Oak smiles wryly.

I don’t know how to answer Ling Huang’s question for a while. He thought about it for a while, and then said: "The main reason is that you haven't made any contributions to Alliance, so you can't be included in the core of Alliance. After all, the level of Player is much easier than us. Ling Alliance is not very Acknowledge this rank. Whether it's Professor or Elite, they don't have a high status in Alliance's eyes."

Ling Huang nodded, Professor Oak said so, he can understand.

"Aren't I assisting your group of Professors in research?" Ling Huang said.

Speaking, he took out Victini's Poké Ball. Recently, he also felt that Victini's Poké Ball was gradually getting hot. With the increase of Victini Level, he gradually exceeded the load.

Poké Ball, it must be replaced.

At least the Poké Ball of Victini and Rayquaza should be replaced.

Finally, store a few of that special "Legendary Ball". If you encounter Legendary in the future, there will be no suitable Poké Ball to conquer.

"Our results have not been reported yet...may have to wait a month." Professor Oak said embarrassedly: "Mainly because Alliance is not a monolithic one. We did not succeed in the research before and did not dare to report it. I am afraid that the results will be stolen. Now there is no such worry. After all, our defensive force here is also very strong. Even if the Dark Faction boss of the level of Giovanni comes in person, it is impossible to gain anything."

Ling Huang Understandably nodded.

Although 1 month is a bit long, but also can't wait.

That's...Ling Huang looked at the two Poké Balls in his hand. Victini's was okay, but Rayquaza's Poké Ball was in really bad condition.

"Will this Poké Ball last less than one month at all." Ling Huang asked.

"It's really possible." Professor Oak said: "I can help you with reinforcement measures, and it will definitely last a month. But don't put it until Rayquaza's intimacy reaches 60. He comes out. Understand?"

He reminded Ling Huang solemnly.


Ling Huang handed the Poké Ball to Professor Oak. About 3 hours later, Professor Oak returned the Poké Ball to Ling Huang. The temperature had dropped. Then No more trembling. Ling Huang simply put Pokémon in the backpack, no longer paid attention to.

"1 month later, you should be able to directly command Rayquaza to battle." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Leaving Professor Oak, Ling Huang began to do other things.

He made his schedule very full, and Quasi-Legendary went out to supervise the training of 2 Fighting Type Pokémon at 8 o'clock in the morning, and let the Pokémons practice their own levels. Ling Huang's leveling team is not the one with the highest level. Instead, it adopts a high-level Pokémon with a low-level Pokémon.

Because high-level Pokémon Level is difficult to improve, low-level Pokémon still has a lot of room for improvement. Until the National Conference is held, Ling Huang will devote at least half of his resources to those few top grade Pokémon with low level.

The remaining half of the resources and energy will be used to cultivate Pokémon’s control over Ability, and strive for Pokémon’s promotion to the Elite level as soon as possible.

In this way, time slowly passed half a month.

In fact, Lapras had already successfully upgraded Aptitude 3 days ago, and Lapras is now the top grade Pokémon of genuine. It's just that Professor Oak is still testing, and Ling Huang is also involved in recording data, so there is not much time alone with Lapras for the time being.

Finally, everything is over.

Ling Huang took Lapras to the small canal in the backyard.

"Woo chuw"

Lapras after raising Aptitude looked very happy, but also a little tired.


Level: 68

Characteristic Trait: Water Absorb (The Pokémon of this Characteristic Trait is not affected by Water Type Ability, and is When attacking, the maximum health will be restored to 14) Hydration (all Status Conditions are eliminated when it rains, including those caused by themselves)

Ability: Singing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice Shard, Water Pulse, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Perish Song, Ice Beam, Brine, Safeguard, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold, Rest, Sleep Talk, Protect

Aptitude: top grade

Attitude Aptitude: Dark Green

Aptitude Defense: Dark Green

Speed ​​Aptitude: Light Green

Basic battle strength: 6902

Intimacy Degree: 255"

Although I have looked at Lapras' Attribute list many times in those 3 days, I still feel shocked when I see it again.

It's really top grade.

Different from Hawlucha's top grade which is improved by precious potion, Lapras' top grade is really improved by technology.

To achieve this result, Ling Huang has at least 30% of the credit!

There can be no one person missing in the whole experiment, except Ling Huang. He is the real core of this project. Although he doesn't show up much, he keeps his name in mind for all researchers and Professors.

"Water storage + Hydration dual Characteristic Trait..." Ling Huang nodded, this is indeed the standard configuration of top grade Lapras.

Hydration can be combined with Rain Dance Ability, which is a very useful Characteristic Trait.

"Woo Chiu"

Lapras dripped into the clear artificial ditch and began to move his body.

At this moment, Ling Huang suddenly heard the system prompt.

"Due to the outstanding performance of Player Ling Huang in the game, it has been paid special attention by the system, please work harder."

Ling Huang was speechless for a while.

Is he only being taken special care of now?

"system..." He just wanted to say something.

"Temporary task is open, do you accept it?"

He received a temporary task for the first time. It is said that temporary tasks are all work to fill the loopholes in the system, which are very difficult to encounter. .

There are billions of Players in the world, and there may not be 50 temporary tasks in total until now.

Very rare tasks, and the rewards are also very rich, and there are even many rewards that are not normally available.

Accept decisively.

"Task: Defeat the materialized Gyarados raging in the Yangtze River and turn it over to the system.

Task reward: 10w assignable experience, 1000 Alliance points"

To be honest, after seeing this task introduction, Ling Huang was a little stupefied. Coupled with that lucrative reward...

Is this a welfare task?

It stands to reason that the task reward is linked to the difficulty of the task. For this task, there is almost only one requirement, and that is to defeat Gyarados. As long as it is defeated, it is not easy to conquer?

As for handing in, it is not unacceptable.

Of course, because there is no failure Punishment, if this is the top grade Gyarados, Ling Huang will keep it for his own use and will not turn it in. After all, 10w experience and 1000 Alliance points can not afford a top grade Gyarados, it is still a substantive Gyarados.

"Substantiated..." Ling Huang looked puzzled, "Isn't it the Legendary that will be substantiated? Moreover, why does the system issue this kind of task? Is it so afraid that the ordinary person knows the existence of the substantiated Pokémon? "

Ling Huang thinks that he might be able to get a glimpse of the meaning of the system from this task.

PS: Push the book "Almighty Ghost Sword System", the protagonist is the Almighty Ghost Swordsman, Gensokyo world is the main world's plane crossing stream, movies, animation and games are available in the world, the author’s update is guaranteed, like You can take a look. Well, if you recommend a ticket to stay, people can go there. All kinds of requests in accordance with the usual practice!

I just asked, why did you push the heroine, you guys, there is no reaction at all! !

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