Pokémon at the same level as Baltoy. Ling Huang has never played against 1,000 or 800. Didn’t expect that Baltoy lost self-control so much today.

Baltoy may be tired, so he threw Ling Huang on Ground. Fortunately, Ling Huang physique has improved a lot, staggering and standing still, this is not so embarrassing.

Milotic finally couldn't stand it and stood in front of Ling Huang. If Baltoy dared to impudent, Milotic wouldn't mind killing him directly.

Milotic still has this strength.

Ling Huang didn’t have that many mechanisms, and immediately said to Milotic: "Use Water Gun!"


If you take Milotic’s If the Water Gun is considered to be a real Water Gun, then you are wrong. This huge stream of water, like a column of water, couldn't let people connect with the Water Gun at all.

Even so, this is Milotic's weakest Ability.

Although it has an outstanding effect on Baltoy.

The Baltoy who tortured Ling Huang was directly killed by a spike. Ling Huang threw a Poké Ball very seriously and included Baltoy in it.

Ding, ding, ding...


The difficulty of conquering is much lower than Ling Huang imagined, so she was conquered directly, not even at all. Struggle.

Probably it was awe-inspired by Milotic's imposing manner, after all, the gap is so big. Realizing that Milotic was outside, he didn't dare to come out.

Ling Huang released Baltoy each minding their own business, and then let Slowbro treat Baltoy before squatting down a little, and said to Baltoy: "Baltoy, use Rapid Spin for me."


Baltoy was a little startled, the first time he heard such a request.

Before Ling Huang could repeat, Baltoy spun directly and attacked Ling Huang. It's a pity that the attack on the protective clothing was only a little painful, but Ling Huang did not back off.

He is slightly frowned.

"Sure enough, when Baltoy was defeated, that kind of data became ordinary middle grade Baltoy data. Such Baltoy is useless for me."

Ling Huang The Baltoy is released at will, and the Poké Ball is destroyed soon, which is equivalent to releasing Baltoy.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation turned around.

Baltoy stared blankly at Ling Huang's back, and he couldn't believe it. He was abandoned as soon as he was taken over.

He felt humiliated.

But there is no way.

Until Ling Huang, Shirona, and Su Qiqi disappeared from the sight, Baltoy was sighed and very lonely.


Milotic looked at the absent-minded Ling Huang and called out with some worry.

"Nothing, don't worry." Ling Huang touched Milotic's head.

Milotic also responded slightly, making Ling Huang smile.

The mood is no longer so low.

He suddenly looked towards Su Qiqi and Shirona, and said in surprise, "Why are you not shocked?"

"en? Why are you shocked?" Su Qiqi asked in confusion.

"I'm not surprised," Shirona said.

Ling Huang shook his hands in front of Shirona and Su Qiqi, and said, "You won't be hit by Hypnosis. If you can hypnotize you like this, that Pokémon doesn't have a level of 100, I'm afraid it's impossible."

"What kind of hypnosis, we knew it a long time ago." Su Qiqi rolled his eyes, "But it's normal if you don't know, because the'NPC' is bound by the system, and all secrets can't be said. "

"I also know. I asked the system on the initiative, and the identity of the champion is still privileged." Shirona nodded and said.

"I heard what the seniors said. But so far I haven't met a Pokémon that can become a real entity." Su Qiqi said.

Ling Huang was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Co-authored these two people, knowing that he was kept in the dark?

This...it's a bit heartbreaking.

If Ling Huang's heart was as complicated as thousands of silk threads entwined just now, then it is now that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

But he soon felt something was wrong again.

"That's wrong, why only the Baltoy just now can become an entity. This is unscientific!"

Ling Huang raised his own question.

Su Qiqi said he didn't know, Shirona said it might be related to the Legendary he wants to accept this time.

I don’t know the others.

Ling Huang feels that Shirona must know the type of Legendary to be subdued this time, but like Oak, she deliberately kept it from herself. However, Ling Huang believes that they must have a reason for doing so, so he will not ask any more.

As for Su Qiqi, I’m afraid I really don’t know.

She poked Ling Huang with her elbow slightly ambiguously, and that beautiful face turned out to be really funny.

"I'm still conquering Quasi-Legendary, you actually want to conquer the'Legendary'. After you have the Legendary, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the number one position in the game." Su Qiqi said.

"You were so harsh on Olympic Athlete before, just considering that I might be the first player in China to subdue Legendary." Ling Huang said.

"That's right." Su Qiqi nodded, "Young people are very perception."

"Just, why can't I lose?" Ling Huang asked.

It is true that if he is allowed to join the Olympic Athlete battle, he is likely to be played by turns. No matter how strong Ling Huang is, he will lose one or two games.

In Ling Huang's view, this is innocent.

But Shirona and Su Qiqi are so sensitive that Ling Huang is puzzled.


"I can't tell you for the time being. But then we are likely to be targeted by Pokémon like Baltoy. We must be careful." Shirona said.

In this way, Ling Huang moved forward with more questions. His eyes still flashed in the Pokémon group.

Find top grade among them.

He faintly felt a red shadow flashing in the distance, but he looked at it and didn't. Although it felt strange, but quickly relieved.

It must be an illusion.

There is no Pokémon that can surpass the reaction limit of Ling Huang Professor-level observation to see through Ability.

In this unique space, Ling Huang entire group is quite conspicuous. Especially 2 Milotic and 1 Flygon. No matter which one it is, it is second only to Quasi-Legendary in terms of rarity.

At this time, Ling Huang finally met the first wave of Player after they entered the special space.

These are 4 Japanese players who also wear protective clothing. They speak Japanese very fluently.

Anyway, Ling Huang couldn't understand. He wanted to turn on the AR Wristband function, but Su Qiqi blocked it.

She whispered: "We could only stay in this Independent Space for 1 hour, but AR Wristband’s original 1 hour and other functions will be extended by default for us by 1 hour. If you use it, it will be longer than We were sent out earlier."

Ling Huang was a little surprised that AR Wristband possesses great magical power than he thought.

"You can only act as a translator," Ling Huang said.

"It's okay, I am proficient in four languages." Su Qiqi readily said with a smile.

"Which four kinds?"

"Chinese, Japanese, English, Cantonese."

"Co-authored two foreign languages?" Ling Huang speechless saying.

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