Victini’s speed is fast as lightning.

But even so, as long as she doesn't use Legendary's power to deliberately hide, under Ling Huang's observing Ability and seeing through Ability, she has nowhere to hide.

It just so happens that Victini has no time to hide itself when using Ability.

It was precisely to grasp the time of Victini's attack that Ling Huang let Mega Gyarados use Ability instantly.

Twister's goal is... itself.

Huh, huh.

The wind howled.

The air around Mega Gyarados fluctuates instantly, and it turns around quickly, spinning extremely fast.

Victini was directly involved.

She wanted to stop Ability, but when Twister took shape, she also happened to use Quick Attack to reach Mega Gyarados.

Unable to stop the car, I could only rush in stupidly, and the swept Twister interrupted Ability.

As for Twister before it takes shape?

Victini didn't expect at all. Ling Huang's instructions were so in place, and the time was just right!

It is true that Twister is a special attack, and Mega Gyarados cannot do much damage with Twister.

However, Ling Huang is already satisfied to interrupt Victini's Ability. Don’t underestimate this wave of Ability interruptions. This is definitely not only to prevent Quick Attack’s damage, but the most important thing is to make Victini clearly realize that the Trainer in front of her, the Mega Gyarados in front of her, is by no means free for her. Play role!

Victini broke free from Twister and looked at Ling Huang in a somewhat unbelievable way.


She exclaimed softly.

Ling Huang really exceeded her expectations.

Ling Huang shrugged, "Don't underestimate me."

His response undoubtedly confirmed to Victini that this was not a coincidence, but my "operation".

After being affirmed, Victini looked solemn. If it is not a coincidence, then Ling Huang's strength is indeed worthy of recognition.

No wonder there is almost no rancidity of failure.

Victini's speed is much faster than Mega Gyarados, so Ling Huang can only wait for the second hand. Of course, what Ling Huang is best at is the back hand.

In general, the first hand ordered the test of Pokémon's quality, and the second hand ordered the test of the Trainer's strength. Because Ling Huang Pokémon's quality is uniform, and each has its own personality.

In this case, Ling Huang can only grasp himself.


Victini suddenly rushed out.

Double Edge.

Don't look at Victini's small size, but the imposing manner when using Double Edge is not weak at all. Whether it is strength, speed, or angle, everything confirms Victini's ability in this trick.

Proficiency is at least Perfection.

"Use Aqua Tail!" Ling Huang said.

Even if Victini's angle is tough, Ling Huang can still chase her silhouette and lock it on.

When she anticipates that she is about to attack, take Gyarados's move time into account, and reasonably let Mega Gyarados release Ability.

Such an ability release system cannot be cracked by Victini at all.

No matter how strong she is, no matter how outstanding her combat instinct is, she cannot detect Ling Huang's tactics. Even Detect cannot be cracked in a short time.

Ling Huang smiled.

Double Edge and Aqua Tail collide.

Both sides have suffered a lot, but there is no doubt that Victini has suffered more.

The effect is outstanding.

Victini of Psychic +Fire Element is not strong against Aqua Tail. Not to mention that Aqua Tail and Mega Gyarados’ super-powerful offensives are extremely compatible, and the explosion damage is not surprising at all.


Double Edge will bounce 13 damage. If Victini can take the lead in preventing Gyarados from using Ability as before, it will definitely be fine. Unfortunately, Victini's wishful thinking came to nothing.

"How can the same trick be achieved twice on me?" Ling Huang shook his head.

His expression undoubtedly stimulated Victini.

She, who represents victory, has never seen such an expression!


A huge amount of flames ignited around her, and these flames directly submerged Gyarados under her control.

Ling Huang is a bit bleak.

"It seems that Victini's mastery of this purgatory trick has reached the Elite level." Ling Huang secretly sighed: "The move is too fast, even if I react, Mega Gyarados can't escape it."

Purgatory's hit rate is only 50%, but when Victini casts Mega Gyarados, it is difficult to evade, the hit rate is close to 10%.

This is Elite terrifying.

"Gyarados, use Hydro Pump!" Ling Huang ordered calmly.

Since he has suffered a loss, Ling Huang can only try to find his place.


If it's an ordinary Player, you might think that using Hydro Pump under the cover of the flames is almost a sure ending. But if you really think so, it's a Muggle.

These flames are Elite flames. It's all under Victini's control. Not to mention that Victini's main Attribute is still Psychic Type. It is not easy to detect movement in the flame.

"roar! !"

Mega Gyarados roared, the flames were blasted away by the frantically vibrating water vapor, and at this time, the Hydro Pump brewed by Mega Gyarados also instantly Spit Up!

Hydro Pump is a special attack, why use Hydro Pump?

The reason is simple, Mega Gyarados is in a burning state, the physical attack formidable power is halved, and the blood is reduced in the round.

If Aqua Tail is used at this time, the formidable power will not exceed Hydro Pump. Instead of this, it is better to use the new Ability to pursue a higher hit rate.


Sure enough, facing the sudden cross-section of the Hydro Pump whose surface area is larger than its own surface area, Victini dodge is indeed a tough one.

She stuck it on the Hydro Pump and was directly washed away.


The effect is outstanding!

Only in terms of formidable power, it is completely incomparable with the Aqua Tail hit previously, and the damage is only about 50% of Aqua Tail.

"Burning state..." Ling Huang shook his head.

If one day, Ling Huang has to use Charizard and Gyarados to face off, and Ling Huang has to win, he can only pin his hopes on the burning state.

Mega Gyarados, whose physical attack damage has been halved, is a toothless tiger, not to be feared at all.

So, even if Mega Gyarados HP is currently dominant, Ling Huang is still optimistic does not raise.

Because of the burning state, this advantage will definitely be quickly leveled.


Victini circled in the air, and Ability used it.


Currently, Victini’s HP is about 23, and Reversal’s formidable power is 40 points, which is comparable to Quick Attack.

However, Fighting Type's Reversal has an outstanding effect on Dark Type's Mega Gyarados, and it is very cost-effective in combination.

Not worse than Headbutt.

"Mega Gyarados, use Rain Dance!" Ling Huang said.

Where is the worst part of the burn?

That is, it will not be automatically dismissed, it will continue until the end of the battle. The burn status given by Victini gave Ling Huang no other choice but to hit as much damage as possible. At the same time, the output of Victini is restricted.

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