After taking over Skarmory, Ling Huang can be said to have the ability to escape from Absol. Of course, it's definitely not now, but it can't be delayed too long.

The current Skarmory Level is not too high, and it is very difficult to escape from Absol.

It can be said that Ling Huang has only one chance.

If this opportunity is wasted, the success probability of Ling Huang's running behind will definitely be smaller. Ling Huang must gain Absol's trust in a short period of time, so that he feels that he is content with the status quo, even with Absol's side, even with such a hard life, he can still live well.

So Ling Huang began to command his Pokémon on a journey of fighting monsters and upgrading.

In fact, he doesn't know what to do. But with Absol, the three Pokémon did improve very quickly. Especially Skarmory, which has a high level itself, is naturally more powerful with Absol's guidance.

It's another half a month. In the past, Ling Huang's three Pokémons all entered the 50-level limit, which is somewhat different from Ling Huang's original estimate. Of course, this is a good thing, after all, much faster than originally estimated.

It was mainly Absol's guidance, and gave three Pokémon a lot of "EXP". In addition, Ling Huang can only command Venusaur, Greninja, and Skarmory to upgrade the monsters when Ling Huang is bored, and their level naturally increases extremely fast.

And this day--

Absol seemed to feel something and motioned to Ling Huang to ride on Skarmory. After Ling Huang took over Skarmory, Absol no longer had to take the Ling Huang Fly, but let Skarmory carry Ling Huang Flying. Anyway, because Skarmory is a Flying Type, the speed is not much slower than Absol, and it can barely keep up.

At least a lot faster than Absol dragging a burden.

While the wind blows in the air, Ling Huang does not feel comfortable, but feels that his whole body is restrained and cannot break free. He knew that Absol was always paying attention to him. With Absol's power, as long as he stared at him, Ling Huang could not move. If he also has Pokémon of the same level, it's okay, he can completely protect himself. But now Ling Huang is as weak as an ant in Absol's eyes, and he doesn't even worry about Ling Huang's escape.

He can't escape for long.

As long as he still has the aura of disaster, Absol will have no difficulty to find Ling Huang. It's just that Ling Huang doesn't seem to know this yet, and is still preparing how to escape.

It seems that Flying for a long time, and in the sky, Absol stopped. He looked down, and there was a silhouette there. Ling Huang also quickly came to him, looking down but couldn't see anything.

Ling Huang didn't dare to go down first, but still sat on Skarmory's back. Skarmory's back is really hard, as if sitting on a steel, it's not really enjoyable. But Ling Huang didn't feel much. He had suffered enough for more than a month, and sitting on Skarmory didn't feel tortured.

After staying in the air for about two days, Absol's movement was also extremely irregular.

Two days later, there was a thunderstorm.

The thunder and lightning struck in the distance, and the escaping thunder almost hit Skarmory's body, making Ling Huang impossible to move even a little bit. Oh my God, Skarmory is like a steel cast. When he encounters water and then meets Thunder, Ling Huang is afraid that he will be chopped into coke!

This World is really dangerous!

Fortunately, Absol quickly brought Ling Huang to the ground.

And Ling Huang was finally able to see the target that Absol was staring at!

Dylan Water.

This is the old fogey that Ling Huang met on the boat bound for the Orange Islands. Ling Huang was a little puzzled. Why was the old man not sensed by Absol at the time, but is sensed now?

This is unscientific.

"Will he only get it later?"

Ling Huang can only think of this explanation.

"Absol...this breath should be the Absol that appeared on the cruise ship. It is really strong." As an Elite, this vision is really not weak, and it is easy to find the strangeness of Absol. .

He also felt...this Absol has a desire for himself. It should be interested in something about yourself.

What exactly is it?

Dylan old fogey was lost in thought.

Ling Huang quickly saved from Skarmory after landing, and quickly put Skarmory away, stood aside and said hello to Dylan Water, "old fogey, meet again!"


"You really are with Absol!" Dylan said in surprise.

"He was taken away." Ling Huang said with a bitter smile.

He knows Dylan's strength very well. As an Elite, Dylan is indeed strong. He could take refuge in Dylan now, and then leave Absol's control. But he didn’t. First is the problem of success rate, and then...

Although his own life is quite bitter these days, Absol is not bad to himself. He even teaches his Pokémon, otherwise Ling Huang These three Pokémons are also impossible to upgrade so quickly.

Ling Huang can't, just stand on the opposite side of Absol. So he chose to stand beside him, and the rain poured on him and wet his whole body, but Ling Huang didn't care.

Absol has issued a clear fighting intent.

Dylan was not impatient, he looked towards Ling Huang and asked: "Absol, what does he want?"

"A stone, a transparent stone." Ling Huang said.

"Key Stone." Absol speak human's words.

Dylan browses slightly wrinkle, this Absol can even speak, which means that Absol has lived for a very long time. Usually, this kind of Pokémon is extremely difficult to deal with.

He didn't know that Absol had reached the limit of this race, and the only way to improve was mega evolution.

This kind of opponent, Dylan is difficult to beat.

Dylan is nodded, he probably understands. Last time, Absol also snatched a transparent gem. So this time Dylan also has reason to believe that Absol came for his strange, unresearched key stone.

After all, his trip to Dylan was because of Absol’s last behavior, which made Alliance feel that that kind of stone might hide a secret, so Dylan brought a similar stone to Johto Region and gave it to him. Professor researched.

After understanding what happened, Dylan also knew that this battle was unstoppable.

He can only send his Pokémon.


This is a shiny red Gyarados, which looks extremely fierce, and immediately hit Absol with a strong intimidate. However, Absol only shook it slightly, blocking the Intimidate force. Even Absol's attack power did not drop.

As Absol’s strongest ability, even red Gyarados, just the Intimidate Characteristic Trait cannot affect Absol.

After all, Absol is a powerful acquired Legendary. Every acquired Legendary may have exhausted its potential, but all of them can be ranked in the middle of the Legendary.

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