"Rotom, use charging!" Ling Huang and Li Sang said after looking at each other.

"Shellder, use Shou... No, use Icicle Spear!" Li Sang said.

Li Sang just wanted to talk about Protect.

He also knows the advantages of Shellder in Attribute, and he only wants to consume more blood. But Ling Huang does not follow the routine and uses charging.

Li Sang's eyebrows are sweating.

He once again deeply felt how thrilling it was to fight Ling Huang.

Five consecutive Icicle Spears are stuck on Rotom.

Icicle Spear, which has attacked five times in a row, is no less than Heracross's Bullet Seed in terms of Ability formidable power.

Rotom has only 50% HP left, and Levitate sways left and right.

"Rotom, use Discharge!" Ling Huang said.

"Shellder, use Protect!" Li Sang smiled, waiting for your Discharge!

Ling Huang doesn't care either. Anyone who should come will come.

Discharge was successfully Shellder Protect. But Ling Huang is still peaceful. It's just being tricked into a Discharge, and it's not being tricked into abilities such as Protect and Foresight.

"Rotom, after becoming Frost Rotom, continue to use Discharge!" Ling Huang said.


Rotom has never resisted Ling Huang's order. After all, Ling Huang is the Trainer he recognizes.

Ling Huang has a guess.

This Shellder may be a continuous attack on Characteristic Trait. This Pokémon of Characteristic Trait will always maintain the maximum formidable power when using Icicle Spear, Bullet Seed, Fury Attack and other abilities.

In other words, Heracross's Bullet Seed training for nearly ten days is simply instinct for Pokémon, who has continuously attacked the Characteristic Trait.

Ling Huang must guard against that trick Icicle Spear.

Icicle Spear, which attacks 5 times in a row, has formidable power stronger than Hydro Pump.

"Into...evolution?" Li Sang was stunned. "If you let Rotom evolve, he will evolve?"

Looking at the refrigerator Rotom in front of him, Li Sang couldn't calm down.

The crazy current has hit, Li Sang had to brace oneself and said: "Shellder, use Icicle Spear!"

peng peng peng!

Icicle Spear and The current constantly offsets, exploding a lot of Mist. The venue in the eyes of the two people was filled with hazy colors.

"Frost Rotom, rush up to stick to his face and give him a Discharge!" Ling Huang said.

Attribute is against each other, it is no-brainer!

Even Level has an advantage, Ling Huang is too lazy to use his brain, anyway, he has a good idea!

Frost Rotom's deterrent against Li Sang is incomparable.

"Shellder, hurry up and use Icicle Spear to stop Rotom!" Li Sang panicked.

"Take it down and rush over!" Ling Huang said.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ Bang!

This is the sound of Icicle Spear hitting Frost Rotom.

"Sure enough, it is a continuous attack on Characteristic Trait." Ling Huang secretly thought.

"Lah Cha!"

When the current gathered on Shellder, Shellder fell into a state of residual blood.

"Frost Rotom, give Shellder the last shock wave!" Ling Huang said.


Shellder fell sadly under the attack of Shock Wave, and Frost Rotom has only 30% HP left, and it seems that the injury is not light.

"You can fight." Li Sang saw the hope of victory.

If it works properly, it can completely use up the remaining HP of Frost Rotom.

Geodude: lv.25

Li Sang’s third Pokémon is Geodude.

"Geodude?" Ling Huang pondered then said: "Level 25 Geodude has learned Self Destruct Ability. If you don't pay attention, you will really be together with Frost Rotom perish."

"Rotom, restore the Normal state. Then use Rest Ability." Ling Huang said.

"La Cha!"

Rotom called Yawn and fell asleep in Levitate.

Li Sang's heart is extremely shaken.

"After evolution...has it changed back?" Li Sang muttered: "That's not evolution, it should be a change of form!"

Thinking of this, Li Sang gave Ling Huang even more Jealous.

Why can Ling Huang's Rotom "evolve" and "degenerate" at will, while his Li Sang's Charmander cannot evolve anyway?

This is not fair!

"Geodude, use Defense Curl!" Li Sang said.

Ling Huang can easily observe that Geodude's defense curl has improved a lot, and the defensive power has improved a lot.

Ling Huang can guess Li Sang's tactics.

Rotom, who was at Rest, could not fight back, but Ling Huang didn't care. In two more rounds, he will be able to recover all his physical strength and HP. Even in the face of Geodude's Rollout, he didn't shy away at all.

"Geodude, use Rollout!" Li Sang was overjoyed, but Rotom didn't make any moves.

Obviously, Li Sang has never seen Rest Ability.


Geodude's Rollout hit Rotom solidly.


The same hit the second time!

With Defense Curl added, the formidable power of Rollout reached an astonishing 120 for the second time.

It's a pity.

Something that can't kill Rotom, when he wakes up, it will only make him stronger.

"Lah Cha!"

Rotom opened his eyes abruptly, and the damaged blood immediately returned to its full value.

Ling Huang is a bit grateful. Fortunately, at first Ominous Wind has improved all Attributes, allowing Rotom to face Rollout more calmly.

"Rotom, floating in the sky, don't let Rollout hit!" Ling Huang said: "After the dodge, become Wash Rotom, give Geodude a Hydro Pump!"

After the In the past few days of exercise, Rotom's conversion speed between the normal state and the other three forms has increased a lot, and he is very skilled.

In just an instant, it changed into a washing machine Rotom.


Hydro Pump not only caused Geodude HP to fall wildly, but also knocked him far away, giving Wash Rotom more time to dodge.

Although Rotom's speed has dropped a bit after changing its form, it is not comparable to Geodude.

Ling Huang can only tolerate Wash Rotom being hit by Geodude 3 times. The formidable power for the third time was 240, which was barely able to withstand it. But Ling Huang hopes that Wash Rotom can avoid all attacks by Geodude.

Be aware that Rotom's speed has also increased by Level 1 under the influence of Ominous Wind.

"Wash Rotom, continue to use Hydro Pump!"

After avoiding the third Rollout, Ling Huang said. Geodude has Ground Type, Electric Type Ability does not work.


On Elephant trunk hill, this blow of the Hydro Pump blooms like a flower of kaolin, extremely beautiful.

Geodude has no chance to continue making moves. Under the huge might and quadruple restraint of Hydro Pump, there's no resistance.

Geodude fell to the ground and was taken back by the unwilling Li Sang.

"Lah Cha!"

Rotom Levitate got up and turned around in front of Ling Huang a few times, trying to stun Ling Huang, but was taken back by the smiling Ling Huang.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The victory of 1v3 is not simple. If it weren't for the advantage of Rotom Attribute, you might lose.

In Ling Huang’s camp, only Rotom is capable of 1v3. Lapras is also considered half, provided that the terrain is favorable.

Li Sang ugly complexion.


Charmander has complicated eyes. Although he doesn't like Li Sang, he still feels entangled when he really wants to leave.

The fetters of more than ten days are not so easy to cut off.

Li Sang holds Charmander's Poké Ball, his eyes blinking. Finally, it was broken down.

Charmander, free.

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