After Lucario played, Ming Su didn't have any delay, and he whispered directly, "Lucario, Mega Evolution."

He directly let Lucario mega evolve.

Lucario after Mega Evolution does have an incomparable strength before Mega Evolution. Ling Huang glanced at Goodra, there was not much fluctuation in her heart.

Each Pokémon can only carry one type of holding items. Since Lucario uses the Mega Evolution stone, it is naturally impossible to use leftovers.

Coincidentally, Ling Huang’s Goodra is the Pokémon carrying leftovers.

For Goodra, the leftovers may be more useful than the Mega Evolution stone of illusory. Although Goodra Pokémon does not have a Mega Evolution type.

After Mega Evolution, Lucario is more handsome and prestigious. Just this shape can make people aware of his power. Even so, Ling Huang's calm and composed mentality has not changed.

He is very stable.

Goodra looks serious, and she is also very steady.

Compared with before, Goodra, who has become an Elite class, is more stable. If Goodra used to have only a little bit of strength, and more of the stubbornness of a girl, now she is more like a charming mature woman who will not be lost because of the obstacles of the road ahead, and will not be because of the opponent. Powerful and fearful!

Her straight silhouette is engraved in the eyes of the audience in the field.

Goodra...Ling Huang doesn't use it many times, but every time she uses it, she has high hopes. Goodra now deserves all the trust of Ling Huang.

For Goodra's growth, Ling Huang actually has regrets. After all, Goodra's Genetic moves learn from the relatively useless Counter, not the melt that greatly improves the defense. If you can learn that Ability, then Goodra is enough to be called no weak spot.

Unfortunately, God is not beautiful.

Or even God doesn't want Goodra to grow to such a level of defense.

Sorry to regret, Ling Huang is also very content.

He saw Ming Su directly order, and Lucario was very smooth from hearing the order to executing it, showing the high level of tacit understanding between the two.

"Lucario, use Power-Up Punch!"

Lucario immediately hit Goodra.

Mega Lucario’s Characteristic Trait is Adaptability. For Pokémon of this Characteristic Trait, the formidable power bonus will directly increase from 1.5 times to 2 times for the moves that the Attribute matches.

In other words, the same formidable power capabilities, such as the Focus Punch and Giga Impact with 150-point formidable power, are used by Mega Lucario, and the formidable power of Focus Punch will be twice that of Giga Impact!

Adaptability Characteristic Trait, it is such a characteristic Trait. If you add the increase of Elite level Ability itself, it will be 3 times!

However, Ling Huang does not think that Ming Su will use such a valuable matching position for Power-Up Punch Ability. The formidable power of Power-Up Punch is only 40 points, and the hit will increase the attack power by Level 1, which is a relatively good Ability.

"Use Power Whip Ability!" Ling Huang said.

Power Whip has no side effects, so Ling Huang asked Goodra to do his best to increase the damage of this Ability. Although it is Grass Type Ability, its damage is not lower than Outrage or Draco Meteor.

Of course, regardless of Grass Type or Dragon Type, hitting Lucario is half the damage. In general, Lucario is still very targeted at Goodra. But Ling Huang doesn't care about these, he is still observing Ming Su's tactics.

In his opinion, Ming Su should be able to guess the power and difficulty of Goodra, and the use of Power-Up Punch is Ming Su's temptation.

The reason why Ling Huang doesn't use Endurance directly is to bounce back the damage. And Power-Up Punch's Ability, use Endurance is also meaningless, so it's better to output it directly.

The damage of Power Whip is worth 3 Power-Up Punch!


The stout Vine Whip suddenly hit Lucario's face. Even though Lucario had already hit the Power-Up Punch, Goodra remained motionless. Instead, Power Whip knocked Lucario directly into the air, and then landed safely after spinning a few times in the air.

There is a big difference in injury.

But then, no matter what output Ability Lucario uses, Ling Huang will let Goodra use Endurance Ability.


Now Lucario, his attack power has been increased to Level 1. It can be said that the current Mega Lucario, material attack damage will not be lower than Mega Heracross.

"Lucario, use Aura Sphere!" Ming Su said.

"use Endurance." Ling Huang knew in his heart that Ming Su was really watching Goodra. Ling Huang's heart is full of vigilance, this Ming Su is really not simple.

His thinking is very delicate and steady. He obviously also inferred Ling Huang's matching skills from Goodra's Ability, and then thought about this slowly draining tactic.

He knows that endurance Ability is the core of Goodra Ability.

Aura Sphere is the best embodiment of his idea! Although the formidable power of Aura Sphere is not low, it is the ability to eat special attacks. Even the Elite level and the Adaptability Characteristic Trait can cause too high damage to Goodra!


Aura Sphere hits Goodra directly.

Goodra gritted his teeth and took this Ability for life, standing still and didn't even move. Her muscles moved slowly, and the damage was returned to Mega Lucario in the form of light waves. With her own strength and understanding, the angle was extremely tricky, and the formidable power was doubled!

Ming Su's face is really not good, he stared at Ling Huang, this guy is really dark enough, how does this match make him fight?

Forced output is very deficient, and small-scale output will be reversed. Goodra is not only a meat shield, but in terms of output capacity, it is not lower than Arcanine!

But Ming Su quickly calmed down.

He still has a chance.

Ling Huang looked at this Mega Evolution Lucario, this Lucario's matching moves determined his chances of winning.

"Aura Sphere, Heal Pulse, Sword Dance, Close Combat."

This is Lucario's matching trick.

2 output Ability, 2 gain Ability, it can be said that there is no weak spot, no solution.

Ling Huang has known Lucario's matching skills for a long time, and he does not want Goodra to run into Mega Lucario. I have to say that Ming Su is also very conscious, Lucario confronts Goodra reasonably.

Ling Huang is not really in the upper hand now.

"Use Heal Pulse." Ming Su said.

Ming Su's use of Heal Pulse is a lot worse, and now Mega Lucario still has 60% HP. He actually suffers a lot from using Heal Pulse.

——Especially when Ling Huang's Goodra is slower than Mega Lucario's.

Ling Huang was slightly frowned and immediately stretched out. Since Ming Su does not confront him head-on, then Ling Huang takes the initiative and frantically beats him.

"Goodra, use Draco Meteor." Ling Huang said immediately.

Draco Meteor is the ability Ling Huang made Goodra focus on learning. The Elite Draco Meteor will be an extremely dazzling visual feast!

Goodra gave a soft cry.

Suddenly, even the rays of light of the sun seemed to be blocked, countless Meteorites appeared in the Sky of the Bird's Nest, and each Meteorite was condensed with strong Dragon Type destruction energy, as if to destroy the world. Like that.

Mega Lucario cannot dodge. If he dodges, the use of Heal Pulse will fail.

He can only bear, this trick Ability.

Draco Meteor.

This trick Draco Meteor Ability, which Ling Huang learned from Professor Oak, is a very special and rare "teaching trick", similar in effect to Leaf Storm, except that Attribute is changed to Dragon Type .


Draco Meteor, fell.

PS: If you have a recommendation ticket, please vote for "Pokémon Century: GO". Thank you very much!

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