In the Pokémon century, there were many players specializing in a certain series, such as Ground Type specialization, Fire Element specialization, Water Type specialization...

For example Lengling is a Player who specializes in Water Type, and basically his Pokémon are Water Type. Of course, it does not mean that all Pokémon of the Player is required to be a pure Water Type. One of the two Attributes is a Water Type.

As for the other one, it is the best guarantee to make up for the lack of Water Type itself.

Ling Huang has met many players who specialize in a certain department, and most of them don't mix well. Lengling is probably the best mix among them.

There are also many department-specialized players in the National Team. There are 18 players in 18 departments. But don't get me wrong, their strength will not become extremely strong because of the rich and imposing of the National Team itself.

On the contrary, most of them are only a little more than 1 point in Ling Huang's score, and even less than 1 point.

If you don't reach 1 point, you won't even be considered a professional player.

Of course, there are players who make Ling Huang amazing.


Longquan is not his real name, but the game ID. This represents his specialization.

Dragon Type.

Among the 18 Attributes of Pokémon century, Dragon Type is undoubtedly a very special and powerful family. Because of the Pokémon of Dragon Type, the worst is close to the power level, and it is rarer than other Pokémon of the ordinary series.

Basically encounter Dragon Type Pokémon, don't miss it. Because you are likely to conquer a Pokémon with high Aptitude and powerful.

Longquan is basically the best powerhouse in the Dragon Type professional player. In Ling Huang's rating, his score is 2.8 points.

The main reason why it did not reach 3 points is because...Longquan does not have a Quasi-Legendary.

Players who are familiar with Pokémon century know that Quasi-Legendary Pokémon is mostly Dragon Type. In addition to Legendary, the strongest Dragon Type Pokémon is also Dragon Type Quasi-Legendary.

Specializing in a certain department, but there is no Quasi-Legendary for that department. This is Longquan’s regret. But he can't help it. You must know that even Su Qiqi wants to have a top grade Quasi-Legendary, he needs to risk going to Independent Space to take it. And in the process of acceptance, Ling Huang also owed a lot of favor.

Quasi-Legendary, not the kind of Pokémon that can be obtained by force and hard work!

Currently, there are very few top grade Quasi-Legendary in the hands of domestic players, and they are basically accepted by good luck.

Since there is no Quasi-Legendary, it is much easier to fight Longquan.

Because Ling Huang is No. 32, he is basically the last to appear, so he is not in a hurry. He glances at Longquan, who is sitting next to him, and directly looks towards the battle on the field.

Long Quan wanted to say something to Ling Huang, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

He knows Ling Huang’s personality. If he talks to Ling Huang now, Long Quan doesn’t know if he can survive Ling Huang’s language offensive and Spirit Attack.

I have to say that Ling Huang has gradually been deified in the eyes of the members of the National Team. The main reason is that Ling Huang and the members of the National Team have never lost the battle. This is a record that even Su Qiqi could not achieve.

Su Qiqi also lost, but the video did not stream out.

Ling Huang glanced at Longquan.

Longquan has just turned 18 this year, about the same as the other 17 companions. He really loves Dragon Type Pokémon and was entrusted with the important task. After all, although there are not many Dragon Type Pokémon, they are all powerful.

This is a big series.

It is also an important task.

Of course there are many competitors. Longquan stands out, and Ling Huang dare not look down upon him.

Ling Huang looked towards the field.

The first round battle is coming to an end, and many Players are really moving and show their hole cards. The top 32 and the top 16 are two completely different concepts after all.

What followed was that many Players were crushed and they were not opponent at all. Four of the eight venues are one-sided, two venues are difficult to solve, and two exhibit subtle advantages.

In the end, all the one-sided winners, and the subtle advantages, all were overturned. It is really amazing.

Su Qiqi and Ming Su won with a crushing advantage and were promoted to the top 16. Li Shenjian and Bai Lanxi were at a slight disadvantage and then came back.

As for Qin Fan...

Ling Huang looked at the fiercely fighting field No. 5, and suddenly said nothing.

The current Qin Fan is obviously at a disadvantage.

The original balance was broken by opponent.

If Qin Fan can't come up with something new, then he will undoubtedly lose. Basically, the emotional road with Zheng Qing will be more tortuous.

Ling Huang glanced back a little, and found Zheng Qing's face was tangled, with tears in the corners of his eyes, for fear that Qin Fan would stop here.

Qin Fan’s Pokémon is a powerful Pokémon of Medicham, Fighting + Psychic Type. Originally, Medicham's Species Strength was only 410 points, which is not strong at all. But I can’t stand her Characteristic Trait.

The power of yoga.

The attack power has been doubled.

Medicham’s physical attack is directly increased to twice the original, which makes Medicham’s attack directly comparable to Pokémon, the extreme physical attack of Heracross.

Moreover, this Pokémon can also Mega Evolution.

Medicham of Mega Evolution will retain the Characteristic Trait of Yoga, and Species Strength will be increased to 100 points. The 100 Species Strength is matched with the power of yoga, and the output of the physical attack is unimaginable.

Medicham: lv.80

Sigilyph: lv.82

Qin Fan’s opponent sent 1 Elite-level Sigilyph with a level higher than Medicham.

The most important thing is that Sigilyph occupies an advantage in Attribute and has strong resistance to both of Medicham's Attributes.

If nothing happens, Qin Fan will be judged defeated.

Ling Huang can't see where his chances of victory are.

Medicham still has half blood left, and Sigilyph has 60% HP, which is basically hit by Thunder Punch.

However, Thunder Punch is a quasi-Elite-level Ability, which can only barely hit and exert Attribute restraint, but there will be no bonus.

"Wait, this Medicham doesn't seem to have enough connectivity." Ling Huang found the problem, "Medicham doesn't seem to be a Pokémon with full intimacy."

The game is now in progress. , For Shenwan Dingwan, full intimacy is no longer a problem.

"This Medicham should have only been in the Qin Fan team for 3 months. It is normal if the intimacy is not full. In that case, why does Qin Fan let Medicham come out? Isn't it... he's betting? ?" Ling Huang thought to himself.

Sure enough, at some point, Qin Fan and Medicham's eyes finally met.

At this moment, it seems that both sides have concluded some kind of wonderful connection, and there is a full understanding. Soon Qin Fan put his hand on the AR Wristband and said silently.

"Medicham, Mega Evolution."

When he saw this, Ling Huang knew that he could feel relieved.

Qin Fan can win.

“It seems that Qin Fan’s Medicham is a Pokémon with a proud personality. Speaking of which Qin Fan is also bold, betting on his own future, and let Medicham open up to him, admit his trainer status, and directly The intimacy is full, Mega Evolution in one go." Ling Huang exclaimed.

This wave of operations and games has gone smoothly.

Change to Ling Huang, it may not be so decisive. But Ling Huang knows that Qin Fan is now more serious than ever.

Seeing Qin Fan's victory, Zheng Qing was already crying.

PS: The college entrance examination will be tomorrow. I hope that all candidates who read this book will be admitted to the ideal university. (Blessings can only go to this one, and I will look at yours next.)

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