With Mega launcher Characteristic Trait, Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp is not only Water Type Pokémon, but also "Wave Type" Pokémon, which is very unique. Although strong, Ling Huang is true.

Well, it's still imaginary.

Because Aura Sphere itself is outstanding in the effect of Hydreigon, Fighting Type restrains Dark Type after all. But that’s okay, it’s not difficult for Hydreigon to win against steel cannonarm shrimp.

Hydreigon's comprehensive strength, but it wants to crush the steel cannon arm shrimp. Ling Huang was extremely convinced.

"Use Dragon Rush." ​​Ling Huang said immediately.


Hydreigon roar towards the sky, bursting out in an imposing manner. Hydreigon's strong strength made his imposing manner extremely vigorous, almost overwhelming the steel cannon arm shrimp. The Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp is Elite Pokémon no matter what, it stays still under the breath of Hydreigon.



Hydreigon suddenly skyrocketed, landing quickly.

Like a meteorite hitting Earth, with a powerful force like the extinction, it seems to crush and crush the steel cannon arm shrimp.

"Use Aura Sphere." Bai Lanxi said.

In the face of Hydreigon's aggressive, Bai Lanxi chose to attack directly.


Aura Sphere exploded in Hydreigon's chest, and the effect was outstanding. If Bai Lanxi can see the damage, he will definitely show a smile, because the damage is too considerable. If you continue to use Aura Sphere, the one that will eventually fall will definitely be Hydreigon, and there will be about 10% of the steel cannon arm shrimp. HP.

Blood earned.

However, Bai Lanxi does not overbearing like this.

Because it is inappropriate.

She is at a disadvantage now. If she overbearing again, wouldn't Ling Huang quickly replace Pokémon after 3 rounds, and in turn restrain the steel cannon arm shrimp? But if Ling Huang feels that this wave can be played, it's different.

Ling Huang will not replace Pokémon, nor will Hydreigon evacuate. This is the best result...Unfortunately, she overlooked one thing, that is, if the steel cannon arm shrimp does not continue to use Aura Sphere, it will not be able to beat Hydreigon at all.

"Use Dragon Pulse!" Ling Huang said.

"We also use Dragon Pulse!" Bai Lanxi said.

I have to say that the Attribute of Hydreigon is really embarrassing. But it doesn't matter. After a wave of strong play, Bai Lanxi will definitely let Ling Huang keep Hydreigon on the court. Anyway, Ling Huang doesn't have any suitable Pokémon to play. If Serperior is sent again, Bai Lanxi will definitely replace Pokémon.

Otherwise, the steel cannon arm shrimp will definitely be dropped by Serperior.

So Ling Huang uses Hydreigon and Bai Lanxi's steel cannon arm shrimp to fight is the best choice.

The two Dragon Pulse moves are superimposed on each other, but they are not offset, but are scattered at strange angles. Because neither Pokémon had the idea of ​​bowing to each other.


Dragon Pulse hits both.

The damage is not low.

"Use Dark Pulse!" Ling Huang said.

"Use Water Pulse!" Bai Lanxi said.

Various fluctuations are flying together.

Because Water Pulse fits with the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp Attribute, coupled with the Mega Launcher Characteristic Trait, the formidable power is also not small. It's just that the Water Type is twice as resistant as the Dragon Type, and the damage cannot be beaten.

Three rounds have passed.

Bai Lanxi looked at Ling Huang nervously, and followed Hydreigon.

"Use Dragon Tail." Ling Huang showed a playful smile.

When Bai Lanxi saw this smile, he was so angry that this guy...so cheap!

If you say yes, continue to fight? Do you come back if you say good things?

As a result, you told me to use Dragon Tail Ability? ? Excessive!

"I just used the matching trick once in turn, blame me." Ling Huang shrugged, secretly thought.

"Use Heal Pulse." Bai Lanxi has no other ideas, at least to make up for the loss. However, the speed of Hydreigon is much faster than the steel cannon shrimp after all, so it is directly before the Heal Pulse to beat the steel cannon shrimp back.

Sometimes Speed ​​Attribute, this is the advantage.

After all, Elite Ability is difficult to dodge, so what is the use of speed?

It has many practicalities, such as the Dragon Tail used now. If there is no accident, as long as the speed has the advantage, it can keep the opponent back. Sometimes you can even see that as soon as Pokémon was dispatched from the other side, they were immediately beaten back by Dragon Tail. There was no temper at all.

If there is an absolute advantage in speed, as long as you keep using Dragon Tail, you can harvest all the 6 Pokémons on the opposite side. Of course, this situation is still rare, speed is not a panacea, and there is preemptive ability. Like Aqua Jet, Ice Shard, and even Extrreme Speed, they can all consume blood.

The Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp was beaten back directly, not only Bai Lanxi, but even the audience had a sense of disbelief and a huge gap between the front and rear.

My eyes have been polished, so will you show me this?

What about rising against the trend and killing it?

Aren't you an absolute advantage?

Bai Lanxi is even more uncomfortable. This feeling of thinking about plot against in the front makes her very painful. It's as if I finally stripped my favorite girl, and the foreplay has already been done, and then the girl suddenly said, "My relatives are here", that feels like vomiting blood.

The gap between front and rear is too large.

Ling Huang didn't care about Bai Lanxi's thoughts. He waited for Bai Lanxi to release Pokémon. If there is Attribute restraint, he would put Hydreigon away. If not, then continue to fight.

He looked at Bai Lanxi, this...isn’t it what you expected?

If Bai Lanxi knows what Ling Huang thinks, she might refute it immediately. Okay, I will change my mind.


Bai Lanxi threw the Poké Ball directly, replacing Pokémon.

I have to say that Bai Lanxi’s release of Pokémon is very essential, because Gallade is a Pokémon of Psychic + Fighting Type, Psychic Type Ability has no effect on Dark Type, Fighting restrains Dark Type, and because of Fighting Type. , Dark Type's fight against Gallade has no effect, but rather ordinary damage.

This happens to reach Ling Huang's psychological bottom line.

Ling Huang did not choose to replace Pokémon, but wanted to continue fighting with Bai Lanxi.

"Gallade, Mega Evolution." Bai Lanxi said immediately.

"Use Dragon Pulse!" Ling Huang said immediately.

Hydreigon suddenly exhaled a huge breath, covering Gallade. Bai Lanxi did not show weakness either, "Use Close Combat!"

The two Pokémon were fighting in full swing.

But all in all, Mega Gallade after Mega Evolution has the upper hand. After all, Gallade's distribution of capabilities is far better than most Quasi-Legendary. After all, Quasi-Legendary is just balanced and high in abilities, while Mega Evolution Pokémon is mostly high in abilities and extreme. Extremes can defeat equilibrium in many cases.

Although moderation is good, it has too many constraints.

As the battle progressed, Hydreigon couldn't resist Gallade's offensive and fell on the field. Putting away the Hydreigon hanging on the top of many trees, Ling Huang began to think about the next tactics.

How to deal with Gallade and the possible replacement of Pokémon after Gallade.

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