Forbidden Gym is very large, even divided into 4 areas, distributed in triangles. The area in the middle is the area required by the Gym lock.

Neither Ling Huang nor Gu Fanxing is in a hurry, nor do they want to show anxiety.

They are waiting, waiting for Shirona to defeat all the challengers and vacate the middle position for them to fight.

The battle to bet on the position of Vice Captain cannot be simply ended like this.

Of course, if Ling Huang loses, it is not without a price.

Forbidden Gym cleaning for 3 months must be done by one person, no one is allowed to help.

If Ling Huang wants to do it, everyday all will take at least 3 precious hours, which is too unfavorable for his development.

For both parties, it is a gambling game.

It's just that Vice Captain Gu Fanxing, who is in a high position, doesn't have much choice. As a Captain, you must convince the other team members, and accepting the challenge is also a kind of obligation.

Of course, Gu Fanxing has not yet challenged Li Shenjian's courage.

Li Shenjian is a veteran powerhouse, almost invincible.

At 11:30, Shirona can't wait for the Player to challenge. From the beginning to the end, many players who watched the game were disheartened.

No Player can beat Shirona.

Even if Shirona only took out Pokémon at the quasi-Elite level, no Player could beat her.

At this time, the Players will be surprised that Ling Huang and Su Qiqi once defeated Shirona, what an amazing thing.

Gu Fanxing also showed a look of sigh.

"Shirona Gym Leader is still so strong. I challenged her the day before yesterday, but still lost miserably." Gu Fanxing said.

Ling Huang patted his shoulders, separate from him. Su Qiqi came directly to act as a referee.

Everything is without words.

"Ferrothorn, you can play." Gu Fanxing said directly to Ferrothorn who was following him.

As a Pokémon of Grass+Steel Type, Ferrothorn has a very strong advantage in Attribute resistance. Except that Fire Element can hit four times and Fighting Type can hit twice, nothing can restrain his Attribute anymore. .

Not to mention, Grass Steel Ferrothorn also has more than twice the resistance to 9 Attributes, such as the normal system.

In addition to the Species Strength of 131 points and 116 points, this top grade Ferrothorn has extremely strong strength.

Although it is not an Elite level yet, even in the face of Elite Pokémon, it will not be empty, it is very powerful.

I have to say that Gu Fanxing took the lead in putting Pokémon in this move, very wise.

Because he knows that his Pokémon is definitely not the opponent of Ling Huang's main Pokémon in terms of strength. If Ling Huang sent the confusing Rayquaza at the top of the list, Gu Fanxing would have no hope at all.

Pokémon, who can occupy the top of Pokémon's strength list and potential list at the same time, is it a common product? Basically impossible is a simple role!

Holding grass steel, there is no need to explain more about the division.

"Ferrothorn, grass+Steel Type." Ling Huang silently put away Victini's Poké Ball that was supposed to be released.

Victini has a Fire Element. Ferrothorn is restrained and cannot be released.

Ling Huang is at a loss in this kind of battle, and he must "make" a wave.

Try to create a fair scene and convince other Olympic Athletes. Especially after Gu Fanxing took the lead in releasing Ferrothorn, Ling Huang definitely couldn't use Fire Element and Fighting Type Pokémon.

At least it seems fair on the surface.

If Ling Huang dispatches Victini, many Olympic team members will definitely say that you deliberately took advantage of it and used the four-fold restrained Victini to sling Ferrothorn and crush Gu Fanxing to end the match?

That would be very troublesome. Even if Ling Huang became a coach, it would be difficult to gain a foothold, and it would not be beneficial to future cooperation.

Ling Huang thought about it for a while, and immediately threw the Poké Ball.

Aggron: lv.76

Relatively speaking, the level of Aggron has not reached the limit, not as good as the level 79 Ferrothorn. Even because of Rock Type, Grass Type hits Aggron for normal damage, not double resistance.

Be aware that, regardless of whether it is Rock or steel, the effect of playing Ferrothorn is halved!

But the problem is not big.

The problem is not big, this sentence is not overly optimistic. Ling Huang has this confidence.

After all, Ferrothorn's only attack method is physical attack, and the special attack and speed are negligibly low. In this case, it goes without saying that Aggron's powerful physical attack can play a role.

The only disadvantage is...Ability.

Let the Aggron innate talent stand out, it was only a high grade Pokémon a month ago, and there is no comparison between Ability’s comprehension and top grade Pokémon.

If Ling Huang guessed correctly, this Ferrothorn has at least 3 Elite-level abilities.

It’s not that simple to win.

But Ling Huang is confident.


Just standing on the field, Aggron's huge body can bring a strong impact.

Very shocking.

Many players, including Olympic Athlete, are wondering about Ling Huang's actions.

Aggron...How long has it been since?

Isn’t it already eliminated? Ling Huang also released Aggron on this occasion. Is it true that he is shaking M, but is actually just here to cheat for cleaning opportunities?

High grade vs. top grade, you must lose!

"Aggron, Mega Evolution." Ling Huang put his hand on the AR Wristband and whispered.

Sure enough, Aggron's body flashed white light, and it seemed that all the white light was integrated into his body instead of dispersing.

Mega Aggron, like wearing silver white armor, handsome and domineering.

"Aggron (Mega Evolution)

Level: 76

Characteristic Trait: Filter (the damage of the move with great effect is reduced by 14) [Note, normal form Characteristic Trait: Hard head (will not be damaged by rebound moves) heavy metal (weight doubled)]

Ability: Tackle, Harden, Mud Slap, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Protect , Roar, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Take Down, Metal Sound, Iron Tail, Iron Wall, Double Edge, Autotomize, Heavy Slam, Metal Bombing

Aptitude: top grade

Attack Aptitude: Deep Green

Defense Aptitude: Light Purple

Speed ​​Aptitude: Light Green

Basic battle strength: 9639

Intimacy: 255 "

With this data, Ling Huang couldn't find any probability that Gu Fanxing defeated him.

There is no solution at all.

"Elite-level Pokémon will have an extra data for "matching moves". Ferrothorn is a quasi-Elite level, and there is no such data. Even if I see Ability through my observations, I can’t see it. Such hidden information." Ling Huang secretly thought.

You can actually see it.

It's just that the data is too cryptic and Ling Huang cannot translate it. If you really want to translate, you need at least one month of system study. Ling Huang impossible spends one month to see through the "matching skills" of Elite Pokémon, which is of little significance.

Anyway, Elite Pokémon's matching moves, Ling Huang just looked at it casually.

This is also a huge advantage he has, which cannot be eliminated.

"Ling Huang vs. Gu Fanxing, Aggron vs. Ferrothorn's one-on-one battle officially begins. One Pokémon loses battle strength to determine the winner. Now the battle begins!" As the referee, Su Qiqi directly announced the battle begin.

Betting on the position of Vice Captain for 3 months is about to happen.

PS: There are actually a lot of rewards from everyone, but the author never finds the opportunity to add more. This month, all the plus changes should be paid back, so don’t worry. I still have this insistence. I still hope that everyone can give more support, don't be stingy when subscribing to the recommendation ticket, the author really needs this!

Thank you very much!

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