Diancie has a high level, but...Sidorrain is also an Elite level, and in terms of level, both Pokémon are Legendary and both are 600Species Strength. It is reasonable to say that four times the restraint It's only right that Doraine can easily suppress Diancie.

After all, it is 4 times restraint!

In fact, Diancie is Champion Level Pokémon. All abilities in the Ability list are Elite. Whether it is the most basic Tackle, Safeguard, Diamond Storm, etc., they are all equipped with skill levels!

So many matching moves...

But it can't give her much sense of security.

Four times of restraint is indeed fatal.

Of course, Sidorrain can only use Flash Cannon to suppress Diancie. If he uses the quasi-Elite Ability like "Iron Head", Diancie will definitely find a way to break the game. If you continue to use Flash Cannon, it is easy to find a weak spot by Diancie.

Champion Level Pokémon, all abilities are matching moves...

How deep is Diancie's understanding of matching moves?

Common matching tricks, as long as she goes through it many times, she can find the weak spot among them. Su Qiqi clearly understood this and switched to other moves after using Flash Cannon 3 times.

For example, Magma Storm.

As the signature and exclusive Ability of Sydorlanen, Magma Storm's formidable power is indeed strong. But what surprised Su Qiqi most was the 3 strokes of Flash Cannon, plus the damage from the previous battle between Diancie and Terrakion... This Diancie hasn't fallen yet!

"Diancie's dual defense is very high, whether it is physical defense or special defense, it can completely compare with Mega Aggron's physical defense. So don't be careless!" Ling Huang said.

He always directs Victini to fight against Terrakion and Mega Garchomp, but Bai Lanxi is behind him. Although Terrakion and Mega Garchomp have extremely high output, what about?

A Heal Pulse is back.

Moreover, Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi have a very good understanding. Avril and Coford have no chance to interrupt. On the other hand, Victini can destroy a lot of the HP of two Pokémon with every attack, especially the fire bomb, which falls from the sky. Neither Terrakion nor Mega Garchomp can dodge!

Can only bear it for life.

The flame bomb only damages Terrakion and Mega Garchomp, but not Pokémon of Bai Lanxi. This kind of singularity is also unique to matching moves.

Extremely powerful.

Of course, it's not that you won't hit your partner 100%. If it's a truly confusing battle, or if you need Bai Lanxi's Lucario to charge into the battle, it's definitely possible to accidentally get injured. But now Lucario is watching the battle with greedy eyes, but has not entered the battle, obviously it will not be affected.

Gradually, Terrakion and Mega Garchomp were suppressed instead.

The main reason is that they were all hit by purgatory, they were all burned, and they couldn't fight at all! Both Pokémon are the main attackers, and they are extremely passive in the burned state!

"Their Bai Lanxi is too difficult to be a'nanny'. Victini of Ling Huang used to get a tie with my Terrakion at most, but what's the real situation? But the two of us were crushed. ! The combination between Legendary and Heal Pulse, BP is indeed very strong, our Legendary + Mega Evolution Quasi-Legendary lineup, simply can not beat! "Avril Lavigne is also aware of the problem.

Mega Evolution Quasi-Legendary is strong, but it is limited!

Mega Garchomp means that the Species Strength is high, and the base BP explodes, but this "explosion" is also relative, and it is incomparable with a Legendary like Victini. And Legendary plus Pokémon with Heal Pulse, one Victini is directly equivalent to two. Especially their Pokémon were burned at the very beginning...

Even if Mega Garchomp and Terrakion both use Ground Type Ability, they can't beat them at all!

As the battle progresses, Avril and Coford have been unable to fight Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi with Terrakion and Mega Garchomp.

Just when they wanted to change Pokémon--

Diancie only had the last 30% HP left.

She felt the crisis, so she was out of the battle in an instant. Sidorrain still wanted to pursue it, but Diancie suddenly shot a Rock, and the target was Su Qiqi!

Sidorrain can only return to protect Su Qiqi.

Know that if this Rock hits, Su Qiqi will definitely be seriously injured! And Diancie is also measured, just to the extent that Xi Duo Lan En can resist. If Xi Duo Lan En does not resist, then Su Qiqi may really be crippled.

Diancie didn't really want to hurt Su Qiqi, it was just her escape method.

She doesn't want to be subdued.

The group of people can only watch Diancie escape. Finally, Ling Huang reacted, "Salamence Mega Evolution!"

Immediately, he boarded Mega Salamence's back and charged ahead directly.

"roar! !"

Mega Salamence's speed is not at all full, and he clings tightly behind Diancie for several tens of meters, and is in pursuit.

Avril Lavigne was a little dumbfounded, "Not Legendary Pokémon...carrying people?"

Coford looked at Ling Huang who was riding on the handsome Mega Salamence, and a flash of envy flashed in his eyes. He is also a man, so he will naturally admire handsome things.

This kind of envy can even evolve into jealousy.

"Avril Lavigne, go after it." Coford said suddenly.

"Can't chase." Avril shook her head.

"Why?" Coford suddenly realized something, "Could it be...This Ling Huang is too insidious!"

"Yes, we can't catch up at all, Terrakion is caught Burns, I’m afraid I’ll fall if I can’t chase them far.” Avril shook her head and glanced at Su Qiqi and Bai Lanxi, and saw that they also boarded Flying Pokémon and jumped directly into the air, ignoring Avril and Coford.

Without Terrakion, there is no chasing ability.

Avril Lavigne and Coford can only give up.

"Let's get out of this space first, let Pokémon recover first." Avril Lavigne said, and Coford went offline at the same time. But when they went online again, they found that the surrounding area was extremely empty, where is the so-called Legendary trail?

"Terrakion, do you feel anything?" Avril asked.

She can only hope that Terrakion can feel the breath of those Legendary.

Victini, Diancie!

Sidorlanen was put away by Su Qiqi.


Terrakion shook his head. Basically, Pokémon with different Attributes can only sense the aura of battle, while the same Attribute can sense its appearance and location. After all, Legendary has a strong connection with the substance of a certain Attribute. If other Legendary also invades into the same substance in the range, there will be induction between Legendary.

Terrakion and Diancie Attribute are similar. The only reason for not finding is that they are too far apart!


Terrakion eyes shined, looked towards the far east, "Carla! Carla!"

Avril, who is not low in affinity with Terrakion, immediately Sure, Ling Huang and Su Qiqi are there, and Diancie is there too!

Also, their Legendary must be using Ability, maybe they are still using Ability!

Even if it is far away, as long as you use Ability, the breath will diffuse and you will not be able to escape Terrakion's induction!

"Over there! Coford, you stay here and wait for me to come back."

tone barely fell, Avril straddled Terrakion's back. Terrakion ran straight up, and Avril could only lie on Terrakion's back.

Because Terrakion is really not stable enough to run, it trembles, but Terrakion's back is very hard, the feeling is really weird.

Avril Lavigne couldn't help being a little envious. The Flying mounts of Ling Huang, Su Qiqi and Bai Lanxi were smooth and fast!

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