Forbidden Gym, Beijing.

When Ling Huang returned here again, the Olympic Athlete saw what his expressions all had more.

Ling Huang is not surprising.

It is nothing more than feeling that Ling Huang impossible is the opponent of Moltres. He didn't care either, after all, Moltres temporarily lived in the Sky of the Forbidden City, and only appeared occasionally. These Olympic Athlete treat Moltres as private property, thinking that only they can subdue Moltres.

They will definitely think that Ling Huang is actually an outsider, and maybe he will not participate in Olympics. Such a person would be too wasteful to subdue Legendary.

Nothing interesting.

"Although I didn't mean to subdue Moltres, you who are discussing spiritedly make me a little uncomfortable." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Because Su Qiqi and Bai Lanxi went out to upgrade, Ling Huang settled down in Forbidden Gym each minding their own business. There is no hindrance. You must know that Ling Huang and Shirona are now friends. They are closer to Shirona than the Olympic Athlete. What happened to the Forbidden Gym?

Nothing wrong!

Watching Ling Huang Frillish release Milotic and Shirona's Milotic battle, exchange experience. He even released the Dragon Type Pokémon to communicate with Shirona's Garchomp. This group of Olympic Athlete is speechless with envy.

Unless they challenge Gym, Shirona will not use Pokémon to teach them Pokémon. And the communication between Pokémon, the effect can be imagined.

After all, Shirona’s Pokémon is a real Champion Level. Even Elite can't match, but the real Champion Level Pokémon. The champion urges Quasi Elite. Isn't that with no difficulty?

Longer time, Ling Huang’s Pokémon will be promoted to Elite at this point.

Look, Milotic's Ice Beam has been upgraded to Elite level in the past half a day!

Wait, where is it?

Oh, Elite level!

"Fuck, that move Ice Beam is definitely Elite level!!"

"No, how long is this? Just one move Elite Ability! Isn’t that right? Say, as long as there are 3 tricks of the same level of Ability, Milotic can be upgraded to level 80 as long as it has enough experience?"

"My Magcargo now has 4 tricks of Elite level, but it has not been upgraded to Elite level. It's really uncomfortable!"

For these Olympic Athlete's comments, Ling Huang chose to put all of them in his ears, and was secretly proud.


Ice Beam can reach this level, and Milotic is also extremely surprised. She moved her body lightly and walked to Ling Huang's side.

Ling Huang touched her smoothly, "Good job."


Milotic turned around Ling Huang. , Just go around Shirona's Milotic and express my joy.

"Ice Beam has been unable to break through for a long time, and now it has been upgraded to the Elite level, even Milotic, who is calm, can't help being so excited." Ling Huang exclaimed.

In fact, he is also very excited.

Ice Beam, this is the first Elite Ability his team learned by Pokémon, and the significance is self-evident.

Ling Huang also smiled relievedly as he watched the outside Sky Salamence and Hydreigon practice Ability and engage in civil war.

"Salamence and Hydreigon are very humbly accepting Garchomp's Coaching. Although they were only convinced after being slammed by Garchomp 1v2, they should have absorbed a lot of things." Ling Huang secretly thought.

"Are there other Pokémon who have a high affinity with my Pokémon? I will try my best to help." Shirona said, "After all, you helped me to subdue Tyranitar. I owe you a lot. The favor of him."

"Let’s take a few of them first." Ling Huang said: "How is your Tyranitar?"

"He is still only Elite, not enough for the time being As my BP." Shirona shook her head.

Ling Huang looking thoughtful.

He didn't expect Shirona's strength to be so strong that even the 8Level 6 Tyranitar is not enough to act as a BP.

"I'm very puzzled, how exactly are Elite and Champions divided?" Ling Huang asked.

These things are something he cannot guess now.

Previous experience can't work either.

"You have this kind of doubt, indeed as it should be by rights. If you have an Elite Pokémon, you have 4 Pokémon with the ability to reach the level of Ice Beam just now, and you have to reach level 80. This kind of Pokémon, with 4 abilities of itself, is enough to act as a BP, plus the class gap of Elite itself over the quasi-Elite, it is invincible in the eyes of ordinary players."

Ling Huang nodded.

Shirona can understand this way.

The number of Pokémon's abilities in the Pokémon century is not limited, as long as the abilities learned can be released. But in fact, many abilities will not be used in many battles, and basically 4 are enough.

Elite level is to raise the formidable power of 4 Ability to the extreme. Like Milotic’s Ice Beam, if she is an entity and has a level of 80, it will not be a problem to freeze a 100-meter hill.

Like Hydreigon's Dragon Pulse, I am afraid that reinforced concrete is nothing, and it is easy to destroy.

Although these Pokémons are very busy, Ling Huang's BP is not the only one. They will still go out to practice level as usual, and the experience will still be allocated to Salamence.

Even Hydreigon suddenly rose to Level 1. This group of people is already speechless.

Co-authored Ling Huang and Exp. Share!

Even now, only Su Qiqi and Li Shenjian have Exp. Share for the entire Olympic team. Bai Lanxi can only follow Su Qiqi for experience.

Player Ling Huang, really did not live up to his third place in the game.

Into the night.

Ling Huang lay on the bed and directly sent an invitation to Bai Lanxi. By the way, he also sent an invitation to Su Qiqi, preparing to take advantage of the beauty of the moonlight tonight and let the three people form a squad.

Well, continue to fight Pokémon world.

Although it is impossible to see the indigenous people, as Ling Huang, Su Qiqi, and Bai Lanxi have higher and higher winning rates, the probability of encountering foreigners is also greater. I even encountered Japan's top three characters and directly slammed them.

That game was really fun!

At the same time, it is also very thrilling, because the three opposing players are ranked 3rd, 6th, and 8th in Japan, all of which are in the top ten. If it weren't for Ling Huang's Gyarados, who happened to restrain the opponent after evolution, it would really be overturned!

Fortunately, I won in the end.

Later, I learned that the qualifying match was a qualifying match for the opponent's squad. If you win, even if the opponent is weaker, the winning points will be higher.

Unfortunately, the opponent failed to win, and the winning points rewards for subsequent qualifying matches will shrink.

Ling Huang fought with Bai Lanxi and Su Qiqi for a night, and finally raised Ling Huang's rank to the level of quasi-Elite. Because the team is about to meet the test of the system, Su Qiqi does not recommend Ling Huang to team up with them.

It is better to change the team, wait until the quasi-Elite level is stabilized, and then continue to fight.

"Anyway, I am not in a hurry to be promoted to Quasi Elite. Then I will be offline first, see you later." Ling Huang said.

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