(PS: Chapter 145 "Rainbow Wing", Groudon cannot release the Water Type Ability because of the "Big Drought" Characteristic Trait. Greninja and Groudon are dead... has been changed. )

"Use Heavy Slam!" Phil said immediately.

She knows very well that Diancie is four times restrained by Steel Type, and with the weight difference between Regichkas and Diancie, all the formidable power of Heavy Slam can be fully utilized.

This is the advantage of ordinary Pokémon. Most of them can learn a lot of Attribute Ability, and in many cases they can find points for restraining each other and win.

However, Ling Huang would not give Phil such an opportunity to restrain Diancie.

He understands Diancie’s weaknesses better than anyone.

Steel Type.

This is Ability that must be avoided.


Regichkas, who came back fiercely, passed Ling Huang directly.


Phil's face is calm, but he's already panicked.

"No, impossible."

She believes in Regichkas very much, and Regitchkas has basically never missed Ability. The proud Phil thought that his Regidschkas was different from the Pokémon of the Japanese team, but in fact, when facing Ling Huang, it was no different.

I can't touch Diancie at all.

The huge Regichkas can only watch the Loli-shaped Diancie drooling, but can't do anything.

"Use Diamond Storm." Ling Huang said immediately.

The shining storm blew up, swept the entire site, and even fuse together with the original Sandstorm, forming an even bigger storm.


I have to say that Diancie’s damage is indeed high, even if the opponent is a Pokémon that is also extremely defensive like Regickas. It should be understood that at the time of slow start, Regichkas's double defense is even much higher than his double attack.

After starting, this strange Pokémon has become much stronger.

"Although Regickas is strong, it is impossible to be the opponent of Diancie." Ling Huang looked calm, and said in one's heart secretly.

If you can't beat Regichkas, Ling Huang is also impossible to release Diancie, isn't it just unhappy?

Phil forced herself to calm down. She somewhat understood. Since Ling Huang released Diancie, it means that he has the confidence that Diancie can pick them 3 Legendary! With this in mind, Phil once again lowered his goal.

Break out 13 HP and you are satisfied.

However, Ling Huang didn't even give her this opportunity.

"Use Stone Edge!"

"Use the last diamond storm on Regichkas!"

Two words from Ling Huang, completely defeated Phil's fantasy. From beginning to end, her Regichkas only hit Ling Huang's Diancie twice, and neither of these abilities was Steel Type Ability, but other irrelevant Attribute Ability.

Not much damage at all!

After all, Diancie's dual defense is very high, especially the special defense, which becomes very extreme in Sandstorm weather. Of course, the output of Diancie is relatively weak, close to 13 damage is output by Sandstorm weather, and the rest is played by Diancie.

Half of Qin Fan's credit for defeating Regichkas.


Phil looked at Ling Huang, slightly sighed. She feels a little uncomfortable. Why is there such a big gap between herself and Ling Huang?

She was very puzzled, but couldn't think of the answer. She could only put Regickas away with this doubt, and then Phil walked off the field and gave Jeremiah a high five in tribute.

Jeremiah is a blond youngster in his twenties who looks a little arrogant.

Phil said: "Don't underestimate him, he is really strong."

"Phil, rest assured I will solve him. Then I will prove to you that only I can I own you." Jeremiah said with a smile.

After speaking, he turned around.

Augs said indifferently: "Listen to Phil, he is very strong, far better than you. Ten of you are not his opponent. Do you understand?"

Jeremiah step one stopped, gritted his teeth and said immediately: "I understand."


How can Augus not know Jeremiah's mind, he is too arrogant Now, even if he is only superficially respectful to him, Augus has always wanted to take his place.

But Augs didn't want Jeremiah to be careless when facing Ling Huang, it was meaningless.

Looking at Jeremiah coming to power, Ogus remembered many posts on the forum ten days ago.

"Be proud of a champion." He shook his head, disdainful of Jeremiah.

Nowadays, there are only two champions in Player, one is his Augus, the other is Ling Huang. Augs still remembers that at that time Ling Huang entered Champion Level like a hot knife through butter, and his qualifying points continued to improve, leaving him behind, the player who was promoted earlier. Jeremiah wanted to catch up, but found that he couldn't catch up anyway.

The ranking points can reflect the player's strength to a large extent.

Now Ling Huang’s ranking score is much higher than that of Augus. Today, on the global Player Ranking List, Ling Huang is the first!

I don't know how many Players are jealous of that position, but there is no way, no one can shake Ling Huang's position, no one.

When Jeremiah officially competed on the same stage with Ling Huang, he was actually very excited. Although I don't want to admit it, Ling Huang is indeed the "god" of the Player at this stage, especially in the match between the Japanese home team and the Chinese vice team. After Ling Huang pulling strongly against a crazy tide was announced, Ling Huang stepped on it. The three players ranked in the top 30 of the world Player Strength Ranking, Coby, Nao Kamiya, and Ayaka Miyazaki, directly boarded the altar.

It is an honor for Jeremiah to be able to play against such a Player. But Jeremiah hopes to be famous on Ling Huang.

The entire North America only knows Augus, but few people know him as a rising star, which makes Jeremiah unacceptable.

Uxie: lv.93

As a Legendary of Psychic Type, Uxie is really not weak, and her dual defense is particularly high, and her output ability is slightly weaker. And in Ling Huang's view, Uxie's threat to most teams is much higher than that of Regicus.

However, as soon as Uxie came out, she was enveloped in the Sandstorm hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Sandstorm, there are 2 rounds left.

Jeremiah knows very well that he is used to replace Augus. In such a Sandstorm weather, Augus is basically impossible to let his own Pokémon appear.

At this time, Jeremiah naturally has to play.

In the beginning, he faced such a disadvantage, but Jeremiah didn't care. Whether he could harvest Ling Huang's Diancie or not, his contribution in this duel was indelible.

There will definitely be many people remembering him.

"Use Yawn Ability!"

"Use Moonblast!"

Although Jeremiah let Uxie use Yawn, Diancie will definitely fall asleep next, but Ling Huang It's true, it can even be said that he doesn't care at all.

Moonblast, come out.


Uxie, who was hit, had not much HP in the first place, and became even scarcer.

And soon, Diancie also fell into a sleep state simultaneously, hu hu sleeping Diancie seemed to have no resistance to Uxie's attack.

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