The first match was Ming Su and Liu Kaifeng.

In Ling Huang's view, Ming Su and Liu Kaifeng should be of equal strength. Of course, Liu Kaifeng and Ming Su are not members of the National Team, and Ling Huang is not very clear about their respective strengths.

But it does not matter.

Ling Huang stands on Ming Su's side. He thinks Ming Su has a better chance of winning. After all, Ming Su has 3.8 points in his identification, while Liu Kaifeng has 3.5 points at most. The strength of Liu Kaifeng lies more in Pokémon's Level.

His Pokémon Level is very high.

But Liu Kaifeng's personal strength is not very outstanding, which is why Liu Kaifeng stagnated at 3.5 points.

Of course...

Ling Huang's expression is slightly cold, let alone 3.5 points, even if it is 5.3 points, Ling Huang will not let Liu Kaifeng join the National Team.

This is a matter of principle.

Liu Kaifeng showed a playful smile. He didn't think he would lose to Ming Su. In his opinion, Ming Su is a nameless junior with a bit of strength, and there is no news about him.

"Ming Su player vs. Liu Kaifeng player, the game mode is 3v3 free mode, and there are 3 Pokémons! If all 3 Pokémons of one party lose their battle strength, the winner will be determined! Please choose 6 spare Pokémons for both players. "The referee said.

What is 3v3 free mode?

3v3 refers to the Pokémon of both players. There are 3 of them. But the free mode does not limit these 3 Pokémons.

First of all, select 6 from the many Pokémon cultivated as spare Pokémon. In the real battle, three of these six Pokémon will be selected to fight. Relatively speaking, this mode has higher requirements for players, and if you are careless, you will be overturned. This model is also very changeable, and it tests the players' brains very much.

When this mode takes out, it also means that Pokémon Century has truly become a game that tests IQ.

Of course, the usual Player does not have more than a dozen Pokémon that can be used as BP. Ming Su and Liu Kaifeng are no exception. For them, the 3v3 free mode is actually exposing all their BPs, but they can only use the spicy chicken mode of 3 of them.

Neither Liu Kaifeng nor Ming Su hesitated, and temporarily handed over their Pokémon to the referee.

"The 6 spare Pokémons that Ming Su decided to use were Dragonite, Lucario, Feraligatr, Blaziken, Espeon, and Absol. The 6 Pokémons that Liu Kaifeng decided to use were Flareon, Drifblim, Snorlax, Garbodor, and Klinklang. , Avalugg."

"Please send both players to the first Pokémon."

The referee tone barely fell, and the two players sent their Pokémon. They all analyzed the opposing team's lineup, and only then began the battle.

Both parties are very solemn.

Dragonite: lv.82

Drifblim: lv.84

Both sides have chosen their own Pokémon. When these two Pokémon meet, it is impossible to say who will fight. restraint.

In the end, Dragonite won, with about 30% HP left. Drifblim's HP is thick, but its defense is relatively weak. Although it is a blood cow, it is only a blood cow.

It is relatively easy to hit damage. Of course, Drifblim can do reasonable damage and has done a good job.

There is no need to demand too much.

Then Liu Kaifeng dispatched Klinklang.

As for why not send out Avalugg? Obviously ice attribute fourfold restraint on Dragonite!

"Come back, Dragonite." Ming Su did not hesitate and put away Dragonite directly.

Even Klinklang and Ming Su will let Dragonite evade. Not to mention Avalugg.

Steel Type's Klinklang has strong resistance to Dragon Type and Flying Type. Ming Su impossible allows Klinklang to take advantage of it. Of course, if Liu Kaifeng dared to go straight to Avalugg, he must face a strong blow from Blaziken or Lucario.

Fire + Fighting, steel + Fighting, whether it is Blaziken or Lucario, Avalugg can be easily blown up. Compared to Lucario, Ling Huang guessed that Ming Su would definitely send Blaziken.

Compared to Blaziken, Lucario relies more on physical attacks. Flamethrower or Fire Blast, the damage that can be done will definitely explode.

The effect is better than Aura Sphere.

After all, it is Elite-level Ability. As long as it is not dodge rate or very high speed, it will definitely hit.

Whether it is Avalugg or Klinklang, Ming Su will release Blaziken. After 5 rounds, Klinklang fell.

Blaziken is lightning fast.

Liu Kaifeng has no chance to fight.

He is too greedy. If he is more rational, there may be hope for Garbodor.

At least in Ling Huang's view, facing a lineup like Ming Su, even Liu Kaifeng sent Steel Type Klinklang to no avail.

Liu Kaifeng's expression gradually became ugly, and he released the last Pokémon.


Unfortunately, it is already powerless.

In the end, Garbodor was hit directly by Espeon. Because it is already the third Pokémon, Liu Kaifeng has no choice.

In fact, after the defeat of the first Pokémon, his mentality has collapsed. He already felt that he could not beat Ming Su.

This kind of contrast made him explode almost in place.

Finally gave up the resistance and played such bad tactics and operations, which made people regretful and felt deserved.

If he is careful, he still has to fight.

Ling Huang was in the audience watching the game with cold eyes. He seldom retains a distaste for which Player, Liu Kaifeng counts as one.

Ling Huang thought for a while, changed Liu Kaifeng's score to 2.8 on the notebook, and added a comment, "After frustration but fragile mentality, it is easy to give up".

Next, he didn't look at Liu Kaifeng, nor did he look at Ming Su too much. Ming Su's performance in this game was really good, within normal levels.

3.8 points to 2.8 points, completely crushable.

Like Ling Huang, as long as he wants, he can completely crush him all the way until he fights with Su Qiqi. But he didn't want this, it was not what he wanted.

He also has a lot of Pokémon, and these Pokémon want to play. So he will try to give them opportunities.

Moreover, he will rely on his own strength, so that even if he does not use the highest strength, he will not overturn and lose.

Ming Su returned to the players' bench without saying much. Just glanced at Ling Huang, his eyes burning with fighting intent.

If possible, I really want to fight Ling Huang.

Whether it is 3v3 or 6v6, he will not mind.

Ling Huang did not stop paying attention to the next battle.

The second game is Li Shenjian vs Plateau.

The ultimate winner is plateau.

Ling Huang didn't expect that the plateau would win so simply. His lineup is very strong, including 2 Quasi-Legendary.

Garchomp and Tyranitar.

These two extremely violent Quasi-Legendaries flood the plateau's team, together with other Pokémon who are already strong, making the plateau difficult to defeat. Plateau also demonstrated extremely strong personal strength in this game, both in terms of consciousness and reaction speed, which can be called the limit.

Ling Huang without the slightest hesitation changed the plateau's personal strength score from 2.9 to 4.3 now.

This score represents that the plateau truly has the qualifications to threaten Ling Huang.

It is 0.5 points higher than Ming Su. If you match Ming Su, the plateau's chance of winning should be 70%.

Highland, he is hiding his strength!

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