Ling Huang secretly thought it came true.

In Su Qiqi's lineup, only two Pokémon can perform Mega Evolution, namely Aerodactyl and Tyranitar. Although Su Qiqi is strong, Ling Huang asked Professor Oak that her current state actually consumes Mental Force, so even Su Qiqi can only have Mega Evolution 2 Pokémon.

Otherwise, based on Ling Huang's knowledge of Su Qiqi, Mega Evolution 3 Pokémon is not difficult. Since Aerodactyl is facing Mega Gyarados, he must not be counseled, and must use absolute violence to conduct the duel. At worst saw that the situation was far from good, put away Aerodactyl in round 3 and release Noivern.

Now Noivern will not be at the mercy of Ling Huang. Su Qiqi is very confident and can use Noivern to persuade Ling Huang's Mega Gyarados.

After Mega Evolution, Aerodactyl has become more hideous.

The original Aerodactyl is like an incomplete prehistoric creature, and even has some characteristics of modern Pokémon. But after Mega Evolution, Aerodactyl seems to be rejuvenating, possessing extremely powerful power.

No, Aerodactyl after Mega Evolution is even more powerful than his ancestors.

Ling Huang took a look, Mega Aerodactyl's matching moves are Stone Edge, Giga Impact, Rest, Crunch.

Similar to what Ling Huang expected.

In Aerodactyl’s Ability, there are not many that can be used. In this Mega Aerodactyl’s matching trick, only Giga Impact and Crunch are upgraded. Stone Edge and rest depend on TM or Genetic get.

Such a Mega Aerodactyl is undoubtedly extremely threatening.

On the other hand, Mega Gyarados, he is wrapped in a violent imposing manner, and seems to be attacking at any time.

Crunch, Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance, Giga Impact.

This is Gyarados' matching trick.

This is the similarity between Gyarados and Aerodactyl. There is not enough Ability as a matching move, which is very embarrassing. But even so, there are still many people who like these two kinds of Pokémon.

Because they are violent enough, bloody enough, and powerful enough!

Insufficient Ability? Use Species Strength to make up for it with the hard work of the day after tomorrow! This is Gyarados and Aerodactyl.

Even more how, they can still Mega Evolution. As it is now, the two ferocious behemoths of Mega Evolution stare at each other. Although Mega Aerodactyl's body is indeed unremarkable in front of Mega Gyarados, the imposing manner does not lose much.

The audience has already begun to look forward to what kind of battle will erupt next.

At this time, Ling Huang gradually aroused a smile. He can be said to be confident now, Mega Gyarados is not afraid of Aerodactyl at all, so some tactics that are not usually used can also be used at this time.

"Use Dragon Dance." Ling Huang said.

Mega Gyarados, where is it strong? It's strong in his extremely high physical attack, that has no weak spot double defense.

Mega Aerodactyl, where is it strong? The same is a huge and incomparable physical attack, but the double defense is not strong, and it is more of that fast and incomparable speed.

Under the command of Su Qiqi, Mega Aerodactyl is likely to leave Mega Gyarados behind. Mega Gyarados will be played around by Su Qiqi.

Ling Huang doesn't doubt this possibility. In the previous game, Su Qiqi played more than once and beat the Elite Pokémon.

So, Ling Huang will not fight Mega Aerodactyl for the time being.

It is mainly an Elite-level rest, which is no different from Recover, and no one can bear a wave of blood return. Ling Huang intends to second this Mega Aerodactyl-if Su Qiqi does not flinch.

He finished the script and waited for Su Qiqi to jump in.

"roar! !"

Gyarados roared wildly, the only small lake in the venue, the dance of Gyarados set off a heaven overflowing giant wave, and a flood-like scene appeared, even the lake The surrounding forests were easily washed down, and the powerful flood resistance ability was unable to withstand a single blow before the mighty power of Gyarados.

The scene is like the Loch Ness monster going crazy. Any manpower is not worth mentioning in the face of this kind of power.

"Use Stone Edge!" Su Qiqi said.

"roar! !"

Mega Aerodactyl is far faster than Mega Gyarados. When Mega Gyarados is dancing, Mega Aerodactyl has already condensed a 3 meter long tip Shi, blasted violently at Mega Gyarados.


It hits Mega Gyarados directly in the stomach.

Mega Gyarados arched slightly, but quickly returned to normal and continued to use Ability, without paying too much attention to this opponent, which seemed to him to be similar to a bird, but full of threats. He just stared at Mega Aerodactyl with those tyrannical and indifferent eyes.

Don't make small moves.

"roar! !"

Aerodactyl roared, he Rage unprecedentedly, this Gyarados is not just a bit bigger, a bit fierce, a stronger imposing manner, apart from this what else?

Why do you despise me? !

"Continue to use Stone Edge."

"Continue to use Dragon Dance."

The difference with Su Qiqi is that now no matter what Su Qiqi orders, use What means to deal with Mega Gyarados, he did not move, and continued to improve the strength of Mega Gyarados. And this time Su Qiqi changed Pokémon?

Half blood comes out, your Noivern’s Super Fang doesn’t work at all!

Ling Huang's eyes are deep, "I really thought I didn't know your plan?"

Noivern can't save Mega Aerodactyl.

Perceiving this, Su Qiqi's expression is a bit solemn, and the blinking eyes show that she is thinking, thinking about how to break the game. She is different from Ling Huang. She may not be weaker than Ling Huang in overall control, but if it is one-to-one, she and Ling Huang have a chance of winning by 37%. Among them, Ling Huang's observation as a Professor shows that Ability is where Su Qiqi can't match.

Not to mention, now the anticipation of injury has become something similar to Ling Huang's instinct, and Su Qiqi is also impossible to surpass it anyway.

In fact, Ling Huang has raised Su Qiqi's score to 5.8 after knowing that Su Qiqi owns Xi Duo Lan En, and actually played against her now.

Of course, Ling Huang doesn't think Su Qiqi can beat him.

The gap is still very large, not only the gap between Pokémon, but also the gap in personal strength. Su Qiqi still has a long way to go before he can beat himself.

"Stone Edge!"

"Dragon Dance!"

Three rounds have passed.

Stone Edge 3 times, barely hit 50% blood. The current Mega Gyarados defense is indeed abnormal, and the Intimidate Characteristic Trait does have a great impact on Mega Aerodactyl.

Otherwise, impossible will only deal so little damage.

The speed is greatly improved, and the attack is greatly improved.

The Mega Gyarados is now unstoppable.

And Su Qiqi began to seriously consider whether to put Mega Aerodactyl away. In the end, it was not appropriate to give up. Putting away Mega Aerodactyl now, Pokémon, who replaced it, will definitely be countered by Mega Gyarados. With the invincible output of Mega Gyarados, Su Qiqi can easily imagine what will happen.

If she can't make the most appropriate choice, this will be the turning point for her from balance of power to defeat.

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