There are all kinds of crystals all around.

Ling Huang calmed down after the initial glare. He always has a position for himself.

That is Pro Player, Trainer!

He is not a businessman and cannot estimate the value of these crystals. He is just a Player, and the Player has to subdue Pokémon and keep getting stronger! As the strongest Pro Player in China, he is also responsible for winning the championship in Olympics.

He began to search.

Observing and seeing through Ability is no less than Victini's Confusion search in many respects. Under the double search of Ling Huang and Victini, Diancie's position was finally Lock On. After all, the entire crystal pit is so big that it can't escape Ling Huang and Victini's exploration.

If Ling Huang's search is a precise search under the plane, then Victini is a rough search under the three-dimensional. Combining the two, Diancie may only be 10% undiscovered! The probability of this success was not triggered, and Diancie was finally exposed to the sight of Ling Huang and Victini.

Diancie is full of blood at this moment.

Ling Huang slightly frowned, "For Diancie, this crystal environment should be twice as effective as leftovers. That is to say, in the crystal pit, Diancie will recover 18 blood per round. This is a bit tricky Ah."

It stands to reason that Diancie has no Ability to reach this point. However...Ability is dead, especially for Champion Level Legendary like Diancie. Her existence is a miracle!

Can create all kinds of incredible.

To fight in Diancie's own field, wouldn't it be extremely disadvantageous? It is like a water field. Although it is not as amazing as the increase of Diancie by this crystal pit, it can also gain Water Type Pokémon, restricting other Pokémon who can't swim or are not top-notch in water.

Crystal venue!

The most suitable venue for Diancie.

Unfortunately-in a real game, there is basically a crystal field impossible. Diancie could only keep a steady flow of power in the crystal pit he made, until the crystal in the crystal pit was burned out by her. But there are countless crystals here, and Diancie is completely impossible to consume.

You know, this is the accumulation of Diancie for many years.

Ling Huang guessed that Diancie had absorbed the crystal to return blood, and couldn't help sighing.

"It's all money."

But Ling Huang didn't care too much. For Diancie, these crystals may be the energy she usually escapes. produced. Of course, if Diancie enters the real crystal pit to fight, he may also be able to absorb those masterless crystals.

"Although this crystal pit can be said to be real now, no one can say that these crystals are fake when taken out. It is impossible to say that a lot of ladies and ladies will come to buy it."

Ling Huang shook his head, thinking what that many are doing!

He immediately dispatched Pokémon.

"Rayquaza, Mega Evolution!"

The sky changed suddenly.


At this time.

The western area of ​​a large copy of Divine Grade.

Augs, who was fighting against a powerful and rare Pokémon-Tyranitar, suddenly browsed slightly wrinkle, and he looked towards the distant sky, and there seemed to be something unusual over there.


He motioned to Thundurus, who was beside him, but Thundurus shook his head. Augs, who is very close to Thundurus, is nodded, "It should be the Rayquaza of Ling Huang. Rayquaza is a dragon + Flying Type, and it overlaps with Thundurus, Thundurus impossible to admit it."

Immediately, Augus didn't pay attention anymore.

Just a little surprised, Ling Huang and ordinary Pokémon are fighting, and Rayquaza is going to be dispatched.

And then--

The battle broke out.

Thundurus motioned to Augs, Augs was nodded, his eyes were a little shocked. It is difficult for Thundurus to perceive the breath of Diancie, after all, they are far apart. It's not that I can't sense it, but I can't detect it. After all, it's too far. But because of the burst of Rayquaza's breath before, Thundurus, who is also Flying Type, perceives the existence of Rayquaza, and even Diancie, who immediately burst into force, did not escape Thundurus's perception.

Before, Thundurus's attention was in that area!

It is much easier to perceive naturally!

"Let's go!" Augs was a little anxious, Thundurus raised Augsto with his arms and kept moving forward. The other Player "Phil" who also belonged to the US team was left in place by Augus. Phil didn't say much, after all, she didn't have a Legendary, and couldn't be carried by Thundurus like Augus. With the size of Thundurus, flying with Augus is already the limit.

In general, the number of Pokémon carried depends on the size. If Ling Huang’s Gyarados becomes an entity, it is estimated that it can carry 10 people. Of course, Gyarados can't fly yet, so it's relatively reluctant.

Thundurus keeps moving forward.

The distance may be longer after all, and it will take some time to arrive.


Southeast side.

Hidada Jun Coby said to Pokémon next to him: "Did you feel anything?"

Regirock shook his head. Despite the strong changes in the sky, he couldn't perceive it. To. The main reason is that the distance is too far-naked eye can see it, but the mind can't perceive it.

Because that is the change of sky, it is easy to see.

But the distance is too far to perceive. And Rock Type’s Regirock and Flying Type are indeed a bit far apart, almost as different as Heaven and Earth. Of course, as different as Heaven and Earth is not derogatory, but the height difference between real clouds and mud.

As a pure Rock Type Legendary, Regirock does have its strengths. The allocation of Attribute points alone is enough to make Huitian Pure Coby value it. It's just that Regirock is different from the mainstream Legendary and is not an entity, so Huitian Jun Coby can only sigh.

And at this moment--

Rays of light flashed in Regirock's eyes, but it dimmed quickly. They don't have a moving tool in this space. Although they perceive Diancie's location, he is impossible to take Huitian Chun Coby to the crystal pit to conquer Diancie.

"Ling Ling..."

The rays of light in Regirock's eyes became more and more flaming, but eventually looked towards elsewhere. Why was he among the excluded Legendary when he first came to Earth?

Although he knew it had something to do with the power level, Regirock still sighed that Thundurus did not change from an entity to an incorporeal body. Of course, other Pokémons that have not reached the Legendary level have all become virtual.

Even the Dragonite of Yulongdu is virtual.

"Have you noticed the legendary breath?" Ashida Jun Coby asked excitedly, but soon he regretted, "Yes, time can't keep up, and it's useless to notice it."

There is envy in his eyes.

Envy Augus, envy Ling Huang!

Why is their Legendary an entity, capable of manning, destroying, and possessing strong BP? As the strongest player in Japan, he owns Regirock in a virtual form, but can't influence reality at all?

This is not fair!

If you let this Huitian Chun Coby know that Ling Huang's Victini can also turn ordinary Pokémon into an entity, it would be even more jealous.

Would you like to be so against the sky?

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