However, after seeing Ling Huang's expression, Jiang Jinxuan no longer thinks so, but becomes vigilant.

Can't relax.

Jiang Jinxuan has studied Ling Huang's battle video, and he found one thing in common, that is, Ling Huang will maintain the same expression regardless of strengths or weaknesses.

With a little smile, people don't know what he is thinking.

Joking? Feel confident?

The performance is not obvious, but it makes people very jealous and cannot be ignored.


Focus Punch hits suddenly.


The sound is wrong!

It's not a popping sound, it's just a sound penetrating the air. This is very abnormal.

Jiang Jinxuan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

She didn't expect, Rotom has become an ordinary state in just a moment. In Jiang Jinxuan's calculations, Rotom should be slower by about 0.1 seconds. But why is the result the other way around?

Why is Rotom's conversion speed 0.1 second faster than the move, which is exactly the degree that she can't react?

"Lah Cha!"

Rotom started brewing Ability without any slowness.


It is the combination technique of charging + Discharge. These two abilities are surprisingly fit, reaching the Elite level together, and the time required to release is about the same as an ability. .

Ling Huang feels that this may be the main reason why it is difficult to master the ordinary form.

He looked towards Jiang Jinxuan, "It seems she has seen the difference."

It's actually very simple.

In the beginning, Ling Huang and Rotom actually played a trick, allowing Rotom to brew Ability while changing the form, and the two-lane advancement will naturally have an impact. Thus, Jiang Jinxuan was deceived as it should be by rights.

What she saw with her eyes, the estimated time, was wrong.

It's much slower than the pure conversion form. When Rotom only focuses on form transformation, this gap is directly reflected.

Let Infernape's powerful Focus Punch directly fail.

Yes, as long as Ling Huang is willing, Rotom can avoid Infernape's Fighting Type Ability every time. Of course, if Infernape uses the Fire Element move, Ling Huang does not have to keep Rotom in a relatively weak normal form, and can be converted into a flush form with great advantages.

Crush easily.

The flames are swirling, and compared with the flushing form, the normal form has to bear more damage.

After all, there is no Attribute resistance.

Although he knew this, Jiang Jinxuan was impossible to use Fighting Type Ability because of a flame lingering, so that Rotom could maintain his normal form.

That's stupid.

"Use Flamethrower!" Jiang Jinxuan said.

She has no other methods.

Yes, she can't do anything about Rotom.

Ling Huang shook his head, "Use Hydro Pump."

He is very comfortable and relaxed now, because he knows this is a sure win. When he took out the Pokémon Rotom, it meant...the game was over.

Rotom is indeed too versatile.

No matter what Attribute Pokémon is played, Rotom can deal with it calmly. Because the shape of Rotom changes, it is accompanied by the change of Attribute.

Rotom under the command of Ling solution.

"The last Hydro Pump for Infernape."

As Ling Huang's voice fell, the court fell into Peak.

Although there are 9 venues, the No. 2 venue where Ling Huang is currently located is definitely the venue with the most attention and the most attention from the audience.

His angry voice spread throughout the audience.

The scene was boiling, and immediately Infernape fell and could no longer fight.

"Infernape loses the combat capability, so the winner is Ling Huang, player 3!" The referee's announcement also has a strong spreading ability.

"La Cha La Cha"

Rotom returned to its original form, circled around Ling Huang's head a few times, and then seemed to think of something, it was that Levitate did not move in the air.

"Congratulations, your Rotom has been upgraded to Level 1, and the current level is lv.80! Please keep working hard! Due to your Rotom breakthrough barriers, you have added a matching trick bar. Rotom's current matching trick is Discharge (special) , Hydro Pump (flushing form), Blizzard (frosting form), Leaf Storm (cutting form), please check the changes of moves by yourself."

Ling Huang showed a touch of relief.

He really didn't expect that Rotom will break through Elite after winning the game. But think about it, promotion after the game does not seem unusual.

But even so, Ling Huang is still very happy.

"Yes." Ling Huang touched Rotom's head.

Basically, the Elite level of Ability is to remove the side effects of Ability, or to increase the formidable power of Ability itself.

Therefore, there is no obvious difference between which kind of Ability to choose, because to eliminate side effects and improve formidable power, you can only choose one. Over time, everyone also understands that if it is the ability of Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and Leaf Storm, it is enough to go in the direction of side effects.

Like Blizzard, it can enhance the formidable power.

Of course, the promotion of Ability varies from person to person.

Like Serperior, if the side effects of Leaf Storm are missing, the strength will drop directly to a trough. If there is really such a trained Serperior Player, Ling Huang can only comment on him from the bottom of his heart.

True tm talent.

Ling Huang sends Jiang Jinxuan an invitation to join the team as usual. As for her promise or not, this is another matter.

Although the current National Team lacks talents, it does not force anyone to join. Ling Huang is still the core of the team, as long as there are the strongest players, Medal will be guaranteed.

As for the gold medal?

It depends on many external factors such as play.

Getting off the field, Ling Huang watched the game again. This is also a way of rest for him.

Although he always collects the information of participating Players when he is resting. These materials can really be used only a few parts, but Ling Huang will not slack off because of this.

The slightest loss is Norman.

He will not be careless.

Ling Huang was surprised that Qin Fan actually won again, and it was easier to win. Mainly because of Attribute restraint in the battle, it is easy to beat Walrein on the opposite side with Toxicroak.

Toxicroak is a Characteristic Trait for dry skin, which is directly immune to Walrein's Water Type. Fighting Type also has strong restraint on ice attribute, and winning is not difficult.

Ling Huang was surprised that the opponent of Qin Fan was Lan Lengling.

The opponent who once caused Ling Huang to deflate has gradually been thrown away by Ling Huang and caught up by Qin Fan.

And was eliminated in the second round of the National Conference.

Then the Bai Lanxi battle, the tactics are still the same, there are not too many bells and whistles, but there is no way that the winning rate is high.

It is worth mentioning that in the perception of Ling Huang, who just passed through, Heal Pulse cannot be used by itself, but can only be used by companions. But in the Pokémon century, it seems to be different. Ling Huang was actually a little surprised at the time, but he didn't think it was strange.

After all, energy and matter are different concepts. Converting energy into life force is exactly what Heal Pulse exists. Since it can be used for other Pokémon, it can also be used for yourself.

Bai Lanxi played a relatively long time, but quickly won.

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