That afternoon.

Ling Huang didn't have anything to pack, so he stayed directly at Forbidden Gym. In the afternoon, he was also fortunate to watch the Olympic Team training.

Their training is orderly, which is also a unique training method for the Olympic team.

In the beginning, it was a civil war. The teams draw lots and fight separately. In the separated battles, the rhythm of each battle is very fast.

Ling Huang watched these battles with a mixed mood.

"If everyday all is in this mode, it means that your Pokémon everyday all can play against the powerful Pokémon, and you can play the game between gods and play, and the experience you get is definitely not fighting monsters. Upgrade is comparable." Ling Huang secretly thought.

The best resource is a team battle.

Ling Huang originally wanted to join, but Shirona refused.

"You can't go."

"Why?" Ling Huang asked, "It's just a challenge between players."

He doesn't think there is anything inappropriate.

"You can't lose until you come back from that place." Shirona said.

"I don't think I will lose." Ling Huang said, he couldn't understand Shirona's words.

Even if they will form a team next, Shirona shouldn't stop Ling Huang from playing against the powerful Player.

But Shirona happened to stop it.

Don't talk about the strength of Ling Huang's own strength, even if he loses, what does it matter?

Victory and defeat are commonplace in battles. Even if Ling Huang wants to win, he hopes not to lose at the National Conference or even Olympics.

So, he really wants to improve his strength.

"No. At least not now." Shirona said.

Ling Huang couldn't understand, but could only give up.

He stood up and planned to go out to practice.

As soon as he walked to the door, a young man of around 23 years old stopped Ling Huang.

It is Li Shenjian.

Li Shenjian is No. 2 in the game, and his strength is beyond doubt.

"Would you like to play against Pokémon?" Li Shenjian said.

"Did you hear the conversation between Shirona and me?" Ling Huang said coldly.

Li Shenjian looked confused, "Dialogue? What dialogue?"

Ling Huang was taken aback for a moment. He thought that Li Shenjian knew that Shirona would not let him fight before he came to challenge.

After all, only Ling Huang and Su Qiqi beat Shirona in the Gym challenge in the country. Isn't it right for Li Shenjian to be jealous at this time?

"I won't fight you." Ling Huang shook his head. Now that Shirona said, Ling Huang could only obey even though he was itching.

"haha, what does it matter if you come to a match! Anyway, you won't lose anything if you lose at full intimacy. Besides, I might lose all games." Li Shenjian said with a smile.

His smile is very hearty, which makes it difficult for Ling Huang to refuse.

At this time, part of the Olympic Athlete, who had ended the battle, put the Poké Ball in the Pokémon healer, and curiosity came around.

For the third player who stayed at Forbidden Gym, they said that it must be fake not to care.

Not to mention, Li Shenjian also challenged Ling Huang, Shenwan second and Shenwan third, this gimmick is really appealing.

"Sorry, I won't fight." Ling Huang shook his head and was about to bypass Li Shenjian and walk out of Gym.

What else does Li Shenjian want to say, Su Qiqi, standing in the center of the Gym, suddenly said: "No one is allowed to challenge Ling Huang. Offenders, no matter who they are, are all expelled from the Olympic team!"

The court is silent.

Even Ling Huang couldn't help but stop.

"Is my value so expensive?" Ling Huang secretly thought.

He then thought, "After all, I am a key person in the Aptitude promotion project. Aptitude promotion is so important. I think those senior management have to pay attention to me."

Ling Huang a little bit Waved to Su Qiqi and walked out of Forbidden Gym. My heart is still shrouded in layers of mystery.

And his back, in the eyes of many Olympic Athlete, it is full of chic.

It's more like a taboo.

No one knows why Su Qiqi values ​​Ling Huang so much. But they know very well that if Ling Huang accepts Li Shenjian's challenge just now, I am afraid that even Li Shenjian will not be spared.

Ling Huang still had doubts when he came to Xijiao.


But he couldn't find the reason, so he could only bury it in his heart.


For these 3 days, Ling Huang stayed in Forbidden Gym.

Forbidden Gym has more rooms, so...Ling Huang's idea of ​​sleeping with Bai Lanxi directly fell through. He was sorted into a room that was not too partial, but a spacious room.

At 5 o'clock this morning, Ling Huang was awakened by a knock on the door while she was still asleep. With sleepy eyes open, I saw Mingyan's pretty face as soon as I opened the door.

"Su Qiqi?" Ling Huang asked in surprise.

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?" Su Qiqi said.

"I thought Lanxi couldn't bear the loneliness and wanted to come and sleep with me." Ling Huang shrugged, and just about to greet Su Qiqi into the house, she saw Shirona, who was slightly red.

"Hey, the Gym Leader is also here." Ling Huang said: "By the way, today is to challenge the'dungeon'."

"en." Shirona nodded.

Ling Huang is a little helpless, knowing that Shirona will not speak those sorrows a long time ago.

With Su Qiqi's temperament, Ling Huang doesn't think she is that kind of pure and shy girl. So Ling Huang speaks a lot of impudent.

But Shirona is different. Although mature, she never had a boyfriend.

Well, Ling Huang's topic is still a bit early for Shirona.

"By the way, these equipments are for you. Someone will explain the usage to you later on the plane." Su Qiqi said: "Don't worry about so much, just come out."

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet..."

"Don't worry, brush on the plane."

"What kind of plane is that!"

In fact, Ling Huang still underestimated the financial resources of the Olympic team, or Su Qiqi. It is not a passenger plane, but a small private plane.

Well, just this thing, Ling Huang can't afford it anyway.

Ling Huang also enjoyed the experience of brushing his teeth in a private jet, and then sat in the cabin, listening to a lean special soldier explaining how to use the equipment.

Then, the special soldier made Ling Huang stand up and reached out to take off Ling Huang's clothes.

"Wait, stop. I'm not that kind of person, don't get me wrong." Ling Huang stepped back quickly and said with horror on his face.

The special soldier scratched his head, "Sorry is used to it. You first put on this bottom suit, and then I will help you put on the equipment."

Ling Huang fully armed suspiciously, Seeing that he didn't have a million-dollar equipment, and then looking at the endless ocean outside the cabin, he questioned.

"Where are we going?"

"Fuji Mountain." Su Qiqi said.

Fuji Mountain is the largest peak in Japan and one of the largest living Volcano in the world. If you want to stay in Fuji Mountain for a long time, this equipment is really indispensable.

The plane passed through the clouds.

Ling Huang suddenly thought of something, "I don’t have a passport!"

"It’s okay, it’s already done for you." Su Qiqi hurriedly threw the notebook over and let Ling Huang couldn't help but sigh, the power of the rich.

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