushed out again, and in the process of flying skillfully, he had condensed True Qi into a ball and shot out continuously.

And this time, Cloyster will have no chance to resist.

"Cloyster, use Icicle Spear!" Shirona said.

She looked calm and didn't see any panic at all. It is in sharp contrast with the audience at the scene.

xiu xiu xiu xiu xiu!

Splitting the air sound is endless, but Ling Huang suddenly fades.

This Cloyster, when Icicle Spear was released, there was almost no weak spot!

Be aware that even if Hawlucha masters Flying Press and Focus Blast perfectly, in Ling Huang's view, there are weak spots, and there are more than one.

However, when Cloyster uses Icicle Spear, it is truly perfect. Even if Ling Huang tries his best, it is difficult to find a weak spot.

On the contrary, Cloyster's divine ability is transparent, and it seems to have detected Hawlucha's offensive methods.

There is no doubt that this Cloyster's accomplishments in Icicle Spear Ability are no longer limited by the rigid value of proficiency, but beyond the limit to an even more incredible level.

Even better than Milotic's Ice Beam.


Hawlucha's Focus Blast is like a balloon, which is instantly pierced. In the end, only one Focus Blast hit Cloyster.

The effect is outstanding.

Ling Huang looked solemn.

Because, the Icicle Spear of Cloyster still has 5, and it hits Hawlucha very fast. Even if Hawlucha doubles the speed, he can't escape Cloyster's Lock On.

"This Icicle Spear, after piercing Focus Blast, can it survive?" Ling Huang slightly frowned.

He has never encountered this situation, and he cannot understand it.

Ling Huang looked at the HP of both sides. There is no doubt that Icicle Spear’s damage is better than Focus Blast.

"The prediction is wrong, Hawlucha's chance of winning is only 30%, not 60%." Ling Huang solemnly thought secretly.

PS: Thanks to the 2 million rewards of'Cangzhi Meteor Shower' for achieving the great cause of Hall Master! Thank you'Angelabeats' for the great reward for achieving the great cause of Branch Lord. Congratulations!

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