"It's almost there." Ling Huang compared various data and finally found the problem.

Fortunately, he is not a complete system-manufacturing Professor, because he has been able to concentrate on the research and experience.

"If there is no calculation error, the controller should be at this position, the depth is 3.22475cm, and it is a liquid micro-controller. If there is a slight deviation, the controller will definitely not be able to be taken out. Gothitelle, you are sure Is it?" Ling Huang pointed to the lower left corner of Mana Fei's belly, turned his head and said to Gothitelle.


Gothitelle nodded, this level should not be a problem.

Suddenly, Gothitelle frowned, she can feel the fluctuations in space, and can capture the psychic rhythm.

Someone is coming.

Ling Huang also quickly noticed this, holding Poké Ball tightly in his hand.

"Gothitelle, take the controller first, and I will stop him." Ling Huang said.

He is not Bai Lanxi. In fact, when Gothitelle frowned, he vaguely guessed that Dark Faction might have used Teleport to let npc grab Legendary Manafei.

Apart from this, other methods are impossible to cross the defenses of Hydreigon and Bai Lanxi silently.

Sure enough, there was a wave of fluctuations in the void.

A meticulously dressed and handsome man stepped out from in the sky and landed smoothly, pushing himself extremely high.

He brought Alakazam with him. If he guessed correctly, it should be Alakazam who brought the man over with Teleport.

"Alakazam?" Ling Huang without the slightest hesitation threw out the Poké Ball in his hand.

Metagross: lv.78

In the face of Alakazam, apart from Hydreigon, there is no more suitable Pokémon than Metagoss. Steel + Psychic Type's Metagross has four times the resistance to Psychic Type. Coupled with the defensive power of Metagross itself, Alakazam's desire to win is almost impossible.

Of course, Ling Huang also recognized this man, it was Team Rocket’s Top Rank Executive, Archer. It has a high status in Team Rocket. If it is Legendary, it can be said that Archer comes to the best of his talents.

He does have this strength.

The quasi-Elite level strength is only one step away from Elite. Ling Huang is not even sure if Archer has an Elite Pokémon.

That is, Pokémon above level 80.

Facts have proved that Archer has level 80 Pokémon.

Weezing: lv.82

Pokémon above level 80! !

Ling Huang calmed down quickly.

"Fortunately, this is only the Poison Type Pokémon, Metagross is immune to the Poison Type. No matter how strong Weezing is, it is impossible to invalidate the Attribute immunity!" Ling Huang secretly thought.

He is very lucky now that the Archer Elite Pokémon is Weezing instead of Houndoom. Metagross is useless in front of the Elite-level Houndoom!


The problem is not big.

Ling Huang looked around all around, the white dolphin accounted for a large amount of ground, and it was not worth fighting here. In other words, this is a place dedicated to battles.

"Metagross, use Zen Headbutt." Ling Huang said.

Weezing is the Poison Type Pokémon, and the Psychic Type’s Ability has the best effect on the Poison Type Pokémon. And because Metagross itself has a very strong physical attack, using Zen Headbutt is definitely not a loss.

The most important thing is that only Zen Headbutt is the only one with Metagross proficiency full, and even Metagross has a faint sign of breaking Zen Headbutt to Elite.

Zen Headbutt, Ling Huang’s most confident ability.

However, even in the face of this kind of Ability, Archer still face doesn't change, his waist is straight, and his demeanor is still unobtrusive.

As expected of a man with an Elite Pokémon!

This attitude is really extraordinary!

"Weezing, use Dark Pulse."

I don't know why, this faction mission is always inseparable from Dark Pulse.

Ling Huang changed his face at the moment Dark Pulse was released.

Dark Type's restraint on Psychic Type is self-evident. If only this is the case, Ling Huang will not be imaginary, because the two sides restrain each other, what are they afraid of?

But this time is different.

This Weezing is an 8Level 2 Pokémon. The damage that Zen Headbutt can deal with is estimated to be about the same as without Attribute restraint, and the odds of winning itself are low. Coupled with this dark pulse...

The amazing sense of Ling Huang's lineup will only be revealed when Milotic uses Ice Beam!

4 Ability reaches Elite level, and Level reaches 80, that is Elite Pokémon.

This dark pulse trick is one of the 4 abilities!

No way to hide.

No matter how Ling Huang waits and sees, he can't find the weak spot of Dark Pulse. In the final analysis, his understanding of this ability is too superficial, and the impression in his mind is not enough for him to analyze these moves.

I can only watch Metagross being hit.

And Zen Headbutt was almost interrupted.

If it weren’t for Ling Huang’s early discovery and let Metagross delay the use of Ability, I’m afraid that all the weak spots of Zen Headbutt would be exposed to Weezing’s eyes.

Zen Headbutt 3 times, it is lucky enough to be able to use it once, and the hit rate is not guaranteed.

The damage explodes.

It seems...this is not 2 times restraint, but 3 times restraint.

Ling Huang was secretly surprised, "Didn't expect Elite Pokémon to use Elite Ability to be half as powerful as ordinary Pokémon."

Milotic has never experienced this kind of power.

Maybe because Milotic's Level is far from 80, she still can't inspire that kind of terrifying power. In other words, the current Ice Beam is too heavy for Milotic.

Just seeing the blood bar that disappeared suddenly, Ling Huang knew that Metagross was definitely not Weezing's opponent. It is not only the reason for restraint, but the most important reason is the level of difference.

Level 80 is a watershed.

The gap between Quasi Elite and Elite is beyond words.

Metagross's ability to fight Weezing has changed from being out of the crowd to ordinary, but Weezing is "three times more restrained". How to fight this?


Even if Zen Headbutt hit Weezing, it failed to deal high enough damage.

Very helpless.

Not opponent at all.

Nevertheless, Ling Huang could not show a discouraged look. He supported his calm expression and didn't make any extra moves.

It seems that planning strategies, but they don’t.

Archer was not confused by Ling Huang's expression. He didn't even look at Weezing. He knew very well that Weezing couldn't be too simple to defeat the quasi-Elite Metagross in front of him.

He was looking at Mana Fei.

Mana Fei lost the combat capability early and was fed by Ling Huang with a short-term coma. He will not wake up temporarily. This kind of thing is equivalent to narcotics.

Because of Ling Huang, it was originally intended to give Mana Fei "treatment".

He is a male doctor who examines the body.

Gothitelle is the surgeon who performs surgery.

Now Gothitelle has penetrated Psychic into Mana Fei's body, and the transparent and invisible Psychic has stretched Mana Fei Limber's body composed of water.

A strange rays of light appeared.

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