The player lounge.

Samuel Oak watched the match between Ling Huang and Rika Nishimiya on the field, always frowns. He couldn't agree with Ling Huang's battle method. In his opinion, Pokémon duel was something similar to "competition", but Ling Huang's battle method was more inclined to crush, which made him look uncomfortable.

There is no sportsmanship. This is Samuel Oak's evaluation of Ling Huang.

"Even such people, as long as they are talented enough, can be valued by Alliance." Samuel Oak shook his head, feeling a little absurd.

At the end, Samuel Oak only slightly improved Ling Huang, his brows stretched slightly.

"This Giovanni Ryō is still a bit conscientious."

But soon, he discovered something was wrong.

"No, this should be wrong." Samuel Oak shook his head, "This Giovanni and other Pokémon have already appeared, only the Gallade did not appear, so I did not use Garchomp to crush. The co-authoring is also for He or his Pokémon. But... at least his heart is not entirely the idea of ​​crushing others to show the limelight, otherwise this character would be too bad."

Ling Huang didn’t know, he finally sent Gallade’s Behavior, so that Samuel Oak's favorability will not drop to the freezing point. But even if he knew it, he wouldn't care, because he was not crushing for any reason, nor was he trying to show off. He simply wants to win, and then uses the most appropriate and safest method to win, nothing more.

He doesn't have too many bells and whistles.

At this time Ling Huang also returned to the lounge and started preparing for the finals. If nothing else, then the opponent of Ling Huang finals should be Samuel Oak. This Ling Huang wanted to fight with him for a long time, and even early-Stage he still had a lot of longing for Samuel Oak, and felt that even if he reached Peak, it was impossible to have the strength of Professor Oak. But in fact, he was already equal to Professor Oak in the previous pinnacle period, but he had never fought even once.

Unexpectedly, accidents are not so easy to happen.

Under Samuel Oak's steady and orderly attack, his opponent retreated steadily. With the cheers from the audience, the battle came to an end. Samuel Oak won the semi-finals and entered the finals with Ling Huang.

As long as anyone can win, he is the winner of the Indigo Plateau Conference. Even the name will be recorded inside the Pokémon Alliance, and it also has the qualification to challenge the true Elite level. As long as you win, you can replace it.

Ling Huang didn't challenge the idea of ​​Elite. He didn't need to be anxious, and he didn't need to restrain himself with the title of Elite. Even more how, his probability of challenging Elite to win was less than 30%. After all, Elite's Pokémon is already very strong, and the Kanto Region's Elites are also very strong. And Elite position and Elite strength are two concepts. It does not mean that you can get an Elite position when you reach Elite strength.

The odds of winning by 30% are already extremely high. Many true Elites dare not say that they have such a high chance of winning against Kanto Elite. After all, an Elite with a position is like an acquired Legendary, and an ordinary Elite is like a top grade Pokémon of 99, with a huge gap between them.

Ling Huang just wants to win, then prove his "innate talent" and win resources to lay the foundation for the next trip. If it can be trained by Alliance, Ling Huang will not refuse. After all, there is no such convenient thing as system, even Mega Evolution stones can be exchanged.

If you want to get as much convenience as the previous system, then show yourself as much as possible.

Samuel Oak and Ling Huang didn’t have much time to rest. Soon they both stood on both sides of the central venue, neither giving way to the other. The referees are also in their respective positions, both Ling Huang and Samuel Oak are extremely fighting intents.

Ling Huang didn't say much. Although he hoped that Samuel Oak could use his full strength, he did not say anything. Even if he said it, Samuel Oak's affection for Ling Huang would not be taken care of. Rather, since Samuel Oak doesn't look pleasing to his eyes, he will definitely use his best, so don't worry about it.

"The stronger you behave, the more accurate the positioning of the Old Guys from the Alliance will be for me, and the more resources they will give me." Ling Huang thought to himself.

Samuel Oak looked at Ling Huang and asked suddenly: "Are you less than 17 years old this year?"

"If you are talking about my body age, how close I am It’s only 17 months old.” Ling Huang said, secretly saying in his heart, if it is a psychological age, I am older than you.

But he didn't say it, and Samuel Oak certainly didn't believe it. It's like a very beautiful little elder sister, she said under her skirt...then others definitely don't believe it!

"Really a genius. At the age of 17, he already has the strength close to Elite, and he is also a top-notch among the quasi-Elites. Moreover, it has only been a year of travel, which is really unimaginable. What will you achieve in the future "Samuel Oak exclaimed.

Ling Huang shrugged and didn't say much. The period from the start of travel to the present is the peak period for him, or his Pokémons, to improve their strength. Now Ling Huang's Pokémons have almost touched the threshold of Elite, and the next improvement will be more difficult. He knew it in his own mind, and he would naturally not be affected by Samuel Oak. If it's the veteran Professor Oak after several decades, it's okay, but now the young Samuel Oak, his words make Ling Huang unable to improve.

Of course, in Ling Huang's heart, he still respects this Samuel Oak. After all, Professor Oak has helped himself a lot before, and he can accept it even if he is "blackmailed" by himself. Although Ling Huang is only approaching the limit of Professor Oak every time, it is not really unsatisfied.

"Even if you say that, I will not give you the championship." Ling Huang thought for a while, and said so in order to alleviate this embarrassment.

Samuel Oak didn't say much after all. Although he couldn't understand Ling Huang, he was not the kind of person who would directly vent his inner dissatisfaction. He will make Ling Huang aware of his battle method mistakes in actual combat.

"Giovanni Ling and Samuel Oak are asked to choose 6 Pokémon to play." The referee said.

Ling Huang’s Pokémon has not changed. To put it bluntly, his Pokémon is only six. After determining that the goal is to raise all Pokémon to the acquired Legendary level, Ling Huang does not intend to subdue other Pokémon. , Even if I accept it, I don’t plan to cultivate it.

Venusaur, Greninja, Skarmory, Gallade, Armaldo, Garchomp.

The six Pokémons that couldn't be beaten, forming a nearly perfect complement, and each Pokémon is outstanding enough, Ling Huang is very satisfied with them. Ling Huang, who owns these 6 Pokémons, has absolutely no weak spot.

And Samuel Oak's lineup has also not changed, as before, the 6 main battle Pokémon.

Dragonite, Venusaur, Pidgeot, Slowking, Electivire, Steelix.

The battle between Ling Huang and Samuel Oak is about to start.

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