"The players of both sides are asked to choose to play Pokémon." The referee prompted.

tone barely fell, Ling Huang and Ye Jun both directly selected 6 Poké Balls.

"The Pokémon used by Ye Jun is Feraligatr, Chesnaught, Torterra, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Garchomp."

"The Pokémon used by Ling Huang is Arcanine, Shedinja, Vanilluxe , Ampharos, Slowbro, Victini"

The announcement of the referee brought the emotions of the audience to a peak. Pokémon, mainly Ling Huang's contestant, is too explosive. Early in the morning, there are Arcanine and Shedinja who are hugely popular, as well as the prestigious ice attribute Pokémon Vanilluxe, and even the powerful and mysterious Victini. As for Ampharos and Slowbro, they seem to be Pokémon hidden by Ling Huang, and they have barely appeared.

Although the mystery of Shedinja has been revealed, who knows if there will be any drastic changes in Shedinja's promotion to Elite?

Ye Jun's Pokémon has not changed, it is still these six. This is Ye Jun's disadvantage, but how can this not highlight the strength of Ye Jun's personal strength?

Playing the same Pokémon to the semifinals of the country, both strength and luck are very strong. Although Ling Huang can win with the current lineup, it will definitely be hindered. If he passes the level without resistance at all, he will feel dull instead.

After learning about Ling Huang's play against Pokémon, Ye Jun couldn't help but sighed.

"This is too foul, isn't it? Ordinary Godplay has 6 top grades that can be cultivated, which is pretty good. Ling Huang actually cultivated that many Elite Pokémon. From the game to now, there has been basically no repetition. Why does this make me specialize in 6 Pokémon?!" Ye Jun couldn't help but slander, "And this is definitely a lineup choice for me, Fire Element Arcanine vs. Chesnaught, twice as much as Icicle Spear vs. Torterra, Dragonite, Garchomp, Shedinja is not the same Pokémon in the hands of Ling Huang and other Players. Ampharos restrains Feraligatr, and Slowbro restrains Tyranitar... The last Victini... Victini said she was not Legendary. I didn’t believe it when she was killed. How to fight and how to win? Take the head to fight?!"

The despair in Ye Jun's heart is beyond addictive.

He thought of Ling Huang's last game and Bai Lanxi's game. It was obviously 6v6, but he didn't release Gyarados in the end. It was a 5v6 duel, and the battle with his girlfriend is still the same. Doesn't it mean to reach 4v6 to deal with yourself, and let him be disgraced?

I have to say that Ye Jun has lived in China for a long time, and he also cares about the likes of Opposite.

There are so many people around who are watching, and I still have to take care of my face.

"The players from both sides are asked to send out the first Pokémon." The referee reminded.

Ye Jun's thoughts turn.

"According to Ling Huang's past battle method, he will definitely choose the most secure plan to start the game, instead of betting on anything. After all, there are 6 Pokémons on both sides. Some advantages will be ruined."

Ye Jun began to think.

If he was Ling Huang, how would he choose Starter Pokemon? If he is Ling Huang, if...

He has a strange rays of light flashing in his eyes, this is it. After thinking about it, Ye Jun is sure that Ling Huang will definitely choose this Pokémon.

So this is the Pokémon I want to play.

Chesnaught: lv.83

Ye Jun chose to be tough with Ling Huang, because in his thoughts, Ling Huang would definitely send Slowbro. Because Slowbro's Attribute is the most unrestricted among Pokémon facing Ye Jun, and it can even restrain a wave of Tyranitar backhand.

But after Ye Jun looked towards Ling Huang triumphantly, he found that the first Pokémon sent by Ling Huang was not Slowbro, but...

Shedinja: lv.80


Level: 80

Characteristic Trait: Magical Guardian (will only be damaged by the effect of the group move)

Ability : Omit

With moves: X-Scissor, Phantom Force, Will-O-Wisp, Frustration

Aptitude: top grade

Attitude: light green

Defense Aptitude: Deep Yellow

Speed ​​Aptitude: Deep Yellow

Basic battle strength: 4000

Intimacy: 0”

As a top grade Elite Pokémon of 80, Shedinja's basic battle strength only has a poor 4000 points, which is indeed very poor. However, Shedinja’s Species Strength is at the same level as Cinccino, so it’s not too bad. With the abilities of X-Scissor, Phantom Force, and Frustration, it’s not difficult to hit the output. In addition, Will-O-Wisp caused burns, and continued to lose blood, it would be able to consume the opponent to death.

Of course, the premise of all this is that there is no ability to restrain the Bug+Ghost system in the opponent's matching moves. If there is, it will be very dangerous.

A seckill, no matter what Ability, as long as the hit is a seckill, there will be no exceptions. As a god, Ye Jun is impossible to know what Ability to restrain Shedinja.

Of course, even restraint is useless as long as it is not matched.

In fact, when Shedinja's disguise was exposed, the popularity of this Pokémon was directly reduced to its lowest point, and the Pokémon was still being practiced.

Shedinja has become history.

No one, including Ye Jun, thought that Ling Huang also gave up Shedinja. But didn't expect that he actually released Shedinja in such an important event. Is this a nerve or another plan?

"Are you very confused, why didn't I release Slowbro?" Ling Huang raised his eyebrows.

If Ye Jun looks calm and the Pokémon released is something else, Ling Huang would not speak so confidently. But Ye Jun's actions undoubtedly exposed him.

He is predicting Ling Huang's appearance in Pokémon.

It is true that if it were not for taking care of all Pokémon in the team, Ling Huang would not release Shedinja, and might even give up training Shedinja from the very beginning.

"Yeah, very pleasantly surprised and very unexpected." Ye Jun said with a bitter smile: "But for Shedinja, it won't work if you are second?"

" You can try it." Ling Huang said with a slight smile.

Ling Huang doesn't believe that Ye Jun will not use Fighting Type and Grass Type's Ability as Chesnaught's matching tricks. There are only 4 matching moves, and they cannot be replaced. Ye Jun's magical game is impossible to waste the qualifications for matching moves. This has a great impact on actual combat.

Because it is not until Ye Jun will send Chesnaught, Ling Huang will Shedinja as the first battle Pokémon. It has to be said that Ling Huang's predictive ability is not weak at all, standing completely in the blind corner of Ye Jun's thinking.

He didn't expect Ling Huang to send Shedinja!

"Use Will-O-Wisp!" Ling Huang said immediately.

He has seen Chesnaught's matching moves.

Wood Hammer, Seed Bomb, Belly Drum, Hammer Arm.

Strong matching moves.

But no matter how strong it is, it is only the output Ability of Grass Type + Fighting Type, and it is all Muggles in front of Shedinja.

"Use Belly Drum!" Ye Jun said immediately.

Belly Drum will maximize the attack power at the cost of losing half of the blood, which is 6 levels. As Chesnaught hit his stomach, he became unstoppable.

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