This Zebstrika is very strong.

It is completely different from any Zebstrika that Ling Huang has measured in the past.

Because when he was standing, Ling Huang saw very few weak spots.

You must know that Ling Huang's eyes are by no means comparable to ordinary eyes. Maybe it's useless in reality, but for Pokémon, no matter how fast they run, they can't escape Ling Huang's sight of Lock On.

Moreover, various weak spots have nowhere to hide.

But this Zebstrika...

Just standing, but standing very solid, it is difficult for Ling Huang to find a starting point. If Ling Huang is right, the potential of this Zebstrika is probably not inferior to Shirona's current main force, Pokémon.

With the guidance of Shirona and Pokémon, promotion to the King's rank may be as easy as eating and drinking.

As long as the Level meets the standard, it can be achieved directly.

If Ling Huang had previously been complacent because he defeated Shirona's 2 Pokémon, the appearance of this Zebstrika dissipated all Ling Huang's confidence. He is not sure whether the remaining Cinccino and Gyarados can defeat this Zebstrika.

But if you don’t try, how do you know?

Cinccino was released again.

"Mu Li!"

It seemed that he felt Zebstrika's threat, and Cinccino didn't dare to care.

"Use Tail Slap!" Ling Huang said.

He looks as usual, because if he is empty, Cinccino will be restrained.

As a Trainer, I can only assume the most confident attitude. Even if there is a losing game in front of you, you have to use your confidence to infect your Pokémon.

even more how, whoever wins is not always certain!

"Use Discharge." Shirona said.

Cinccino burst out suddenly, and Zebstrika's current also spread out at this time, it was Discharge Ability.

Cinccino wanted to attack Zebstrika with thunder and lightning.

Unfortunately, I fell into a paralyzed state, and the paralyzed state was triggered instantly.

Tail Slap was gone, Cinccino twitched and fell to the ground. Although he got up quickly, his distorted little face still made people feel pity.

"30% of Discharge may be paralyzed, directly applied and triggered instantly?" Ling Huang realized the seriousness of the matter.

This trick Discharge is not at the same level as any of Cinccino's Ability.

In the face of such a strange field, Cinccino has no resistance.

“Now think about it, Su Rong’s Pokémon’s ability to directly apply paralysis at that time should also be due to full proficiency and breakthrough. It’s just that Mareep has mastered this level... Now it seems that Su Rong kind of Ampharos not simple." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Unfortunately, Su Rong has already traveled by himself and is not an employee of Ling Huang.

There is no time to ask.

Thinking of this, Ling Huang will get rid of all his thoughts. How could such a battle tolerate his distraction?

"Cinccino, use Tail Slap!" Ling Huang said.

Although the paralysis state is fatal, it does not mean that Cinccino is now unable to resist.

Her speed has become very low and she is likely to be teased by Zebstrika. Her success rate dropped, Ling Huang would not force it.

What Ling Huang now faces is how to make Cinccino hit and deal enough damage.

If this is not the case, Gyarados' appearance may be extremely disadvantaged.

"Zebstrika, use charging, then use Discharge." Shirona said with an inexplicable smile.

Ling Huang's expression was instantly frozen.

If he had the confidence to use Cinccino and Zebstrika before, now Ling Huang only has the idea of ​​how to use Cinccino to weaken Zebstrika.

Charge + Discharge, this kind of combo is a tactic that Ling Huang thought hard. Ling Huang knows the power of this instant combo better than anyone else.

Can't be the enemy.

"Because I know the strength of this combo, I know the weakness of this combo better than anyone else." Ling Huang secretly thought.

He is waiting for the opportunity.

I felt the look in Ling Huang's eyes, Cinccino was slightly nodded, and began to adjust his breath. The next move, there can be no delay, no hesitation, it must be instant!

"It's now!" Ling Huang said.

His voice is hard and powerful, and he dare not delay in the slightest.

At this point in time, Zebstrika just finished charging. If Encore can hit at this time, Zebstrika can only continue to use charging for 3 rounds.

Up to a huge increase in special defense, a lot of time was wasted. The most important thing is...

While he is using charging, Ling Huang can weaken it as much as he wants.

Ling Huang's eyes focused on Cinccino.

From now on, he can only trust Cinccino.


Cinccino also feels the difficulty of this task. Discharge is the ability that Zebstrika has mastered to the limit. You can imagine how fast it can be connected to Discharge after charging. There is even a hint of lightly loaded Characteristic Trait.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for her.

If it is for Ling Huang, she is willing to try.

Her look is more serious than ever.

She didn't wait for Ling Huang's voice to come, but at the moment Ling Huang's lips began to move, she had already displayed Encore.

Cinccino is always sensitive to Ling Huang's actions. It is precisely because of this sensitivity that Ability is dangerously inserted between charging and Discharge.

Continuously interrupted.

Discharge cannot be released. Zebstrika can only bear the huge power of his body, but cannot release it, which is very uncomfortable.

Ling Huang was overjoyed and couldn't help giving Cinccino a thumbs up.

"Good job!"


Cinccino was also excited, but she quickly reacted and signaled Ling Huang to order.

Now Zebstrika can be said to be the most helpless moment. If it were Ling Huang, he would definitely take advantage of the victory.

There is no doubt about this.

In the eyes of Cinccino's expectation, Ling Huang shook his head a little, "Use Charm Ability."

"Use Attract Ability."

These two Ability, respectively, will reduce Zebstrika's attack and special attack.

Cinccino looked stiff, but reflexively used Ability as Ling Huang said.

Although he failed to use Tail Slap to attack this Zebstrika, if Zebstrika can be doubled down, it will be easier to defeat.

Now Cinccino has become less hypocritical.

Charm and Attract are nothing but Ability. Too much care will affect the performance.

After Cinccino's "beautiful" baptism, this Zebstrika was really lost.

Can’t sustain themselves.

It was in this situation that Zebstrika regained control of Ability.

"Use...Thunder." Shirona said.

"Use Tail Slap!" Ling Huang said.

PS: 5 more, there will be updates next.

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