Three Norman’s seas away from land.

Absol stopped here, Ling Huang wrapped his body with Mental Force so that he could stand on the lake. He looked around and didn't think there was any change here. Still bright sun and a gentle breeze, still calm without waves, no abnormalities at all.


Absol lowered his arrogant head.

Ling Huang also lifts the head, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

It was a half-Qilin or centaur Pokémon, full of holiness. In front of this Pokémon, one could not help but lament his insignificance, as if facing the entire world.


The god of creation, Arceus.

It is said that Arceus is the creator of this World. He was born from the egg of nothingness and then created the entire world. This legend is undoubtedly credible, Ling Huang can feel the connection between Arceus and the entire world through Psychic. This connection is one-way, it is this World's unilateral pairing of "father" Arceus Charm. Although Arceus has the responsibility to take care of this World, he cannot actively establish contact with the world, not only because of lack of ability, but also for other reasons.

The power of planet is greater than that of Arceus.

It is like many weapons created by mankind, powerful enough to change the landscape. But is human beings really that strong? the answer is negative.

Arceus represents the law and the origin of the world, but he is not omnipotent. He can borrow the power of this World, but he cannot be stronger than the world. He is just a god of creation, not destroying the extinguishing soul.

So, in front of Arceus, Ling Huang actually has such a trace of self-protection, only a trace.

But even so, he still knows that he is not Arceus' opponent. As the god of creation, Arceus is the peak of all Legendary even if its power is not specialized in destruction. If there is a Level display, then Arceus' Level is undoubtedly 100... or higher.

Yes, the mysterious of Arceus makes Ling Huang not even sure whether the Arceus Level has the limit of breakthrough 100.

Can't be the enemy.

Ling Huang told himself inwardly.

It seems that Ling Huang is deeply guarded, Arceus said: "Don't worry, I don't have Malice."

"en." Ling Huang was still on guard and asked. : "Did you come here because you also felt the crisis?"

Arceus nodded, without saying more, went straight into the sea. As the creator of the world, Arceus has no distinction between Attributes, it can be transformed into any Attribute, or it can have all Attributes at the same time. His power is like an abyss, and its limits are invisible.

Ling Huang thought for a while, and for Absol nodded, he went straight into the sea. Now Ling Huang can be said to be a genius in Psychic. Psychic, who has reached the limit, makes his own strength surpass most Pokémon.

Diving is naturally not a problem, just pay attention to the amount of Psychic, it will be very bad if it is consumed. But with Absol beside, Ling Huang doesn't need to worry too much.

Walking in the water, the clothes are not wet at all, breathing is not difficult, the body does not feel the slightest pressure, all is taken over by Psychic. Ling Huang followed Arceus down, and finally "see" the tiny thing. In fact, Ling Huang didn't see it, he was just looking at the huge water current vortex and was fascinated. This vortex is round, and countless water is swallowed by the vortex, forming a vacuum, and then a stream of water will be swallowed in quickly. Even Ling Huang didn't dare to approach, he could feel that as long as he approached, he would be swallowed.

As for the end of being eaten...

Do you still think about it?

"Let's go." Arceus didn't do anything to the current vortex. There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, even the imposing manner was not so strong anymore, "Go up and talk about it."

"Okay." Ling Huang is nodded. He knows very well that he can't do anything. Although he can be called Peak Level in Trainer, even the hidden Sect Master level Trainer in Alliance is impossible to be Arceus opponent.

The level of Arceus is no longer bound by the rules of Pokémon.

Levitate was in the air, and Arceus said, "First put your Pokémon away."

He motioned to Absol next to him.

"Do you even want to dodge Absol?" Ling Huang was a little confused, but still obediently put Absol away. Suddenly, Ling Huang lost his feeling for the 7 Poké Balls.


Ling Huang looked towards Arceus, there was a doubt in his eyes, what do you mean?

"Some things are temporarily inconvenient for other Pokémon to know." Arceus whispered: "They may go to death."

Ling Huang's heart beats suddenly, Legendary... ...To die?

Although this planet also has a cruel side, the deaths of Pokémon that Ling Huang actually witnessed are actually very few, especially Legendary. From the perspective of human beings, it has an almost "eternal" lifespan. After all, the lifespan of Legendary, which has been around for thousands of years, is indeed unimaginable when compared to the poorly short hundred years of human beings.

"Let’s talk in another place."

Tone barely fell, Ling Huang felt that the situation before him changed drastically and entered a vast and independent space. The scenery here is beautiful, the air is fresh, and it is very livable. If you are not mistaken, this should be a space similar to a large-scale Divine Grade copy, and it is also the residence of Arceus, his exclusive domain.

Suddenly a coffee table appeared in front of Ling Huang's eyes. Two cups were put down on both sides of Ling Huang and Arceus. An antique teapot appeared out of thin air and disappeared directly after pouring the tea.

The tea is fragrant and pleasant.

Even if Ling Huang doesn't understand tea, he can know the preciousness of this tea.

"Giovanni Ryō or...Ling Huang." Arceus looked directly at Ling Huang's eyes, and he could see Ling Huang's pupils shrinking slightly, which was clearly said by him.

Ling Huang, is his real name, his hidden real name.

"How did you know?" Ling Huang sank after his initial surprise.

"The breath on your body told me that it belongs to me. Of course, it is definitely not me at this point in time, but a farther future. But it will not be too far, that is, two Ten years from now." Arceus said: "I can feel your specialness. You still have the breath of Celebi, Mew, and Hoopa, and the breath of Diancie, Rayquaza, and Victini."

"Mew ?" Ling Huang slightly frowned.

"How do you think you were born in this World? Without Mew’s Help, you would be impossible to become a life. Even if you appear in this World, you are just a wandering spirit that ordinary people can’t see. It’s just a pure spiritual Confusion, nothing can be done.” Arceus said: “Although I don’t know why Mew will help you, but since I will meet you in 20 years, it also shows that this World I created has already been created. It's the end."

Ling Huang's inner vibration is beyond words.

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